>go to college for a game design degree
>have to learn programming even though you're more of a designer guy
>drop out
well, since then I've started to work on my new game
where should I look for a programmer, an artist, a writer, an audio dude, a cutscene dude, an animationer, a pr guy, a marketer, and assisting designers?
Go to college for a game design degree
a good designer should be able to program at least on the very basic level
if you're too dumb to learn programming then you're too dumb to be a good designer / director, since it's a much more heavy job than being an idea guy and proposing disconnected ideas out of your ass
You know you need to learn how coding or logic works to design gameplay or an engine then you have stupid people that thinks broquest was viable without scrapping anything off it.
Apply yourself. No game designer has zero knowledge of how to code, you made a mistake dropping out.
>unironically being the idea guy
I'd just end up slowing the proper code monkey down. However, I think with my ideas they can just make whatever I tell them to make instead of spending time on thinking what to make. And my ideas are usually better than everyone else's in groups.
Fuck off, it's called designing
do it yourself you talentless cunt
being an ideas guy isn't a talent unless you can put said ideas into practice
Move into Sakurasou
If you want to "design" games, a game design degree is not the thing to do. Study art and animation instead.
that game had zero unique ideas
im gonna tell you right up
no one will help you and you will never get a game of the ground
you know why?
You lack even the most basic form of commitment and drive to do what you want.
Who would quit of their preferred course because of some programming
Maybe consider studying instead of wasting your parent's money for dropping your "dream" job
Holy shit you can't do anything, this is not for you you need to have at least one talent or the will to learn some of the thing mentioned, you are better off sitting behind a desk or a counter.
>a programmer
>assisting designers
These scales are tipped in the wrong direction.
fuck off you failure
He coded and designed the game,what's your point?
assuming you arent just pretending to be a fag, you dont need a degree to be a game designer
This is dumb. By knowing at least at basic level how the program works you could communicate and design more effectively. Not too mention it would save the game being too ridiculously ambitious.
>hey techie make this guy could think for himself, like sentinetly
>what it is not possible? Get the fuck off noob, i will get some pajeet to do it.
OP you're going absolutely no-where with the mental state you're currently in, sorry pal.
I can't believe you're considering making people work for you to make your ideas a reality despite having literally no experience with working in the industry.
If you want to be ambitious and achieve something great you have to do it yourself man, you can't just take the backseat as someone else makes your dreams become reality for you, luckily there's no-one out there dumb enough to get sucked in for working for you however.
No-one can translate your ideas into practice better than yourself, I'll just leave with that.
I got a coding degree and now companies just want me to do that instead of design.
I'm good at coding, and I don't mind doing it as part of the job, but I want to be designing.
>He coded and designed the game
on Game Maker
Make your own game then faggot
Working on a company means they are the one who told you what to do.
Go indie if you wish to work on what you want.
just take a cheap 2 year web design code and get an associates
Does anyone know where I can get some basic sword attack animations that work with UE4's mannequin? My plan is to cover up my ultra generic quality assets with a fuck ton of particles and post processing, but there's some things I can't just make do with.
This happens to a lot of people user.
For example, everyone I know who got an EE degree ended up coding. Even people I know who got their degrees in the 80s and 90s. You sort of have to just plod along looking for opportunities until you get one. In this day and age, people usually don't stay at one company for long, so never stop looking for a designing job.
Furthermore game design is one of those careers where you can make yourself look unique to companies by making cute little projects. Even if you can't find a job, do stuff on the side for fun.
If you really want to make the game you'll suck it up. Cliffy B. had to do shit he was bad at.
If you wanted to be a designer, then you should have been studying art.
How long did you spend on that coding degree? 2 years? 4 years? In all that time NOBODY told you that programmers don't get to design shit? Or did you never do your homework and talk with anybody that actually works for a game company?
I've got a BS from one of the best public universities in the country, specializing in multi-media and design. I aint getting a fuckin associates'.
