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Animations look a tiny bit weird, but still much better than whatever Fallout 4 had vanilla. NO EXCUSES BETHSHITTERS

>make crappy game
>let modders fix it
>still profit anyway

b-but... it j-just worked...

I don't even understand why modders still give a shit.
Bethshitsda clearly has no intention to fully support the modding community by holding back important mod tools.

Is Bethesda the shittiest AAA game maker out there?

Todd Howard is a hack.

Post the broken lever action rifle webm.

What's your point?

Bethesda didn't make left-handed guns because they were unable to make them right-handed.

They made it that way to make ejected casings visible for the player because it supposedly looks cool to people who don't know shit about firearms.


This doesn't prove Beth is incompetent, it only proves they just don't give a fuck. If you are going to insult someone at least do it right faggot.


Oh little child.
Oh innocent lamb of god.
If modders fixed it then there was never any need for my divine intervention.
Give a man a fish and he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he won't buy the season pass.

I didn't play FO4 but would love to see the original to compare for my curiosity

>Fallout 4 does this with most of its weapons, but a particular standout is the bolt-action hunting rifle. Every single one of the hunting rifles in the Commonwealth is a left-handed model, with the bolt hanging over the left of the stock. Yet the player character holds the weapon right-handed, meaning they must hold onto the rifle by the pistol grip to awkwardly cycle the weapon after every shot. The direction Bethesda took here is very confusing, as the hunting rifle from their previous Fallout game was modeled correctly.

You can clearly see the ejected casings you goddamn idiot.

Don't believe in stupid idiots on the internet, form your own views you goddamn faggot.

You can clearly see them in the video*

>This doesn't prove Beth is incompetent, it only proves they just don't give a fuck.

It's quite obviously both you fucking retard

>Implying Bethesda wasn't depending modders to fix their own game

It's like free labor

Yeah they fixed it months after release and did a crappy job. Bethesda is a company, they can't go delaying a game for months just to fix one tiny animation that only hardcore autists will notice.


why doesn't Bethesda go the Notch route of just paying a couple thousand bucks to the modders and then putting it in game for real?

I bet their next game would improve tenfold

Because it has a large audience. Most modders don't even play the games they mod for.

Physically painful to watch. I've handled long arms all my life, and carry a pistol daily for work purposes. I know it's only a small detail, but fuck that's irritating. It's unbelievable that Bethesda could be this incompetent; brassing yourself like that in a firefight is fucking dangerous, especially with an automatic weapon.

Fuck Bethsoft are incompetent fucks. I'm glad someone made at least one rifle in the game which is held and designed correctly.

Why the fuck they didn't look at Obsidian modifications to the engine to implement them in their Skyrim engine?

Are they really that butt blasted that Obsidian found a way to fix their horrible engine?

Why are they such fucking childish?

go away Todd

other way around

why should bethesda be expected to improve when people will fix their shit for free

There still isn't a pump-action shotgun for this game yet.

I'd say Bioware is worse overall. Bethesda at least has the excuse of having buggy, ugly games since they're large sandboxes with an emphasis on character development. Bioware has nothing. Mass Effect 2 took place entirely in corridors and was barely more complex than CoD, but I still managed to bug out and get stuck in the air twice during my playthrough.

what if Bioware gave users modding tools for their games?

>they're large sandboxes
Yeah, my cat has a large sandbox, too, doesn't stop it from being filled with piss and shit
>with an emphasis on character development.

>dude poop lmao
great argument

that's the only argument you need for bethesda games.

i kinda want to reinstall this game now and mod it so that i can have more than 1 companion and firefights have veru realistic bullet damage for both sides, kinda like STALKER. just roll around the wasteland with my squad and kill shit. i have a big boner for games that play like that

>make good game
>let modders add to it
>community-based DLC never shut down, always releases
>makes profit anyway
fixed that for you

>Teach a man to fish and he won't buy the season pass.




How dare they!

I was hype as fuck when I got this in game as I love lever action weapons but fuck, I dropped it immediately when I saw the reloading animation.
How retarded and lazy can you be to think this is good enough to be in a triple-A title?
Was this ever modded? Last I heard it was the coding that prevented simple mods to fix it but I haven't touched F4 since Nuka World.

