Objective: survive
Objective: survive
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I went two plus hours with a friend on heroic
no reason noble six should've died on that mission
didn't that movie just rip off Halo Reach's script
So how shit is it?
Worse then Force Awakens or Attack of the Clone?
Was Sup Forums right?
it's pretty good honestly, way better than TFA
Sup Forums was wrong, there's no stupid agenda behind the movie
lots of nostalgia porn if you're a long time star wars fan too
I heard everybody dies and it's a lot more like sci fi James Ryan than an actual Star Wars movie
hope this is true, going to see it tomorrow
it's bretty gud
everyone dies. everyone.and yet the only death I feel bad about is k2
>Objective: survive
guess they gonna need to restart the checkpoint
First third of the movie is kinda boring and the CGI varies between passable and really bad.
A lot of fan service, too.
But the rest of the movie is pretty good, especially the space battle.
I'd give it a solid 7.5/10
k2 was fucking based
>everyone dies. everyone
Huh that's a bit of a surprise for me. Thought it would have a happier endings, Star Wars being owned by Disney and all.
The real question is how is the music? John Williams isn't composing right? Don't know if I like Star Wars without Williams.
>people honestly didn't realize that they were all gonna die when the movie was announced
Its about the same as 7. Not good, not terrible.
yeah, I was a little surprized myself. I figured at least ONE of the main characters was going to live. Nope.
Musics fine. It's not shit but it's not really that memorable either.
>No reason noble six should've died on that mission
You mean apart from the planet falling to the covenant and him having no hope of reinforcement, escape, or respite?
The music fits but you can definitely hear the difference between original music used in the film and the new one.
Also no real Binary Sunset, which sucks.
>implying they died
>implying they aren't resurrected as Kylo's bodyguards
they were literally vaporized
I would say it's better than both of them but it isn't trying to be the same kind of film really.
It does have a LOT of nostalgia stuff in there if you're the sort of person who hated that sort of shit. Genuine spoilers follow, for example, Grand Moff Tarkin appears as a (pretty fucking good) CGI recreation of Peter Cushing, as does a young Leia. Vader turns up and is absolutely terrifying as you see him from the perspective of random mook rebels. Red Leader and Gold Leader both appear and I'm sure they're retouched archive footage from ep 4. C3PO and R2D2 also have a brief cameo and one line each as they're stationed in the rebel base on Yavin 4 around that time.
I don't know what Sup Forums had to say about it given all of the main characters were white except for Donnie Yen, who had a pretty good role as the totally-not-a-Jedi.
>music isn't good
Well fuck. Even AotC had memorable music and that was the worst Star Wars movie yet. How did Williams fuck up so hard on TFA anyways?
I am one with the force, the force is with me.
Actually got misty-eyed at that and K2 at the vault, and that doesn't happen often in movies.
>a lot of people died to get us this info.
man you numales are fucking stupid.
oh yeah forgot about that. I was expecting him to pull out a lightsaber desu when he started walking slowly into the enemy firewould have been fucking badass
The music was a weird one in that movie. It had the build up of most of the main series tracks but then veers off into another direction. The only motif that appear in its entirety is the intro to Imperial March when Vader is on-screen.
Motifs from the Force Theme and the long intro appear but because they're so iconic it feels very wrong to have them in there and not get to their respective crescendos, so the music feels like a aural version of blueballs to anyone who's seen another Star Wars.
Seriously thought that metal bit on his staff was gonna erupt into a saber too when he started walking out.
Hurr wrong reply with the music post, I meant that about the music in R1 not TFA, as TFA actually had the classic motifs in full even if the newer tracks were kind of bland.
It's not surprising 'cause Williams didn't score R1, it was Michael Giancchino.
yeah, me and my friends were just kind of sitting there. All of us anticipating it but it didn't come. We were a little disappointed there. I feel it might have been better had notjedis butt buddy died first and it had been notjedi going out in a last blaze of glory, sabre a swinging
>Sup Forums was wrong, there's no stupid agenda behind the movie
Sup Forums isn't the one who suggested there's an agenda behind the movie, though.
>Sup Forums was wrong, there's no stupid agenda behind the movie
Well besides pandering to the Chinese market but that's an almost honest play for greed that I have to on some level respect
What? They said A LOT not ALL, it would have been easy to just have MAIN GIRL get out bu the skin of her teeth
>the fucking safety pin over the rebels logo
holy shit im dying here
Hilarious how he conveniently ignores that most of the rebel leaders and commanders were white men, with really only the exception of Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar and his predecessor, Leia, and that black councillor character they invented for R1.
