What the fuck, Japan?

What the fuck, Japan?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Cute girls + big weapons
Are you one of those so called homosexuals?

Wow, it's almost like Japan is a degenerate shithole that should have been nuked to oblivion and turned into a vacation spot similar to Hawaii post WW2.

Reminds me of Oneechanbara.

None of them are cute and the game looks like low budget trash intending to get by on lewd costumes. But that doesn't work when the girls look like shit.

And those animations.

>main selling point is girls
>can't even hire a decent doujin artist to make charcter designs

It's almost like your fucking gay.

Man this dead rising mod looks great!

Fanservice games are fine and all but damn nigga you got to at least put a little effort into your character designs and shit

>feminizombie cant into naughty games
>fuck off
>long live Nippon


>Japan is a degenerate shithole
>Coming from a Burger

>omg you don't like tasteless fapbait for teens you must be gay xD

I wonder if there's a single person that genuinely wants to buy this game.

>zombies look like regular humans
>protagonists look like anime characters

I will literally buy this if it comes to steam. I think the idea of throwing away their clothes as distractions is funny.

Everyone else in this thread is a triggered cuck who doesn't know how to have fun.

>generic anime shit game number 999999999999999
EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! PREORDERED :DD

japan what are you doing?

Low test homosexual spotted, posting from his cuck shed

Nips piss me the fuck off. Their whole shitty industry is propped up by tittygirl fanservice. Why the fuck can't they just watch porn? Playing a game for cheap porn is like playing a game for story. There are DEDICATED MEDIUMS that do those things better.

thought this was Xenoblade Chronicles X for a second, they all have the same stance


neo-Sup Forums was a mistake

This, except it looks like western porn shit. I really do expect better from Japan.

>Implying Gook culture isn't literally Jew Culture X10. I'll give you a hint, after the nuking Japan was run by full on kikes after their god emperor got buttfucked and turned into a fucking butler.


Low test beta gay cucks fuck off.

>mfw I have literally had sex with multiple girls in real life before and still think this looks great, yet permavirgin SJW shitheads here are denying reality and pretending this is "gross" in a pathetic attempt to get laid by their feminist peers


that fucking framerate at 1:11 holy mother of kek

im more corcerned about the lack of body differences.

>ITT Chads who only play western games like real men

Saving vidya by shoveling out shit that pisses feminists off

>CTR falseflagging this hard
How's the electoral college doing, shill?

I'm sorry that you and your dick don't have any standards, user. Enjoy jerking off to PS2-grade models of ugly girls.


That's one desperate false-flag

If you're making a fanservice game, at least make the girls cute

PS2 tier graphics.


>don't have any standards
>proceed to post pedophile bait

> have standards
> proceeds to fap to "mature women"

How mad are you to samefag this hard.

I support Trump BTW.

>Marie shitter

I can see where your standards are. In the trash can.

They wish.

>granny chaser

Im not shitting on this game but holy fuck those designs are generic as fuck

>being a degenerate burger
>saying shit about anyone



>What the fuck, Japan?
There is literally no problem with this, it's just a niche game, and you are not part of their demographic.

Just vote with your wallet and stop bitching.

Better to wanna bone dfc than your feminine dicked land whale fucko. Best part about this new wave bullshit is none of you shills are gonna spawn another generation of yourselves. Fuccbois and faggot feminists alike are gonna keep that bear trap mess between their legs to their non breed able friends so it's a waiting game at this point.

already looks better than The Last of Us garbage lesbian shit, preordered for that Yuri zombie killing panty shots!

>says the retard who's nation is literally owned and run by kikes 24/7 for the last century and who is the sole nation propping up Israels existence and who's removal of Gaddafi and fucking around in Syria single handedly caused all the mass immigration into Europe destroying the gene pool

Fuck off (((BERGer)))


Watch trailer while listening Fortunate Son.

This honestly, even if you are literally fucking gay and aren't turned on by women, you have to admit this trailer was more interesting than The Last of Us 2. Worst fucking trailer of my life that shit was.

>le shity deep acoustic guitar played slowly as le bible verse is sung out in a sombre way

Couldn't get more cliche if they tried.

How delusional are you? No man, you're genuinely in the wrong. Everyone opposes your view, take a step back and reexamine .

>Zombie game
>School girls killing monsters that infect people by biting them
>They're all entirely naked
There's a time and place for fanservice but this isn't it.

Doesn't change the fact that the gooks are literally kikes incarnate with their sexual perversion and suicidal willingness to work 120 hours a week for Tomogashitoyotasushigodzilla-san for no pay.

Something about those character models just feels off.

as long as they go back to putting out good games afterwards is k, can have shit like this up the ass until then

Cliche is safe. Safe is what tribble A is about.



If the USA is kike central then what does it say about Japan that they rely on kike central for their defense?