Need artists.
Then make a fucking text game
Artists aren't designing the game either you stupid fuck.
Still did everything by himself.
In the end, the game can be played.
Go on the asset store, you can buy everything you need.
>Character design
>Level design
>Area design
>Sound design
But no, of course not. They don't design anything.
Enjoy implementing all the things they didn't design you dimwitted code monkey fuck. You dug your grave and you'll be fucking buried in it.
>game design degree
jesus fuck just get software engineering
So guys, is "Software Development" a meme or what. I'm going to college next year and that's most likely what I'm doing.
> animationer
Holy fuck you really have zero idea what you are talking about, do you?
Designing the visual representation of the game is not designing the fucking game, you brain-dead coon. The only thing in that list that is game design is level design, which *aren't fucking artists.* Area design isn't even a fucking thing.
>go to college for a game design degree
You fucked up already at this point!
If you aren't good, you'll end up doing QA for the rest of your life.
Only works if you want to create applications and shit outside games
>but I wanted to make games tho
Then start building up the portfolio if you really wanted to make games
If you're learning to code, it's not a meme, although you should be going for a straight CS degree instead.
>go to a college for programming
>have one class a week where I learn basics of programming I already knew from high school
>have 6 different math subjects that take for granted I already know advanced math
>drop out
why do schools do this?
You don't even know what you don't even know. Crawl back to your school and suck as many dicks as you have to to get back in.
Make games on the side, do game jams, talk to people that actually do this.
You're like a director who's never even seen a film. Go back to school
Jesus, you really DO think you can be an "ideas guy". You're a total dipfuck.
Oh boy, we have a "art doesn't matter" guy here
>want to be idea guy but with a degree
>have to actually learn game design
>drop out
Coding is applied mathematics.
You need the math for a large number of coding applications. Especially if you are going anything in games, you need to be very good with linear algebra.
And this guy got it right in just two paragraphs.
not him but you're literally mixing up game design with graphics
>mfw I can't even write a 20 word essay.
>Im a architect, i dont need to know shit about engineering or mathematics.
>What do you mean the building i drew is physically impossible to build? It is my dream project. I spent hundreds of hours on it!
>Im a game designer, i dont need to know shit about programming...
>drop out
Are you that retarded? If you hadn't dropped out you could've made that game yourself
>Need artists.
Then get artists. Pay them money or boipussi or whatever, just convince them to join you. That's how development teams are formed.
also not him but graphics are a critical component of the game, they're literally the way we are able to interact with the code
What's your idea user?
>Go to medschool
>Finish medschool
>Realise what i did
>Have to study all my life to keep up
I also need to study to get a specialty to actually be someone and get money.
Which are hard as fuck to get into and expensive as hell
>tfw i actually am an ideas guy
>i'll never make a vidya game
I-I just like to write and draw stuff, and come up with cool ideas for games.
>also not him but graphics are a critical component of the game
yes but graphics have shit to do with game design
Or sentences.
Fuck, i've been browsing image boards for years now and still i can get some english wrong.
Voi saatana tätä elämää!
If you can draw, that's at least something.
The only person who comes close to being the "idea guy" is the head artist. The artist can draw up what's requested of him and a dozen branching ideas; elements of which may or may not be included in the final design.
You're embarrassing yourself, seriously. You very clearly haven't looked into the industry at all.
Content designer, systems designer, creative director, level designers are all standard positions in industry
Of course it fucking matters, but a game isn't just a fucking collection of assets dragged into an engine. There are rules for how everything works and interacts. And it sure as hell isn't the fucking artists who are deciding that.
Isn't both coding and math applied logic?
I know I need math, but I don't think the amount and level of math there was adequate. I just want to learn how to code and look up the math I need WHEN I need it.
A good programmer can create literally anything, though. On the other hand, even the best engineer in the world won't be able to make laws-of-physics-defying building work.
So... when in your life did you realise you aspired to be the next Peter Molyneux?
