>tfw no game about wandering around a comfy japanese town and solving little mysteries like where Mr. Fluffy is and who stole Mrs. Fuji's scooter
Tfw no game about wandering around a comfy japanese town and solving little mysteries like where Mr...
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Not sure about modern setting though, maybe Yakuza but I haven't played it
I'd play a Yakuza game based entirely on the side-stories alone
Shenmue was basically that. Sorta.
Attack of the Friday Monsters comes to mind, though the mystery part is debatable
if you have a 3DS, try out Attack of the Friday Monsters
um, persona 4 is exactly what you just described
The Yakuza series has tons of side quests like this.
Weebs are fucking disgusting.
Chulips is like that but its about kissing people.
Maybe some visual novel?
not OP, it was fun and cute but it was far too short for my liking. finished it within an afternoon.
As opposed to what?
>Attack of the Friday Monsters
comfy general
>dat enka singing sidequest in Y2.
>3d models on pre-rendered backgrounds
i miss this so much
>live in Canada
>go out exploring
>it's all parking lots
Not a Japanese setting, but Trails in the Sky has a lot of segments like these
That part where you're trying to track down an old traditional recipe in Rolent was really comfy for some reason
dat be my baby sidequest.
It really isn't.
Yo-kai watch takes place in a Japanese town and is pretty authentic.
I've wanted Rockstar to make GTA Japan or Asia for a long time.
Not just because weeb but to see how Japans developers shit themselves comparing it to the Yakuza games they praise so much.
Persona 4, do the quests
GTA and Yakuza are nothing alike though
one is an open-world action game with emphasis on driving while the other is a beat-em-up with RPG elements
Then clearly you aren't going out far enough.
>Not just because weeb but to see how Japans developers shit themselves comparing it to the Yakuza games they praise so much.
Oh shut the fuck up. Rockstar can't fucking make actual good freeroam games anymore without turning it into a barren landscape with fuckall interiors. Atleast Yakuza allows you to enter a lot of interiors and gives you minigames to do which they stopped with GTAV.
GTA V had plenty of minigames, they just weren't shoved in your face like they were in IV.