Alright /v I want to get into Persona, which one should I play first? By order of release? Play Persona 2 first...

Alright /v I want to get into Persona, which one should I play first? By order of release? Play Persona 2 first? Tell me how I should proceed to get the best experience possible. Are you hype for Persona 5 btw?

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I played the first two for about 10 hours total and they were so god damn boring.
It was was on PS2 I think I played 2 hours and didn't get into a single battle

Each is it's own story, play whichever interests you more. I love P4g, but avoid it p3 and p5 if you hate weeb.

SMT you fuck.

Just skip 1 and 2.

Play it in order of release if you have the courage, the gameplay of 1 and 2 is shit but story is great.
Start from 3 if you can't handle it

From what I hear, Persona 3 and 4 (and 5) are very different games to Persona 1 and 2
Start with either 3 or 1

why not both ? SMT only fans are retarded

Ignore P2 unless you're a Tarofag. It uses the every woman is a whore trope and le suffering for cheap feels.

Dont let idiots scare you away from Persona 1 and 2.

>It uses the every woman is a whore trope
But that's true.


Go die in a fire

Here's some advice, if you're ever trying to get into a game series then go to /vg/ and see if it has a general. Most of the time the general will tell you every thing you need to know to start.

SMT has a general and an image for people like you.

So? P2 is a game where demons exist and rumors become reality.
Spreading 'not all women are whores' shouldn't be hard.

I often avoid /vg/ because i'm scared of spoilers

you only need to read the OP which doesn't ever contain spoilers for games.

Persona 1 fucking blows I beat it twice just because people say it's not bad but I still don't get it
Persona 2 IS writing puts it above P4, despite it's average
Persona 2 EP still has great writing but now the bosses are hard.
Persona 3 is best all round
Persona 4 is alright.

Literally only 1 girl is a whore in p2, sensitive faggot.

1 whore/druggie
1 bitch that sleeps around for 'gifts'
1 dyke


That's a very loose use of the word "whore", my dude.

What? Sleeping with someone for free shit makes you a whore.

The games are not connected to each other story-wise, you could play them backwards and it would still be okay.
I'd suggest skipping the first one however, start with 2. It has two games, I played Eternal Punishment and it was good; can't say anything about the Innocent Sin.
Then you have 3 and 4, the most popular games in the series, the best versions are P3 FES and P4 Golden. Golden is only on Vita but it's okay if you don't have it; regular P4 is good too.
All games are easily emulatable on toasters

Yeah, one character does that.

*lots of guys
Yukino is a bigger whore than Lisa.

2. The other females are just sluts.

>I played Eternal Punishment and it was good; can't say anything about the Innocent Sin.
Dog, you're supposed to play IS -> EP. Some things in the story literally won't make sense.

d-dog ?

Play them in any order.(except EP should be after IS) just be warned it gets rougher to play the earlier ones later since they have less convenience features. also if you hate having party members do actions on their own than i suggest P3PSP and looking up the canonical ending after.
also obligatory

by the canonical ending you mean The Answer ?


for quality :P2 EP > P1 remake > P2 IS > shit > P3 > P4

in order of story it's better to play the first three in order, disregard 3 and 4 and play SMT I - III + Strange Journey.

Don't listen to any of these nerds. Play 4 Golden. That's where I started. The opening song is a work of art and will get you hooked to the game. It's so pretty and colorful. Plus, it's like watching Scooby-Doo

I tried SMT I but dropped it after the very very big mall level, i'm not patient enough for old dungeon crawlers / RPG like this
Is SMT II more accessible or should I skip directly to SMT III ?

>it's like watching Scooby-Doo
Into the trash it goes.

SMT2 is worse than SMT1 when it comes to exploring/backtracking.
SMT3 is 'kay.

SMT II is very similar to I, SMT III is the most accessible, and if you like it and want something similar you have the Digital Devil Saga games on the PS2 as well.

Persona 1 is also an old school first person dungeon crawler rather than the isometric style of Persona 2.

>retarded thread
>retarded OP doesn't have a mind of his own and can't make decisions

Kill yourself

Play Persona 3 and then 4. If you want more after that try the early games. If you want even more go for SMT.

Fuck, I just found out retropie supports persona 3 on my pi3. Nice.

Just play it in release order for the sake of being able to be the few people in the western world who HAVE played it in release order.

Some people may tell you that the first 2 are bad but keep in mind many of those people are saying this from a "I played P3 or P4 first" perspective. Go release order to ensure the best opportunity to be able to play and appreciate all the games.

How is Strange Journey compared to the first two ?

>play the 2 games that are nothing like the rest of the series and if you want more play those other games that are completely different

Similar in gameplay but much faster paced and with a lot more convenience features, also the levels are not as needlessly long.

completely demon focused though, It's been a while since I played it but I don't think there are human party members

Play Persona 3/4 first, then if you like them, play the first 2 if you want. They're really different. Personally, I like P4 more, but they're both 10/10 games. More based on personal preference, so play whichever one looks cooler to you.

Thanks, i'll get into it then

>doesnt like classic scooby doo

That works both ways, fucktard

that's why I think 3 and 4 are tripe


All you said is that they're different. LOL

>SMT I - III + Strange Journey
>disregarding SMTIV and IV:A

I don't like IV at all, it takes the worst things about III and amplifies them

Of course I don't. It's trash.
Only notmalfags were into it.

As much as I love Persona 1 and 2, you can safely start with 3.

At the very least skip 1. I suggest playing 3 and 4 then treat 2 as a different series and play that.

Haha, good one. XD, reee normies!

Don't. If you want an RPG then you should play Wizardry or Ultima instead. The only thing SMT has going for it is the demon summoning and fusion system, which is admittedly fun to use, but the combat is otherwise dumbed down to hell and back.
If you just want a dating simulator then there are plenty already available on PC.
>a shitty 4/4 pop song is a "work of art"
The fuck is wrong with you people?

Us non-virgins, amirite!

Ultima has horrible combat though

>I want to play game
>No, play completely different game instead

Same kind of people to recommend quake over counter strike.

Do people seriously disregard Persona games over SMT just because SMT is harder?

no people disregard persona games because the american version of 1 had a horrible nonsensical localization, Innocent Sin was never officially released until 2010 and 3 and 4 are for a completely different demographics, they are literally 3/4 slice of life VN

Why do you want to play this garbage?

I can understand why someone would like SMT and not Persona. They're really different in a lot of aspects outside of difficulty. I think the Persona series is worth getting into though.