>be clueless 14 year old
>play CS 1.3 or something
>get skins
>why are these colt skins in the wrong direction? the original looked much cooler when you could see the bullet casings come out

I'm trying to decide what exactly about this is so horrible and getting nowhere. Is it just very few frames in the animation?

user, take note of the number of rounds visually loaded in, and how many he actually shot and the ammo count.

>make good game
You're joking, right?

>I was hype as fuck when I got this in game

>5 shell capacity
>shoot once
>4 shell left
>character crams 5 new shells inside
>ammo counter only register one

They don't care because their fans don't care

holds 5 bullets
shoot 1 bullet
ejects 1 shell
there's 4 bullets left
reload puts in 5 bullets
ejects 1 entire bullet
says gun has 5 bullets somehow

Any chance Obsidian will get another crack at a followup to FO4? Wish Bethesda would just outsource all their Fallout titles to them. I wouldn't want them to buy them as they'd just strip them clean and kill them.

Huh, hadn't even noticed. That's retarded.

But still, what is it about it that makes it look so fucking awful? Or is that just the Bethesda standard showing itself again?

>ejects 1 entire bullet
Fuck I hadn't even noticed
This is Ghost Warrior levels of not giving a fuck

To be honest that is the ugliest hunting rifle I have ever seen. Why doesn't it have a butt stock? Why they hell is there grip tape on a checkered pistol grip? Who is going to go hunting with that?

It's just flat out retarded given that New Vegas already had correct round by round loading for the .357 magnum based pistols and the Cowboy Repeater based weapons. Holorifle did it too.


He's not wrong though. Tons of games use mirrored guns because they want them to be more visually "interesting" when the player is firing their weapon.

BUT... BUT... BETHESDA IS FOR THE FANS! They make PERFECT, Open-world Games, and fill it with livid characters, and so many things to do and visit! Fallout is SKYRIM! SKYRIM IS LOVE!

Those mistakes don't make it look or feel more interesting though.
It's just another fuck-up to add to the ocean of unpolished elements of any Bethesda game

Nah, it ejects shell casings, not full bullets.

Although for some reason it ejects two.

FO4 compared to New Vegas is really disappointing. I don't get why even casual random normal people didn't call out the game for the lack of gun variety and dialogue options. It's disheartening.


Normies have shit taste and don't fucking care. That's it. Slap a new coat of paint, add something stupid and irrelevant like base-building, and they'll eat it up like crazy.

I am so goddamn mad. I bought FO4 because it was on sale and I wanted to argue from personal experience as to how shit it was, but I don't even want to play it because I know it's going to be shit and I'm just going to get angry.

Bethesda is literally only relevant because of modding. Wish devs would wake up and see that user content is the reason games last past 1 year nowadays, not matchmaking ranked only ladder climbing. If a shit company like Bethesda can make it, then anyone can.

>fallout 4
>using guns
>not teleporting 50 meters and stabbing an entire bandit camp
you're doing it wrong

I don't care about dialogue options. I hated the previous modern Fallout games for being weird rpg / shooter hybrids. This fixes it by removing the rpg elements and being a good loot shooter with some fun crafting and building components.

Gun variety sucks, but previous games were bad shooters so the good gun variety was kinda wasted.

Base building is not irrelevant. Its my favourite thing in the game. Being able to build your own towns is fucking amazing.

Singling out Bethesda here is pretty retarded. Like I said, tons of games do it. It's not a mistake either. The guns are modeled properly and then mirrored intentionally.

>it's not more interesting
That's, like, your opinion, man.
The devs think it's cool, so they do it that way.

it's irrelevant when you've got a supposed infant to rescue and you're a new first-time mother.

but it's wonky as fuck

That's the fault of the story, not base building.
True, but it's better than not having it. I would be disappointed if the next Elder Scrolls game doesn't have something similar.


hmm... a freezing flamethrower.... really gets those synapses firing..... indeed......

This. All fallout games except for the first two are better with melee.

What, you never heard of hot ice and cold fire?

What if... a nuclear bomb... could heal you...
Like they destroyed the world, now they're saving it.
My neurons are firing in overdrive

i mean even if you dont break it to all hell using vats, fallout 4 melee is super good
my first playthrough was a BoS, always in power armor and with a super sledge
good fucking luck killing that

Wow, Bethesda has fantastic concept art design, I can't wait to see how it translates to a 3D game world in 2015.

Oh no... no.... what happened? how did it go so horribly wrong?