I'm wanting to get into the gaming business as well and the things I want to get a degree are Business (i don't know how it is called in the US, an MBA?) and Programming. I nowhere think that "Game Design" is that important compared to other things that are used in this area. Fuck you learn what is good game design by playing a shit ton of games and actually looking into what made a certain game shit or good.
And what most people are saying here is true. You're being a fucking retarded asshole thinking that programming is not worth it for you, even if you'll suck at it anyway. By studying this shit you will have at least the skill to:
1. understand how to apply your creativity into code more efficiently
2. convey your ideas to a dedicated programmer in some that will not sound retarded or that will speed up the process
If you manage to get that shit that you're not capable of learning programming out of your head, you will be able to make a game with a smaller team and save money.
And don't be so fucking arrogant and stupid in saying "My ideas are better than everyone's most of the time". If you go in like this you're doomed.
Kinda, but I'm shit at pencil and paper/tablet. I usually work in charcoal or graphite. Even then I'm an amateur. I usually just write out worlds.
Gta v, except you get to watch your life spiral out of control instead of just going on shooting rampages. Get fired, Lose your girl, use more extreme drugs, fail out of school, blow your life savings, end up homeless. TL;DR start with an innocent hard working guy and actively fuck his life up to earn a high score.
>it's a "Finnfag thinks he's special because he can (kind of) speak the most easily learned language in the world" thread
Is this a joke? Why the fuck does a game design degree even exist?
undertale with some guns
Cash in on the game craze.
>look up the math I need WHEN I need it.
Without math education, you won't even know what you need to know. A simple task like figuring out whether a character is facing toward you or away from you would lead you down a rabbit hole of ever expanding wikipedia tabs as you move from vectors to dot products to quaternions.
Hello, it's to rake in the cash from dipshits. You think people go to college to make money for themselves? Nah, you and everyone else at your college are helping some dickhead build his villa in California with your parents dollary-Doos and you get to pay off this debt for the rest of your life. And op decided the game industry was a good idea. In 2016 when there's a million shit gameso coming out every day with no time to even consider them all. Clearly only geniuses can go to college
>want to design
>have no idea how to design by the means of programming, composing, writing, drawing
>wants to be a creator
>yet he doesnt create
So codeguy i want a game where you control a ship in space like and you go to places in space without transitions so that everything can feel natural and you can go into the ground shoot your guns and i want you to be able to stuff too obviously and i want the ship to fire and stuff and i want you to be able to do stuff in space too because we have to do something in games right i learned this in game school so yeah code it now or get fired.
If pitched to two different people, this game can be either No Man's Sky or Rodina.
yes, and?
You do know gamemaker has it's own language that's not that simple drag and drop actions bullshit?
is this the autism of /agdg/?
Oh nice, it's the idea guy thread.
You are a fucking idiot.
>I refuse to learn something, because I want to only follow my dreams , that documentary about Stewie Jabs said so.
Peter Molyneux actually did programming in his games, though.
You can't just be an ideas guy, shit won't fly.
Learn how to manage a project.
I don't mean like how your small college team put together a B+ presentation, I mean actually manage a project.
Determining tasks and goals, defining subtasks and subgoals, assigning resources (i.e. people) to complete said subtasks, setting up checkpoints to make sure work is actually being done both appropriately and in a timely manner, documentation to ensure everyone stays on the same page, etc.
Beyond knowing "well, I want a game that's like dark souls but isn't shit" you need to know how to define this completely in such a way that you know exactly what you want. It's as if you were trying to take trained monkeys, tell them "I want you to make me XYZ exactly like this" and in the end have the full alphabet.
Should've gone for the "ideas guy" degree
I hope your games are shit, idea guy.
Youre the reason why our industry is full of bullshit
Is this Star Citizen?
>what is gml
in your basement
I believe in you, if you are serious I am a professional fiction writer. Give me something I can talk to.