What went wrong?


Not much really, I guess it was too easy?

I hear the movie was pretty bad

Based off of movie plot.
Lost most weapons from original.
Level length.
No arena.
It's good but you know, could've been better considering prior entries

I want to fuck that lombax.

The Game was good though and sold on
But the Movie was mediocre at best
So nothing really bad happened

As I recall, the game was well reviewed.

I don't want them to reboot the timeline, though. Thankfully the movie bombed, so that helps.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______.

Should I watch the movie or play the game first?

It was a pretty fun R&C game, just felt short and Ratchet was way too friendly even from the start. Just wish it had more jetpack segments since those were very fun, and the game looked extremely pretty as well.

>thankfully the movie bombing helps them not make more games

It was really nice looking but short as fuck, also easy as fuck.

I imagine you can get it fairly cheap used which I'd recommend.

>I guess it was too easy?
This, I played through it on hard and wasn't challenged once. I did everything except that stupid Groovitron trophy because I couldn't be fucked playing through the whole thing again.

>easy as fuck

DSP barely had any problems with it, so I assume the game is excessively easy, amirite?

>I wasted my entire life on playing video games and now games meant for kids are too easy for me
Get a job.

Not much. It was pretty good. I hope we get more in the series on PS4.

Deadlocked was kinda hard on higher difficulty modes.
It's nice when devs let you decide difficulty between piss easy and hard as balls instead of "if I die I am retarded" and "is it hard mode"?

It was too easy and too short and was based off the movie plot. It still was a fun little game and it looked gorgeous. Really hope R&C comes back regularly.


I replayed through that whole fucking game with the groovitron and didn't get the trophy. Seriously what the fuck? Is there a secret enemy or NPC or something?

Did you do the vendor? The vendor itself is a Groovitron target. There are also a couple enemy variants that only appear on the stage once and aren't there when you finish it or get past it.

>shit generic movie music
>Ratchet isn't a smug asshole like in other games, he's pretty much an edgy teen and clank is barely a character.
>Gameplay is 10/10

Everything that was changed apart from the core gameplay was a downgrade.

It's R&C. They'd make more games regardless of movie sales, they might actually have a better story if they're not based on a shit movie.

Are we ever gonna see the lombax homeworld?

I'm replaying the first game and his asshole personality actually does work. It's not perfect, but he actually has a character.

Probably but Insomniac is busy working on Spiderman, so 2019 at the earliest.

If that game ever exists, it will be a big one like ACIT, that means Insomniac needs a huge team working on it and that team is Spiderman's.

Veldin wasn't the last level.

Damn. I'm still kinda upset over it.

Fastoon was the homeworld.

If I remember correctly the fish enemy is a double target. Hit him once in the water and once when you drained said water. Also the trophy can be a bit buggy.

>Has the same weapons as last 5 (ps3) games
>Barely no weapons from the original ps2 games, and those were pre-order only
>Only couple original weapons
>Constant narration
>"Let's shoehorn in the Main antagonist that wasn't in the original"
>"Let's have references to Social Media culture"

Nothing. It was great.

DSP is an idiot. He didn't like it because he though it was too similar to the first game.

Start a new playthrough, enable the infinite ammo cheat, and spam the groovitron your entire playthrough. Literally spam it everywhere.

The last boss fight. Shit was fucking retarded and the difficulty spikes from 0 to 1000 for the last 15 minutes of the game. Also the part where you have to outrun the water in the sewer is literally impossible on Hard.

Other than that it's a good game.

>Game has Mr. Zurkon

>30FPS remake of a 60FPS PS2 game

Gee OP, I have no idea...

>DSP is an idiot. He didn't like it because he though it was too similar to the first game.
But he was right, most of the planets are literal copies of the orignal game.

At least if you are gonna copy the level design of the first game, include Oltanis, Gemlik and Orxon.

Was the quality of the writing/humor worse than previous RnC games? I hadn't played one before this and found it to be pretty mediocre and even cringey at times. It's also incredibly easy and short and considering that fact I feel like the story should've been MUCH better. Even the "visuals," by which I mean cutscene animations, facial movements, etc. were quite sub par. That was the most jarring aspect to me, considering how much emphasis they obviously placed on production values.

It basically felt like a mediocre game coasting on pretty graphics and nostalgia.

At least it's stable unlike Nexus.

>It wasn't great. It was good.
>DSP continues being an idiot.
>The last part wasn't that hard.
>Sewer section is dumb though. You have to be perfect.
>Best thing this game could make

The original games were better in just about all the aspects you called out there.

>"Let's have references to Social Media culture"

But Robot Brittney Spears was totally fine?

The quality was worse, yes, because, once again, movie. The original is actually pretty funny. It's also a lot harder.

Somewhere around A4O they decided they needed more "Us kids right?" kinds of references instead of some of their normal humor.

>It's also a lot harder.
That's just due to no strafing and the disgustingly low amounts of bolts they provide you. You basically have to decide between ammo or a new gun in the first game and can't really have fun with any of the weapons due to watching your ammo constantly. I remember the one Visibomb gold bolt nearly bankrupt me due to how quickly you have to shift directions and how narrow the tunnel gets, and every time you mess up it's another 1k or 10k down the drain in a game where you get maybe 40k a planet.

