What does Sup Forums think about Wakfu?

What does Sup Forums think about Wakfu?

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I love the world, but the game is fucking trash and the show is meh.

>show is meh
But that's wrong.

Love it.

>the show is meh.
McKill yourself my friend.

> ask about Wakfu
>posts a picture from Dofus

I need to finish season 1 on Netflix.

Sorry, but it's meh. Oban Star Racers is a way better show.

Dofus counts as a Wakfu spinoff

lmao furfags

it's the other way around

it's the other way around

Show is GOAT
Games are meh
Porn is good

You are right I am mentally damaged

The only reason anyone gives a fuck about Dofus/Wakfu is because the artist draws the females jam packed with sex appeal. It's a pretty fucking bland series.

>you'll never have interracial sex with ecaflip and cra harlots

>tfw waifu is mortal

Fuck that, give me a Iop and an Osamodas.

but thats dofus tho

Why was Amelia's mom so hot?

>Iop and an Osamodas

I just realized how perfect it was for a femdom threesome

>tfw no airheaded genki Iop GF

very cool artstyle, don't care about it beyond that

seems like an ok cardgame

An interesting MMO, though the cartoon is what everyone likes. The french sure know how to make appealing character designs for a fantasy setting.

why are frenchfags better animators than japs?

French people have creative spirit and can make cartoons in an industry that isn't ridiculously oversaturated with shit.

Because the French aren't pressured by their NEET fanbase to produce the same thing over and over again in a very small time frame

A smaller, less commercially successful industry will always be run and lead by more creative and dedicated people
Same reason why (before mainstream success) indie games were generally good

Because what the frenchfags are doing is incredibly not cost-efficient.
The volume 2 of Dofus the movie will be released in 4 years because of low box-office .



Why is it allowed?

Literally cannot watch the show without fapping.
Gave up on it a long time ago

This. I wanna fuck too many of the characters, female or male.


Never finished the first season because there was no torrent with English subtitles when I looked for one, Netflix only had one in my main language which is the worst shit to read subtitles of, and anything else is just shitty quality.

I can't give you a torrent but there are decent streams with English subs available.

That has been a rule from the dawn of animation.
French are always better at animation.

i swear its the most forced shipping i've ever seen in an official capacity

>decent streams
decent =/= good. Streaming is a last resort and then it should at least be as close to the quality I can get from downloading.


Most forced teasing, you mean
>similar age
>technically prince and princess
>balancing personalities
>some innocent chemistry
And yet, officially, nothing really happened between the two... yet

that seson end
was worth it watcing Sup Forums flipp out, similar to Sup Forums when P&S with ganterbelt ended

>cartoon gives you feel

I wish the new season was about the cast's children.

TFW no iop girl running around in nothing but a tabard.

there must be a gold mine of porn somewhere for wakfu

Because the french have standards, and don't like to industrialize everything, especially where creative material is concerned.

a shame the game is shit and has been getting shittier ever since
>story mode is now what you'd call meme mode, references and memes to the eye can see
>like seriously ankama you do understand the pokemon anime team rocket sequences don't have to be in every fucking dungeon
>servers shit itself so often that if you're going for a long dungeon you might as well not
>crafting has been made pretty much worthless
>faction system dumbed down beyond limits
>"hero" system introduced which lets you just multiclient on one account if you pay

tfw no iop girl trying to be your 'knight'

I didn't know France was in Africa.

just end it all

Well no but a big part of africa is now in France though.

RIP France. Was good knowing you.

What exactly is your official capacity, and how exactly does your officially capacity make you an authority on shipping?

pretty much this.

That´s not interracial anymore.

>My taste is better
You could have made objective critizisms and remained sovereign in your assessment, but now you made yourself open to attacks.

My heart lit up. 2 cute.

God real sad mang

>mini-wakfu poked fun at his death


Just makes me wish dofus was still good.

Not for the animated series.
There are more blacks in the us, 12+%, than in france, 4-%.

>wached Oban when it came out à decade ago when I was 12
>try to remember the name for years
>read this
thanks user

Games are trash and tv show was pretty good

Why is grovey best character in the series?

Which wakfu girls are the best and why are they Iops?

>The show makes you feel bad/sad about a tentacled telepathic crab monster

Seriously the time they put into the other racers backstories and motivations was extreme.

I like the cute shota boy

Oban has no furries though.

wait should I watch the OVA or go with Season 2?

S2 first. The OVA is after.

oh ok