Sup Forums told me that Bewear would be useful, why would you lie to me?

Sup Forums told me that Bewear would be useful, why would you lie to me?

>Two Damage-dealing STAB moves
Am I the only one who hates having this on their mons?

You deserved it.

*of the same type

>listening to casuals
Bewear is ok at best

Go to your containment board, faggot.

Not training an adamant bewear like a smart person

>wanting useful pokemon
>not going out of your way to use the absolute worst 'mons possible without simply being underleveled

Teach it Bulk Up and it'll be great for a playthrough.

Competitively, he's not great. Still fun though.

What's a stab move?

He's pretty good even competitively.
You forgot to breed on ice Punch and thunder punch.
Use bulk up too. He's tanky as fuck

Who runs take down over return?

I just caught this one as a snuffil, I don't have time to breed and relevel.

STAB stands for same type attack bonus. Offensive moves that share a type with the Pokemon using them get a 50% power boost. So with Water type Pokemon using the move Surf, for example, you would calculate the damage with 135 Base Power, rather than 90. 90 x 1,5 = 135.

OP must be literally 10 years old to think what he posted is a "bad pokemon". I bet you the rest of his team is a level 70 owl and hacked shiny tokos

>only end game is battle tree

Will we ever get another surprise on the same level as gen 2?

You really should Bewear about whatever Sup Forums tells you

Get out.

Given that Gen 2 postgame was made possible by the main game being short and shallow, no.

>Quick Ball
>Two normal moves

This desu senpai. I dont really know about shallow, but I think people forget how short the game would have been if the trip back to Kanto wasn't there. Doesn't the elite four in that game use pokemon in their early level 40s?

I wouldn't even count Kanto as postgame. It's just the final quarter of the game, with Red instead of the Pokemon League as the final boss.

well you should have breed you one with thunder punch and ice punch.

Bewear is elder god bro tier op.