Final fantasy XIV

I havent played since a little before Heavensward came out and I want to get back into it now, but I hear my old server (Zodiark) is dead. What non-dead, preferably Euro server should I transfer to ?

Ragnarok or Moggle.

I play on phoenix and it's alright, stay away from moggle if you don't speak french

Thanks. Any differences between the two ?

That wont be an issue since I am French myself

Only if you like a dead PF and the french menace.

It's Ragnarok, Cerberus or Odin.

Phoenix went to shit with the Gordias migration, I'd avoid it.

Ragnarok has more and better playerbase because it's a legacy server but it's usually closed for new players at peak hours.

Moggle is the "french" server and I would skip it even if I was french.

I guess this is the current XIV thread?

First time doing a seasonal event here. Are they always this shitty?
>Just complete the thing in 15 minutes then come back every day for shitty rng rewards

I want to transfer an already existing character, does that mean I won't be able to transfer to Ragnarok ?

It's only a creation lockout, transfers bypass just fine.


Ah if it's a character transfer you are good.

How does Sup Forums feel about the skip potions? I'm neutral to them but I really think the development team should have thought about the progression in 2.0, so much filler that doesn't belong in a FF game, even by MMO standards it's bad.

Then after beating Ultima Weapon they have the balls to make you go handing out uniforms.

care to explain the skip potion is?

This could help you OP.

I don't really care.
I usually play with other FC members although I sometimes run expert roulette alone.
I guess it's good for new players who don't want to slog through the entire main quest but then again I think SE should have trimmed it down instead.

Thanks, but I can't read moonrunes. What does each column represent ?

The Halloween one (all saints' wake) was pretty fun. That one actually gave you something decent to do and waste time with.

The number of player finishing the stories by patches.

>23 min average wait time
such is the life of a dps

you can do fates on a tank or healer while waiting

that sounds far too productive
id rather shitpost and watch rlm while I wait

OP here, I thinned my choices down to Ragnarok and Cerberus. Any differences between those, or are they pretty much the same ?

It's a temporary fix to a massive problem in this game. No one should be forced to do 200 fetch quests in order to advance from ARR to HW. It's a massive waste of time and made me quit the first time i got there. Not everyone has 5+hours a day to sit down and grind those out

As far as I can remember, Ragnarok was the server French and Spanish people choose to built their communities. If you are french or spaniard you will be better in Ragnarok.

Really depends on just how they're implemented, but I don't hold any high hopes.

>"dude who's Nidhogg, I skipped the story lol"
>"what's a global rotation, I've just been spamming Fire III"
>"lol how was I supposed to know this boss instakills you if you don't do this super obvious and simple mechanic"

>"dude who's Nidhogg, I skipped the story lol"
There's a subset of players, including skilled endgame players that behave exactly like this anyway.
>"what's a global rotation, I've just been spamming Fire III"
Yeah this is already all over the place
>>"lol how was I supposed to know this boss instakills you if you don't do this super obvious and simple mechanic"
See any given 24-man

I'd agree with you if jump potions actually stopped this, but FF14 has probably the most unwilling to learn playerbase I've ever seen.

To be fair ffxiv had a ton of inconsistent icons. It didn't take until 3.1 for them to settle on a stacking icon.

Hell even in void ark a dive bomb icon appears but the boss does a similar attack to keeper of the lakes second boss.

If they don't have the time to play mmos then they have no business playing mmos in the first place.

It's going to be fucking hilarious when new players buy the game, paid for level jump, then unsub after 1 month because they have nothing to do.

Pay ~$20 (each) to
>skip the story up to a certain point
>skip a selected job to level 50/60

cross server dungeons when

DF has always been cross-server my man

>cross server
>30 min wait time
pls come soon new xpac

The amount of people who would buy an MMO without the intent or experience of raiding from something like WoW and then boost is probably very low. I think people are worrying too much given the statistics Yoshida gave about who purchased the boosts so far. Its mostly been either people who are just boosting alt classes, or people who said they had experience in previous raiding MMOs and distinctly wanted to raid in XIV, meaning they weren't retarded. The amount of brand new people to the genre that are going to want to boost in this are very low, so I don't think this is going to 'ruin duty finder overnight' like some people imagine.

I don't like p2w items like that, but hopefully it will decrease the number of leveling bots

>jump potion

How can we stop that madman, bros?

I'm not a fan of the unified icons.
Being able to do shit blind so easily because of it kind of takes some fun out for me.

I enjoy progression and the learning too much. That just gets watered down.

Only within the data centre, which is becoming a hinderance as player counts dwindle.

We can't man.
They want the money.
They know idiots will spend it, alts galore on balmung buying them to be able to use higher level glamours.
It'll be horrible

what you're looking for is cross-data center then
which is never happening

What's Excalibur like these days?


Between so-so and dead

Isn't Moogle the french server?

Well shit.

