What factors do you take into account when choosing your character gender?

For me, I play girls on 1p rpgs and boys on online games. but there are eexceptions, in games like harvest moon, when the game ends for girls after getting married but not for boys (and actually any game i suspect there might be dating in it) I play as boys.

But enough about me; Are you a boy or a girl?

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I'm a self inserting faggot so I play as male and if customization is a feature I will disign the character after myself. Is it autistic to self insert?


I usually play a girl, but play a boy sometimes, especially if the girl is way too slutty or stupid looking.

I like generic.

go back to /vp/ you underage piece of shit
and quit renaming your god damn files

>slutty or stupid looking

Oak is the best example i could think of for asking a question about the player gender.
Also, learn how to use image search.

I play as a male. Anyone who plays as a girl is somewhat of a fag.

Is that true about Harvest Moon? Because why would anyone play as female if that were the case

Which character has better customisation options, be that clothing, hairstyle etc.

I like customising, clothing especially, which is why I end up playing as a girl so often.

only in one or two of the early titles, can't remember which

people might still play as the girl for roleplay purpoes/because one of the guys really caught their fancy/they are actual girls in real life/

I know its a lame pun, but this still cracked me up. thanks for the image sir.

You tell me.

I play as a boy, because I'm a boy.

If the girl is hot.
If not, the dude.

Dating = boy
Pokemon = boy
OC = girl

I like girls especially when I have to create my own OC. It's more fun to create a cute girl and customize her armor options than to create a standard boy.


Do you also play as a fat nerd?


if that's an option, sure I guess

Let me guess, the doujin ends up being gay sex between this two?

You know I just realized this meme makes no sense.
Gender wasn't an option in Pokemon until Crystal or Ruby/Sapphire for people who don't get 3rds, Oak never asked this shit. It should be Elm or Birch asking the meme tier question.

I always play girl because I am a boy in real life and its fun to be something different. Female characters usually have more and diverse customization options compared to the male characters. Its fun to be a girl in a video game universe.

No. It's 100% straight.

The only games I play where you can choose your sex are single player.
I alternate depending on what headcanon backstory I come up with before playing. If I can't decide, I go with female because I have a favorite female name that I base female char names off (adjusted for race; an orc lady wouldn't have the same name as a high elf lady unless the backstory gives me a good excuse). Male characters are harder to name IMO.

>Oak never asked this shit

You don't play mmos?

Anyway i have a revrse problem regarding names; I have multiple internet identities which i also use to name my chars but i tend to choose generic names (like 'ann' or 'lili' or 'lilian') for my f characters cuz im seriously clueles. recently i started thinking up some nice names, but in some games the char limit gets in the way.

I don't see the appeal in MMOs so no.

im not talking only about mmo rpgs, but also other genres like fps, cardgames and the like.

If I can make shaft shamans, girl. If not, boy.

Both depending on looks. Usually male in MMOs and for beast races, female for some things like Titanfall 2's full futuristic armor and robots.

Leaning male in most cases though, because I am one and I mostly like dick.

nigger why are you so autistic

cute girl or cute girl (male)

I play card games IRL.
I only play FEAR, CSS and Half Life 2 Deathmatch in a LAN with friends, no online stuff.

>shaft shamans
Whats dat?

I play as whoever makes my pee pee hard.

Which is usually a girl, as most games don't have feminine enough boys. I would play as a boy in Pokemon Sun/Moon, but I skipped it due to them being bad games.

>tfw dad asks why you always play as a girl

>I would play as a boy in Pokemon Sun/Moon, but I skipped it due to them being bad games.
The region feels pretty tiny post-game but it's probably one of the best games in the series. Certainly better than the BW2 meme.
The sales match the quality, too.

Stars/whatever the fuck will probably be great too

you don't have to delete and re-post for a small typo like that, I didn't even notice even after looking for one for a minute

You may also know it as either sperm worm, boner toner, spunk monk, cock dock, erection ejection, dick tick, cum plum, seed steed, prick chick, cock stock, seminal sentinel, phallus chalice, anus ignoramus, smegma enigma, beef curtain hurtin, cunt runt, jism prism, ballbiting ballerina, dongle mongle, penis machinist, chin chin bin, scrotum sorceress, wiener cleaner, pole populator, stiffy stimulator, pillar pimper, column culminator, testicle tamer, sperm specialist, glans gladiator, frenulum fractionizer, foreskin fornicator, penile private, smut sergeant, cock captain, orifice officer, rear admiral, cummander, lewd lieutenant, meat major, cunt colonel, wiener witch, phallus phalanx, cock commandant, dong deity, seminal fluid druid, jizz wiz, benis burglar, wang waxer, schlong sentinel, dick dastard, jizz jezebel, tally wacker packer, schlong sorcerer, weenie genie, chode road, male reproductive organ gorgon, ding dong dungeon, scrotum totem, ballsack knapsack, testicle vestibule, ball butter nutter, cock cream captivator, man milk mephistopheles, smegma smuggler, cum connoisseur, semen sommelier, urethra barista, or semen demon.

>smegma smuggler

I'm a boy that likes controlling girls. What's wrong with that? Isn't that every man's dream, to have a woman do everything you want?

You can choose being a girl, change some of your profile information and select "I feel like a girl" so everyone knows you're a faggot in Pokemon SM's festival plaza