PvP or PvE server?
PvP or PvE server?
Why would you want to reduce your whole experience to fighting against computers.
WoW PvP is absolute garbage.
Better questions, why are Night elves so damn slutty?
PvP is the only rational choice
You can still PvP in arena and BGs. But entirely this:
ganked BITCH hahahahhahaha
Like dying in PvP would even matter, you don't lose anything. It's babby shit.
t. scrub
t. mongoloid
You would think world pvp would be about skill and maneuvering and how much fun that would be.
In reality it's just who has higher level gear and is a higher level. There is no outskilling or ganging up on a shitty higher level character. Ever.
Maybe so but the game is boring without it.
The game is boring regardless
No, it's fun.
PvP if you're playing a vanilla server
PvE if you're playing on live, the cross realm zones really fuck up PvP servers bad
t. autism
In this case server will be full of people like ludwig the fatherless who transfered 60lvl characters and everyone else
The player numbers say otherwise.
You lose your right to call yourself a man, BITCH.
>Cross realm zones
Is the game really that dead?
Why not both?
Useless thread user
Depends, do you enjoy this? I can't see how either role would be fun.
>going anything but rogue PVP
Why are there bananas?
You lost that right the moment you decided to invest your whole early to late teenage years on this game.
PvE, I want to play the game and have fun, not to be destroyed by Koreans.