I liked it.
I liked it
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And you are?
user, I'm going to tell you something very important right now. Are you listening?
Good. I'm glad you liked it.
Every game is shit in someone's eyes, stop following Sup Forums's commands and keep an open mind. Sup Forums said Undertale was shit, and to see if it really was, I played it. Guess what? I liked it. It wasn't amazing but it was fun. That's what games are meant to be. Fun. You're breaking free from the shackles OP, just a bit more and you'll finally rid yourself of this horrible nightmare.
I have 1 hour logged on Steam and I got it on launch.
Best game I've ever played.
Go away, nigger
Is all the DLC released for it so I can finally pirate it?
The game is only enjoyable if you go full Brotherhood of Steel. Kill every synth you see, kill Danse, destroy Acadia etc.
Ad victoriam, fuckers.
Todd Howard, the Fallout Mastermind
Survival mode gave me a whole new appreciation of this game. It is like an absolutely new game when played on survival mode. I turned off the hud and got immersed. The game does a great job of keeping no-hud viable, so I never felt stifled. Anyways, what I'm saying is that Fo4 is really enjoyable if you play survival with not hud. I got immersed and I love it.
yea its been out for a while
Fallout 4 is not an RPG.
A least I think they made a few steps in the good direction compared to F3 or Skyrim. The sandbox is no longer filled with concrete, you can actually change some shit, affect factions characters and places, build your own settlements. And some of the factions are exclusive, and you don't become a leader of one in 1.5h.
retardation must be cleansed at every opportunity
I heard the Nuka World dlc is quite retarded and you either raid your own settlements or can't do shit, is that true?
The Brotherhood does not operate in public places in broad daylight.
The Brotherhood does not send open invitations for recruits in broad daylight.
The Brotherhood does not publicly broadcast their existence to an entire region aboard a giant flying zeppelin.
They are not the Brotherhood of Steel.
And? Do you want a cookie?
It's okay, but it's not Fallout. They could call it Radioactive Wasteland and it wouldn't be bad
They literally did all of that in Fallout Tactics.
When a military faction is low on numbers, you don't fucking jerk off in a corner being elitist about it.
>If one looks closely at the bottle next to the Sole Survivor's great-great grandmother and young great-grandfather, the bottle reads Nuka-Cola. However, the scene takes place in 1945 and Nuka-Cola was invented in 2044.
>Nuka-Cola was invented in 2044 by John-Caleb Bradberton.
>Sierra Petrovita's dialogue in Fallout 3: "When Nuka-Cola was invented by John-Caleb Bradberton in 2044, it quickly became the world's most popular soft drink."
>Trusting any machine that has free will
>Especially when they're in superior bodies in comparison to humans
No, you're the retard. Humanity would be walking on egg shells for the rest of its life trying to not piss these things off.
do you honestly believe the Brotherhood in 4 were short on numbers?
Tactics also has playable deathclaws.
annihilating every subhuman, degenerate existence in the wasteland while listening to this
it's almost an inofficial bos anthem.
ad victoriam.
So why not expand more?
Why be content being this tiny ass faction when you can expand and rival the greatest militaries seen in the old world?
It's comfy
Play survival, when you need to drop off loot at home base, you drop off everything and leave with nothing but a few grenades. Start again.
That shit is fucking FUN
Survival also gives an actual purpose to shit like the BoS Vertibirds. As well as removing RADS from unclean food with PA.
Fuck the BoS. There is not a game where these stuck-up asshats are the tiniest bit sympathetic nor i ever felt the need to aid their retarded cause.
Is there a way to wipe them out in FO4? Blowing up their base in New Vegas was great.
I just hate re-looting everything when I die.
But having the save only at beds is great.
I'm so conflicted with survival, there's so much I like about it but there's so much that makes the game feel unenjoyable.
That's great, still doesn't mean it's a good game.
I mean, I really like The Room, but it's definitely not a good movie. It still has better writing than Fallout 4
that sky looks so out of place
How is this dude a retired army vet? I know you can customize him and all but the default guys is, what, 30?
I'm ashamed of myself for paying full price for it and the DLC and even now the shame isn't strong enough for me to play again, even with mods
>buy game
>play for a bit
>get a few guns
>they all fire casings into my eyes because apparently the only guns ever made in the Fallout 4 universe are all left-handed
Where is that ever said?
Also you can retire from the army without retiring from work entirely, dude
Or maybe he retired to become a stay-at-home dad, after all his wife has a law degree
Because you never see it IRL because of the light pollution.
That view is constantly there, you just cant see it except beyond of the end of civilization, both geographically or globally.
Welcome to video games :)
You can crash their giant blimp
Or maybe he was a conscientous objector´.
no, it isn't that bright, your sky texture sucks and was made for 14 year olds
Friendly reminder that fallout 4 is designed to be played in survival mode.
>realistic damage
>can only save in beds
>need to eat, drink and sleep
>no fast travel
>settlements and local leader actually useful
>makes power armor even better
console disables for all you cheating cunts
dude, I live in rural finland. I know how the sky looks.
Fallout 4 doesn't have enough good features to outweigh the bad. And no, mods can't fix it.
>can only save in beds
That's bullshit tho. Game is a crashing mess, you'd think quick-save would actually be useful for once.
With mods you can quicksave in survival mode
Shame it's still a Bethesda game and thus Survival Mode is retarded to use
>Character/object/companion gets stuck in geometry or disappears randomly, or quest fucks up
>Can't fix it with console like normally done
>Game crashes at random for no reason
>Normally save every couple of minutes so when it inevitably happens after an hour or two, it's not that far back since the last save
>Can't do that in Survival
>Game is clearly designed with Fast Travel in mind, especially with the fucking A SETTLEMENT NEEDS OUR HELP
>disabled in Survival
I mean I wouldn't mind if fast travel was limited by some method, like requiring you to build something in a settlement to use fast travel between settlements - That would be fine. Some sort of Caravan Station or something. You'd still be limited and can't just use fast-travel whenever the fuck you want, but you're not completely fucked if you need to get to Sanctuary from across the entire map
I didn´t.
Neither opinion says anything about the quality.
>why is nothing ever recycled, salvaged used or cleaned up
It is really hypocritical to ask that in the game where you do nothing but that, it feels like.
The wasteland is so full of trash because the guy who ought to do it was still frozen, gee, think before you write.
Survival mode is loads of fun. Stopping to cook some bloatfly in the middle of nowhere with dogmeat, and using your rifle to see if there's a safe path ahead. Keep armour to a minimum, and power armour reserved for important missions. Can really make the game seem intense at times. Tweak the settings, lower the radio volume so when your walking around you can still faintly hear distant gunshots or explosions. Immersion is key
it is definitely that bright, you just need to look at it longer than a glance.
I have a house in the alps, and when I am up there in summer and lie on my back looking up at the sky at night it´s bright as fuck.
I bet you play with a "badass" bearded white guy.
The companions are helpful but their commentary gets annoying pretty fast. MacCready is fun because he tends to like when you do fucked up shit but even he can get tiring. Dogmeat is nice because he's always just chilling
Wrong game