City Buildan Games

City building games thread niggers

Let's discuss them

I am currently thinking of buying pic related, pirated it while it was in early access and found it mildly fun but the fact that you needed to be constantly expanding or else your population would crumble (Since villagers only reproduce if there is an available home bugged me).
Now I hear it has plenty of mods and shit, is there one that fixes this? Or some way I could work around it without having to build houses constantly?

Other urls found in this thread:

Playing Planetbase, it doesn't have as many layers as banished but the setting is pretty damn unique

The classic Sierra bundle has a bunch of older city building games, and it's on sale.

Its also boring and repetitive as fuck

I've been playing this lately, not really a city builder but more of an economy simulator.

Anno 2070 is really good if you liked Banished, it's all about building cities supplemented by industry shipping chains and products

>you needed to be constantly expanding or else your population would crumble
but that mechanic is like what keeps the endgame interesting. you just have to hit a certain population so that people die roughly as much as people are born.
it keeps the game dynamic when people die of and you suddenly get a wave of many young people

Got this on steam.

>if only you could keep your towns small/medium sized

Game ggoes from comfy to hektik bullshit autism organisational

Zeus + Poseidon is better desu

Fucking OFTC

>So whats your idea for our next game?
>See, it s game where the goal is to out jew everyone.

Which Caesar do I buy? Isn't 3 supposed to be the best? Or should I get Pharaoh? Both settings are equally interesting to em.

>there will never be a game like banished but with roman aesthetic
fucking kill me

HoMM 3 HD is good

>there will never be a better version of anno 1404


but is it good ?

i wish this game was finished and had decent art direction

i spend so much time building cities

i just wish there was a nicer game

It's THE space jew simulator

It's amazing.

Yes but MP is dead, and that's where it really used to shine.

Offworld Trading Company. It's a pretty unique take on RTS games, with no units directly controlled by the player. But the economy is entirely player-driven. Prices fluctuate as goods are sold and purchased, so the key to winning is to try to get a monopoly on resources that are going to be high in demand before the fact. There is also indirect combat via the black market, which allows you to sabotage your enemies anonymously in various ways. But if you accidentally try to sabotage a tile protected by a goon squad, your opponent captures your sabotage and it is revealed to everyone in the game that you're a treacherous rat.

And how much would that 'certain population' be? I'd just like to lay back and enjoy seeing my village work without having to worry about everything collapsing from one moment to another

I got that as well. :P

get better pc you faglord

>tfw I reinstalled Anno 2070 recently and it's still addictive as fuck

not the best city builder but nobody else does resource supply chains in city sims properly.

So turn the speed down to 1x if you just want to admire your city.

i have anno 1404 and i love it. is 2070 similarly good?

It's the exact same game just with a worse setting and two mutually exclusive "themes" (eco-friendly or industrial giant).

Isn't Life is Feudal: Forest Village pretty much Banished with better graphics and more buildings?

I've never played 1404 but setting up shipping lanes in 2070 is so satisfying.

I had one island with a small uranium source which powered my whole empire. I had a massive escort for that little boat which carried the uranium because if my island missed one shipment, everything would come crashing down.

Plus you get to build your own Rapture

If you liked 2070 you should definitely check out 1404. Like said, it's the exact same game but with a different setting.

what do you guys think of Cities Skylines? Played it a year ago and this thread is making me want to play some. Are there better games? Only played C:S and SimCity 4

No you're thinking of Banished + the Colonial Charter mod

It's pretty much SimCity 5.

Traffic management simulator
Hope you know what the term "arterial" and "collector" means.

Thanks, I'll get it in the next sale.

If one did pick up banished what mods should they use?

Colonial charter

Also theres a GOG download for it OP so if you're still monitoring why bother paying for it?

Anno 1800 when ?

>that ooga when no caveman society simulator