>what you're looking for is cross-data center
>stating the implicit suggestion
would read again

dont care really but i want a way to tell who skipped so i can give them tips on a dungeon if they dont know how to do it,i just dont want another hw launch dark knight situation again

>Dead PF
irrelevant with data center wide PF next patch

But yes, just go Odin or Cerberus

I actually read more into it, and I'm now hesitating between Odin and Cerberus. I don't intend to play 12 hours a day, and I have one lvl 50 job and a few lvl 30 trades. I suppose I probably won't be able to raid too much. Knowing that, which of these two servers would be best for me ?

herro gaijins
yu got yur jampu poshon nau
enjoy jampu shitteru in yor servers
prees rook fowadu tu eet

What's the best NA server? Need to transfer off Bryn because it is dead. Thought about going to Balmung, Levi, or Gilga. Any input appreciated.

>Each jump potion comes with a free fantasia :^)

balmung if you do erp
levi or gilga if you don't

> "I jump potioned, god, give me time to learn!"

Pretty much.
But i despise titan and all those quest.
Awful quests.

I fucking wish.

Cerberus seems to have more people from here in it
There's always one person who asks if anyone else plays Odin, and nobody responds

They're not going to include content-skipping capabilities without introducing a mandatory advanced Hall of the Novice. Not only is introducing completely new players to then-endgame mechanics annoying to veteran players, but it's also a very quick way for the new player to completely lose interest and quit the game out of frustration.
The jump potions will be catered to the new player, so expect a fair amount of then-hardships to be handed to them on a silver platter for their money, but it's not all doom and gloom. I'd like to think Yoshi isn't that stupid, considering he's being completely transparent with the existing players and asking for feedback.

Is it harder to catch up in any specific server ?

>some of the mnk weapon has huge swords
>blunt damage

>Overhaul combat
>only changing cross-class skills

Explain this shit

>they changed Ifrit-Egi to all magic damage and not slash (AA)/blunt (Burning Strike)
I miss the small things.

Likely going to be small changes every expansion so the transition isn't jarring. Getting rid of the horrid cross-class system was the first and most obvious step.
I actually wonder if they'll remove arcanist and separate scholar and summoner so you can finally spend those skill points separately.

Lower population servers will have empty party finders, although this will be changed in the next patch since I believe they are making it cross server.
Just play wherever you have friends, if you don't have any, you will probably have a easier time making them on servers with more players.

is the learning halls mandatory?

How do you know they're not blunted swords?

They also said new UI will only start showing up from 60+ for skills

Whatever that WoW Aura thing is.

>so you can finally spend those skill points separately.
As stats/ilvl increase they matter less and less.

Not that they ever really mattered for SCH to begin with.

friar patas isnt blunted
its a piercing weapon ffs

>so you can finally spend those skill points separately.
Might as well remove it entirely to be honest.

>finally got caught up to the end of Soul Surrender

Feels good.

If we don't get to team up with the warriors of darkness for a big stupid fight I will be upset.

Thanks. I guess I'll pick Cerberus then.


theyll need new bodies

It could be made of rubber and you're just punching really, really hard.

WoD did nothing wrong.

It's fucking nice actually, how many times i've tried to play with friends only to find they need to do like 40 hours of shitty MSQ to start playing the decent content with them.

Unless its potd or low level dungeons

>he has pocket healslut

>le ebin insta wipe mechanics


Heavensward is almost the best Final Fantasy ever made.


>Hear about how cancerous Balmung is
>Curious and want to check it out, probably not that bad
>Wait until 3 in the morning to make a character
>5 minutes in, nothing out of the ordinary
>Suddenly mass RP requests out of nowhere
>naked catgirls dancing around, one says she wants to swim in my ass like a trout
>check party finder later on
>see this

what the fuck

It's definitely more Final Fantasy than FFXV

That's like comparing FF1 to the first disc of FFVIII.

>Muh titfilia
>Muh waking sands

Yeah, no.
The first 3/4 of ARR are a fucking chore.
HW have better characters too.

Ragnarok doesn't really have a set country people are from, I've honestly never seen such a diverse server in a game before.

Do note there are a lot of arabs though, which gives it a bit of a reputation for that.

I wonder if they're ever going to address the growing problem that is WAR's HP. As the maximums go up, the difference between WAR's maximum HP and the rest also increases, due to it being a percentage increase based on the warrior's own HP. As of current, the maximum HP gap with defiance and thrill is about 13k-15k, maybe even more. Would they just straight up nerf the percentage increases as the numbers get higher?

He did everything wrong.
Just like the WoL.

I'll... be right back.

>Negro looking for a watermelon

they need a way to report people for misuse of pf,hell the other day on balmung i saw someone begging to give her money so she could go visit hey boyfriend for christmas

I don't really care what Final Fantasy constitutes in terms of setting, it's more that XIV is just the better game by far.

And that's painful to write.

>those last three

That's actually a fully grown adult woman.
What do lalafellian children look like


Who Odin here?

Potatoes are harvested from the ground when fully grown.

>Got a demolition notice
>forced to resub to keep my cool shit

I hate you yoshida