That looks cool

The only thing better than going melee with power armor in Fo4 is going Automatic laser rifle with power armor. God dammit I love Righteous Authority.


The RPG elements, including dialogue and quests, were the best fucking part of New Vegas.

It's sawed off, it comes with a full stock if you prefer that.

No, what he's saying is that the firearm holds 4 in the internal magazine and 1 in the chamber. You fire one and eject a casing, leaving 3 in the mag and 1 in the chamber. Then you put 5 rounds in the magazine somehow, but only actually put one in the magazine.

Then you cycle the action again, ejecting the unfired round in the chamber, and loading a new round from the magazine, but you still somehow have four in the magazine still.

i dunno
crit builds are really scummy and i dont really like that

>This is what Behestards actually believe.

I wish I played your version of Fallout 4 because with what I saw the melee combat in it is the most atrocious and awful I have ever fucking seen. Here's my main reason, I'm in power armour, it makes me unimaginably strong, I have a rocket powered sledgehammer, I do a power attack with both of those and attempt to obliterate a Raider, he blocks it with something like a switchblade or a pool cue, that staggers me, and then he hits me back, instead of his weapon completely breaking and polishing my armour, it instead staggers me again. I attempt to hit him three more times and he blocks every attack. That and there's no finishing moves for power armour, though perhaps that's a blessing because they're poorly animated and lifeless, but imagine going full Mountain and gouging a guy's eyes out and crushing his head completely in your power armour, or grabbing him by the throat and either instantly snapping his neck, or throwing against a wall so hard he just fucking dies and leaves a big splatter of blood on the wall, or just stomping him to death, into the ground, like a cockroach.

>There are like a thousand fps games out there that show Bethesda good ways of doing right handed weapon animations, it's really not that hard or complicated
>they still couldn't figure it out

I found that the misc mod for chest armor that lessens staggers made melee enjoyable for me. That of course requires not using power armor.

its all a matter of perspective
if you want to see only what's wrong with the game, thats what you'll see, but if you try to focus on the good parts, like the fact there's a perk that allows you to literally become a pain train, stunning or even knocking away anyone you run over with the power armor, you'll have way more fun. so yeah, pain train really makes it alot better since the chances they block become next to zero.

Do people still think Bethesda gives a shit after they literally said spears were not possible then showed that video of all those cool futures they coded and didn't include for zero fucking reason, one of them being spears?

The problem with that is that it's the highest level perk, rather than being something that's there by default, I'll have to give it a proper try though if I can afford it.

Just play in first person famalam. Easier to play melee that way. Especially because of the retarded fucking stagger.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

>not starting with 10 STR for a STR build
see here's the problem

Do you people really not get that Bethesda does shit like this intentionally to engage the modding community? The community solely responsible for the life span of Bethesda games? If you think this company is 'just bad' then you are 'just played'. at least that's my conspiracy theory :^)

Wait, what's the problem again? I never playe FO4, so I don't quite understand the point of the video/mods

No I did see it and I'm trying to forget it, thanks for reminding me of it, it's like watching an ISIS execution video.
10 STR should make you unstoppable sure, but having 9 STR shouldn't make it the entire combat system worthless, it's just poor game design.

why spend money fixing things when some autist does it for free

but it doesnt
if you dont want to get paintrain just think before you rush in blindly and start swinging
if the enemy starts swinging, use the fact you have a longer range with the hammer, take a step back then attack. 95% of the time you will hit him.


And in the near future
>why spend money fixing things when some autist does it for free
>and sells it on Steam Workshop so we get a 45% cut (another 45% to Valve)

The standard set is hilarious, shall we protect the arms and thighs? Nah, shins and wrists are more important. The weird almost out-of-place Synth bio-armour thing in the concept art was so much better

Game balance. It's not fair unless the full time is spent every reload, so they had a choice: have a single bullet reload animation that takes as long as reloading five bullets, along with 2, 3, and 4 bullet reload animations, or just play the five bullet reload animation again and say "bullet physicz lol"

You guys would be bitching like crazy if pvp invaders could just reload faster after every shot.

To be fair, this looks more like a separate bug, which is that, for whatever reason, armor will scale up in size if you're wearing certain underarmor. Compare wearing Heavy Combat Armor with the Military Fatigues versus the Vault Suit, it's much larger on the former for whatever reason. It's something really small you can just tick off using FO4edit, though.