The only "agenda" the film has is that it must almost exclusively use characters and tropes established in episode 4, and since that was made in 1977 they'd all be white men.
I didn't really like it. Felt like big chunks of the movie were cut out. Characters aren't developed very much. Forrest Whitiker is wasted. They shoe-horn in a romance in the last 5 minutes. And there are too many goddamn references.
brobot>blind chink>tentacle raped pilot>everyone else>main girl and guy
This desu
The most well developed character is the Robot guy
I literally don't know any of the main characters' names, they have that little development
It's even more hilarious that he had to go back on that load of BS when parents were returning/refusing to buy Empire toys.
Seems the Jew is only interested in hatred towards whites up until it begins to effect their profit margins.
Yes not all died, just because everyone on the surface died doesn't mean everyone did since the people in space got out, well a few of them.
>Sup Forums was wrong, there's no stupid agenda behind the movie
Sup Forums didnt care about the movie
its the writer who went ape shit and started bitching about white supremacism
Ah yes, I remember that part of the meme war. They shut that down quick
>With a friend
Yeah, noble six shoulda just popped all those elites with his budd- oh wait.
This is exactly how I feel about the movie.
Won't Mon Mothma and Leia count as white humans though?
Even then, the Empire also had women in power, a few aliens (Thraw) and even blacks (literally one of the protagonist in TFA), and thats with the current canon, i am sure you can get a bigger list on legends
A friend told me that Jan and Kyle were in this, but under different names, so is it an adaptation of Dark Forces or just theft of the game's material?
>I don't know what Sup Forums had to say about it given all of the main characters were white except for Donnie Yen, who had a pretty good role as the totally-not-a-Jedi.
some guy who was on the movie was making up bullshit about how some scenes were re-shot to force an Anti-Trump agenda.
Disney said he was full of shit.
I haven't played the game but from what it sounds like based on the wiki entry it's a pretty close adaptation.
Main girl is even called Jyn Erso (compare to Jan Ors), they break into a imperial storage facility and steal the plans to the Death Star. The real original stuff in the film would be all the drama around Tarkin taking command of the Death Star from Director Krennic, and the exploits and betrayal of the Death Star's lead engineer.
So is there even an analogue of Kyle in the film? Because it seems like Jyn (Jan) has a larger role with the film being only centered around her.
Can we agree this movie has one of the best Darth Vader scenes of the whole canon?
Yeah I suppose the male lead, Cassian Andor, could be considered a plotwise analogue to Kyle, though he isn't similar in character (not ex-imperial, not Jedi).
Nope. I was paying attention to that and it never happens.
The movie makes the Death Star DLC of Battlefront useless as they never attack a star destroyer with the plans.
No, because then he'd have to realize that blacks didn't free themselves.
What's the point of watching this shit then?
Objective: Get the Death Star plans to safety, at any cost!
>Darth Vader Scene Audience Reaction
>There's NO reaction
>You can't even hear people breathing or eating fucking popcorn
>Not even a single fucking human sound
Exactly, that's what happen in my theater too. The scene was SO FUCKING GOOD
This is the Star Wars we need, not shit like TFA.
To be fair the 1st half of the movie was boooooooring and it got much better when they reached Scariff.
>Was Sup Forums right?
If the slightly more diverse cast triggers you, yes.
But beyond that there is no agenda. Star Wars is a universe where there are myriad alien races and hardly pays any attention "ethnicit" mentioned. There was more "SJW Agenda" in the Wonder Woman preview I saw before Rogue One.
>and it hardly pays any attention to human "ethnicity."
I am fucking terrible at proofreading in Sup Forums reply boxes.
TFA had an agenda, but I don't feel like Rogue One had one either. Rogue One is literally just Disney's take on how the Death Star plans were stolen.
TFA was more obvious with their agenda (no white male lead, all of the new heroes are minorities, Mary Sue protagonist etc).
Exactly how i felt. I think they could have done a better job at introducing the characters, they had literally no synergy until that point.
>start liking the characters once they started working together
>mfw Tarkin makes the Death Star jump to Scariff
They got the ending so right.
She joins Vader in the end and kill rebel scum
wow can i post in the disney marketing thread too?
thanks gook moot!
>Quest Updated
>Objective: Survive. Evade. Resist. Escape.
>Force-users fuck shit up time and time again
Why not just genocide their asses?
I'll never understand why everyone hates ep 7 now.