This is probably the gayest thing I've read all week.

fuck you, I thought it was funny from how absurd it is and they're trying to market it outside of japan, funny = LE LOW TEST BETA VIRGIN LOL T. CHAD THUNDERCOCK, you falseflagging cunt.

Where's the problem the dickless manlet?

Are you numale, isn't it?

>Can't get raped by zombies


>posts no evidence
>in fact makes contrary claims saying Japanese work for free which the most opposite thing to Jewish that could possibly be

>muh sexual perversion

Oh look we have a puritan. Fuck off retard. You know what, you are the Kike. Jews are notorious puritans when they get into that Orthodox mode. Fuck you kike, go mutilate your dick since masturbation is off the devil and you need to cure you want of it.

I legit thought the trailer was interesting. Gameplay looks sub par, but if this goes on sale for $1 I will buy it, hopefully it will be modded with more waifu's and nude mods.

I think the distracting zombies with clothing mechanic looks kinda fun.


>every zombie games must be the same
>games can't have stupid bonuses

Did you even complated a single Resident Evil game in your life

Is this thread full of trolls or is Sup Forums feminized this badly to be outraged by tiddies?

Eh, I've played worse games, it might not be so bad.

Yes, Sup Forums is normal central now, just like neogaf/reddit/facebook

Sup Forums is pretty normie now.

I want to say its former but Im not sure at this point.

japan single handily saving gaming I see.

>pls make for PC


I'm not false flagging. Butthurt virgins in this thread just assumed that.

Everytime nude mods or sexual fanservice is brought up in video games, puritanical faggots always go "OMG GROSS FUCKING VIRGINS GET A LIFE LOL CREEPY WHY DON'T YOU JUST LOOK AT PORN" and it was bound to happen in this thread.

I don't care if you think I am a chad. I work out, life, run, and I fuck girls in real life, and not uggo's either since I have standards.

Yet things like nude mods, fanserive in anime and video games still interest me. I am sick of this shit being labeled as a thing that only virgins care about. Fucking low test shits and feminist whiners are trying to make it a shameful thing to like fanservice in games, when literally any red blooded male would enjoy that stuff. I don't want a fucking stigma around it that would cause less of it to be created.

I fucking hate sexual puritans. Anything that has fan service I support it on principle alone, but like 99% I am legit interested in it anyways since I love women's bodies and will never stop loving them.

can you cram more buzzwords in your post, jesus christ

Guess you aren't wrong about them being extras. I was just never fond of characters wearing nothing during a zombie apocalypse but when I think about it, Dead Rising already did this and no one complained.

Sup Forums is beyond saving

Can you change the color of their hair to match their leaf?

PC has Honey Select though. Faced with the choice...

>being surprised by Japan's pedophilia
>current year
I'd be surprised if it was a Korean game, but we should all expect this and more from Japan.

Sup Forums is undergoing targeted forced cultural change. They hate this place but they go here just to be deliberately contrarian, then have the gall to claim to be oldfags.

I can agree with this.

>No evidence
>Meanwhile entire population is diminishing because nobody will breed because half the population is too busy with porn
>Other half of the population is too busy working ungodly hours all unpaid because they think Mr. Tomobayatsusashimi will give them more shekels eventually
>Entire population is obsessed with little girls
>Entire economy is predated on dumping cheap electronics on countries that can't compete due bullshit trade deals predecated on MUH NUKES similar to MUH SHOAH
>Constantly bitches about the people paying for their protection while also bitching that said people won't protect them from da ebil chineze
>Commit constant warcrimes throughout history but deny them at every turn only to call anyone who talks about them an ebil racis

>see a lewd game

>models are awful
>animations are awful
>clipping EVERYWHERE
>any main theme to make it even lewder is terribly implemented and doesn't even fucking function well
>jiggle physics look a decade+ old
>the game content is fucking awful because you're continually doing the same shit instead of being able to get a variety of lewd situations in the game
>it's barely above a mobage yet being sold for full price on handheld / console

>hurr durr user maybe you're the gay
nigger fuck off what is it about this shit that causes people to defend having absolutely no standards for quality?

Are you completely incapable of criticising things just because you know that people you don't like won't like them? This looks like garbage. The fact that it has tits in it doesn't change that. Why the fuck would you not play DoA Xtreme 3 or Honey Select or something with far cuter girls in it if you wanted a basic game with lots of lewd? It's baffling that people will buy this pandering trash just to show them there ess jay dubyas what for, rather than downloading HS, importing the DoA girls and wanking themselves raw.

im outraged how bad those models are animations are.

This would have been ok, if it wasn't made by nips. Exploit stuff is fun, but as long as you insist to make every character a moe anime waifubait schoolgirl with loli voice, you deserve to hang yourself.

I want to FUCK Fran!

How wrong and retarded can one person be?

We all do, familia.

>muh memehau

Whatever, sjw faggot.

Should had an anime artstyle and girls with bigger tits and ass.



What an astute user.

all the salt from this butthurt nigga....holy shit. sad faggot