Why do the most well-known video game critics also happen to be complete degenerates?
Why do the most well-known video game critics also happen to be complete degenerates?
Other urls found in this thread:
>complains about degenerates
>He's posting on Sup Forums
Fuck off Sterling
Post xis wife
In order to be well known for more than a few weeks, you have to crave the attention. In order to be a critic, you have to be an asshole, because that's "funny".
who is this rump trump
asking for a friend
Because everyone is a "degenerate" in some fashion, once you consider an open mind to be a flaw.
That guy can cum a lot, but what's wrong with his dick? Looks weird.
>I'm not good at math
>P-please take me seriously
Worst thing is Sterling wasn't always complete, 100% degenerate. I mean he was always fat faggot fuck who has dollies and acts like a manchild, but he recognise bullshit and didn't just pick lowest hanging fruit, probably himself he's so fucking fat, bending the tree.
It's called a cream pie for a reason
literally doesnt matter tho
you can agree with points someone makes without agreeing with how they spend their life
imo its better hes a sjw literal cuck but still says things about video games i agree with as it means he may more likely reach the sjw who try to take my games away and turn their opinions around
Most of the people on this board are degenerates. There's always several thinly-veiled porn threads on the front page, covering every fetish under the sun. Jim's favourite of being a cuck raising his wife's son also happens to be a Sup Forums favourite.
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
What is the damn deal with the faggy riding gloves? I don't get it they don't match his clothes 99% of the time.
>most well-known video game critics
>not all
name 1. NAME ONE critic that isn't a degenerate. i'll wait
Until I'm not Antony Burch, I'm the best that humanity can offer.
its not. thats your average white man dick
video games are degenerate
Why would a gook be holding a white man's severed penis?
wrong. he is tan from the waist up
cover his diabetic symptomatic gangrene fingers from view
Because video games are for children and manchildren. Only a degenerate could find success in this hobby outside of actually making the children's toys
Yea i get that, but why those gloves. They look like some old granny gloves some bum found in a trash can.
someone post the twitter pic he posted with an image of his face with cum on it
J-Joseph Anderson?
daily reminder there's nothing wrong with non monogamous relationships
there is something wrong with marrying a fucking troll though, holy shit
Hourly reminder to kys
He's less of a degenerate than the average person on Sup Forums
when did TB have a kid with a mexican?
He's batshit insane but not a degenerate.
Shut up you disgusting degenerate. You're honestly fucked if you thing promiscuity and polygamy is acceptable
literally who.
Puerto Rican. And he doesn't speak spanish at all.
I envy you, not knowing all of these faggots.
>literally looks like Jim in drag
>Most well known
He doesn't even have half a million subscribers, despite the relatively high effort put into it.
Now if you only count critics that cater to an intellectual audience, then he is pretty high up.
>critics that cater to an intellectual audience
>A challenger approaches
Go back to Sup Forums
Threesomes are awesome.
Videogaming is a degenerate hobby, it serves to suck in time while providing you with no tangible benefits or improvement to your self in return, it only makes sense it's largest figures would be degenerates too.
>inb4 but you're here hrur you're a degenerate
yes I fucking am, and so are you.
>critics that cater to an intellectual audience
o shit is that some bird poop
Yeah but it's important to not go into super degenerate territory. There's a line that's gotta be drawn man.
Can someone explain what being a degenerate means to me? I don't go to Sup Forums
How does Sup Forums feel about Anthony Burch?
More transphobia from Sup Forums completely unbelievable
if I had a mediocrity induced crater in my soul as big as his I'd be a degenerate too
all that matters is how well you keep your power level hidden user.
i really should break up with my girlfriend but ive never dne it before i cant stomach breaking someones heart
>NAME ONE critic that isn't a degenerate
>several responses
>le literally who xD lol never heard
I didn't know we were back in 2009.
you didn't name them you mingus
this makes me feel sorry for jim
hope he finds a nice woman one day and leaves that hambeast of a planet wife of his
Why do you want to break up?
I don't know man, when you slide too far into degenerate territory, you can no longer hide it. You will begin to emit an aura of corruption, and then the next thing you know you'll be siding yourself with Slaanesh like a fucking faggot.
>shitting out the most popular argument of the day while putting on the honest-to-god most obnoxious persona ever is "catering to intellectuals"
Blimp Sterling is an opportunist leech.
Name one intellectual critic.
Don't you mean #progressive #bravenewworld and a bunch of other awful shit?
its long distance now and neither of us can afford to go to the other place
our messages are just like "i love you" yada yada but it just feels shallow and meaningless.
she cant move here and i really cant move there realistically because theres no jobs for me there
then again i dont know if id find another girl whod be so committed to me, but still it feels shallow and too far.
I'm pretty sure playing around with little childrens toys and playing make believe like a manchild is degeneracy user.
thats a cool dog whats it from
I don't know much about Yahtzee and his videos are more like entertainment + opinions but sometimes he makes good points
That sucks, I wish I could give you some advice but you know, kissless virgin and so on. Good luck to you
background character from this
Doesn't take brand deals but he also doesn't upload a lot and doesn't talk about a lot of modern games.
That's why he spends all his time trying to point out the shit big companies are doing when no one is interested until like a year later when they've done it and everyone is outraged.
Sup Forums fetishizes Chad Thundercock marrying his his high school sweetheart and getting a job in the family lumber business, because its such a far cry from their friendless, jobless existence. The fun thing is that the majority of people screaming about "degenerates" and "SJWs" are mouthbreathing autists jerkin it to flatulent anime girls and other hopeless degeneracy.
Basically, Sup Forums is self-loathing NEETs.
It's getting to where I can't tell if it's bait or this faggot is genuinely a cuck advocating his own cuckoldry.
I like HAWP
Now THIS is projecting
But american movies told me threesomes are the normiest fucking thing?
But there's a massive difference between playing video games and tabletop shit and thinking you're a woman, or asking for free patreon bux for talking about video games, or wanting to watch other people fuck your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Degeneracy needs to be controlled and kept in balance just like with everything else, you need to keep yourself in check and make sure you don't feel too far off into the deep end.
what a great guy
whats wrong with someone taking an intellectual approach to their journalism medium? Jeremy Clarkson does it all the time.
I dont see anyone on youtube addressing how nintendo controls videos with their own ads and talks about them without allowing them to slap an ad on his own videos.
All I see are people saying "why nintendo, why?!" then going back to nintendo lets play's
I don't actually care what they do. Jim IS a degenerate and probably a horrible human being but I agree with his views on video games, for the most part. That's why I watch his videos. I don't care if he's the second reincarnation of tranny Hitler.
none of the things you listed are evil though
>captcha Michele STOP
>based on basically nothing I'm gonna conclude that Jim is a horrible person
I swear to god people need to stop making baseless claims.
Not evil, but disgusting and promotes the worst aspects of mankind: being weak, relying on others for freebies, and not having any self respect.
(You)'re welcome