The general reaction to it when it came out seemed to be "alright", but now I just hear everyone mindlessly complaining about for retarded shit like "it was too similar to ep 4" it when it was a perfectly serviceable movie, and rogue 1 showed that they're clearly not just going to do that over and over again.
They should have spaced the deaths better. Like 80% of the deaths were quick cuts to explosions
Oh, you mean like they did in episode 3?
Nah i think that was fine. I liked it that way, otherwise it would have been overly dramatic.
You start realizing that everyone is going to die, and then exactly that is what happens. Everybody dies. You had that likeable ragtag team of literal whos, and now they're gone. Got to me way more than if everyone had a dramatic special snowflake death.
Saw it last night, was pleasantly surprised with it. Nostalgia pandering can be excused since takes place literally before the beginning of episode 4. It felt like Star Wars, but crucially not like a retread of one of the older films.
They sort of dropped the ball with the characters though - Some user said he doesn't remember the names of half the cast, and I'm willing to bet most people won't either.
Vader scene at the end was goosebumps incarnate. Way to end it.
+ the Vader scene at the end
+ ramming a Star Destroyer
+ droid has some decent bants
+ cinematography of opening scene
- absolutely abysmal direction in first 30 minutes
- unlikable forced strong independent woman cunt MC who is never wrong and always gets the last word in
- no emotion throughout the entire film
- zero chemistry between the cast
- entire cast killed off and the only death that is remotely sad is the droid's
- CGI Tarkin and Leia
- literally copy/pastes footage from A New Hope
- even more "DUDE OT LMAO" than TFA
Yeah, they should have spent more time on character introduction than on yet another shootout on that science planet. That way, all i remember is
Rebel Guy
Body (only remember him because i thought what a shitty name that was and how the guy couldn't decide whether he wanted to be vital or just comic relief)
Literally a chinese monk.
Machine gun rasta man.
There isn't. Just wait until someone uploads the Vader scene at good quality.
I mean everyone not just Jedi
>put in even more chinks
>flops even harder in china than tfa
Cause k2 is the broest of the bro
I went apeshit when I saw IP man in the movie. Holy fuck, could there be a better casting for a space kung fu monk?
>if we just get #BoycottStarWars trending on Twitter it will flop for sure!
and they were boycotting it based on a lie
It's actually the best Star Wars movie since the original.
Proper, fun Sci-fi.
Disney have taken an important step in redeeming themselves of the cancer that was Force Awakens in my opinion.
is this the only scene in Star Wars history where the stormtroopers aren't jobbing hard
So will we get any good video juegos out of this or what?
Battlefront doesn't count, that's just one map and it also sucks.
Don't forget that ACTUAL fucking wars happened too and not based on jedi drama.
All the Rebels had to do was keep shooting at the tiny door. How did they fuck this up?
>He doesn't like Empire
How pleb can you possibly be?
>will we get any good videogames out of a license held by EA
What sort of question is that?
Nope, EA has it until 2020 and that's when them and Disney will renew the licence.
Well they kinda have to kill everyone off because it's a prequel to the main story-line.
>Video already blocked because muh copyright
that's disney alright
The way Disney keeps flirting with the Kotor lore (reintroducing planets, ships and events into canon) I'm 99% sure Kotor 3 is going to happen in the near future.
>I'm 99% sure Kotor 3 is going to happen in the near future.
Or they're just going to keep pumping out content for TOR like they have been for the past several years.
You are an idiot. That was manufactured rage by Disney themselves.
That movie was fucking shit. Failed to capture Star Wars in every conceivable way.
>Kotor in the hands of current Bioware
Please no
you probably also do no care about the story of star wars whatsoever. you probably think luke is just like rey. you are a brick wall of ignorance.
>Sup Forumsfags embarass themselves (again)
>It was a false flag you guise!!
never heard that one before
Wow you are so intelligent user, I'm sure the new Ghostbusters movie was hated for the same reason
Originally the Empire contained a sect of red supremacist Sith (the race, not the philosophy).
But it's never been a white supremacist organisation, and indeed the empire as a whole succeeded in some sense only in so far as the fringe cult failed to exclusively empower Sith.
>I'm sure the new Ghostbusters movie was hated for the same reason
it was hated because it was a bad movie
>muh false flag
I didn't like it.
Sure, visuals are great, music is great.
But I felt after the first half I could've left, 2nd half was better but there's some really questionable things they show, either for fan service or trying to make us care about characters.
The bigger asian guy Baze and the robutt K2-SO were the only ones I cared about.
Not a bad movie, but I prefer TFA, I'd give R1 a 6.5/10