It's a fucking reboot/remake. What did you expect?

To not remove the best bits of the original.

The writing in R&C hasn't been good since the PS2 days. Not sure why they think that overt slapstick and reusing the same types of jokes over and over again is better than the dry humor in the originals.

>Even the "visuals," by which I mean cutscene animations, facial movements, etc. were quite sub par.
I noticed this too. All of the facial animation in cutscenes looks terrible. Probably because it's all in-engine rather than 'hand-sculpted' by animators.

I've honestly gotta say that this game and Nexus are the most fun to replay

the whole Raritanium upgrading system makes every playthrough feel a bit different, focusing on specific weapons over others/trying to give every weapon the same amount of upgrades adds a lot of variety over dozens of playthroughs

their short length also makes them easier to replay in just a few hours

To be honest enemies in R&C1 weren't droning bulletsponges. I actually like doing wrench-only runs.

>What did you expect?
To keep the best planets of the original untouched and the rest to be improved upon: bigger, better enemy placement, more minibosses...I wasn't expecting the same exact layout.

Good point
But not As bad "hashtag" and "texting"

Not much? When it comes to the game it least. It had the best start for a RC game ever and got great reviews.

>getting it used so future titles become even shorter because it doesn't count as a sold copy
Also it's just 10 dollars now anyway.

Did you get the tentacles on the Kerwan train?
I would have never guessed that those count as well if I wouldn't have watched a video that showed all 48 opponents.

I want to fuck that planet?

For those complaining about the game being tpo easy, the trick is to play on hard and only use the weapon you want to level up.

2016 Ratchet & Clank was a success.

The better question is what went wrong for pic related. It had great reviews and decent hype around it but flopped.
>inb4 people saying it was bad by using it being quickly forgotten and not played much after a few weeks as an example
Well that happens when not many people buy a game.
I personally think it looks super fun. Maybe adults don't like colorful 3D games? Would it have done better on the PS4?

It was still a good thing they made it because it probably got them the Spider-Man gig.

forgot pic

Nothing much.
Needs more Mr.Zurkon though.

The game just wasn't very fun. It tried so hard to be so loud and so wacky that it came out kinda bland and uninteresting. The mechanics just didn't feel good, either.

Nothing, the price point reflected the games length, it's just a shame people don't seem to understand that. Of course gamers today are greedy as fuck though so they want a $60 game for a $40 price

A lot of fans don't like Zurkon anymore unfortunately.
I think it's a great weapon though, also from a tactical standpoint.

The second I read about the 40 dollar price tag I knew people wouldn't appreciate it and would still treat it as if it costed 60 dollars (also because the previes 2 or 3 Ratchet games costed less and were shorter as well and people did the same there).

The killbots in 2 were better.

Sony paid for a 2/3 full game and that's what Insomniac gave them.

>I think it's a great weapon though, also from a tactical standpoint.
How? They waste so much ammo doing next to no damage and disappear as quickly as they came out. I'd rather have turrets and the barrier instead of the Zurkon family since at least I get something from either of those. Their only real use is to kill the one-hit wrench enemies without needing to wrench thing because that's the only thing they last more than five seconds for.

They made it based on the movie instead of just remaking the entirety of R&C1 with the new game's engine.

New copy is ten bucks at plebstop

I probably played the FFA multiplayer to often. There it kept AI away when you're taking a node and also exploded when it was leveled high enough.

I miss the turrets.

It's the best game in the series gameplay-wise.
It just needs a more challenging difficulty, an arena and was a bit too short. I imagine the remake of UYA or whatever they're doing next is going to fix those issues.

I don't mind the plot being weak because the first game didn't really have good writing either.

I miss the beehive. Turrets are cool until you get the missile upgrade, then they become dreadfully slow at shooting and don't really do that much better damage than when they were shooting.

>that arena announcer commenting on the lombax spunk

Do you seriously get upset about that?

I'm aware. I should have specifically mention just Turrets themselves.

Fucking shitty "Upgrade" Almost as fucked as the Lava/Meteor gun one.

I honestly thought the Raritanium upgrade system was just kinda boring. Playing on hard I pretty much always had enough of the stuff to get all the good upgrades on whatever weapons I actually bothered to use outside of just leveling them up. It also didn't help that so much space was wasted on +Card Drop rates and similar boring garbage.

That, and the special upgrades you had to fully encircle to unlock really should've just been upgrades to the weapon itself as it leveled up because most of them were really underwhelming.

As this was my first game with Mr. Zurkon (skipped all the ps3 games), I thought he was fucking hot flaming garbage.

Talks constantly, does piss all for damage, barely fires at all and misses constantly, barely lasts any amount of time, and dies to random enemy fire on a regular basis on hard.

Even with the fact that I abused certain enemies to level him up, he was still probably the worst weapon to grind.


Both Zurkon and the Groovitron were funny the first time and never again. I've never understood why they insist on shoving them into all of the games.

At least the Groovitron is useful, it gives you free kills on demand and until you hit something they won't stop dancing so you can pick everything off one by one. The fact it works on bosses is even better.

Perhaps. I still haven't bought either of them.

Dropping the games to 30fps because eyecandy

I'm still pissed about that shit

To their credit they at least made it so it never dropped frames. It's not an excuse, but still.