When did the japs start falling for the open world meme?
You have got to be kidding me. Dragon Quest XI is gonna be open world too? Fucking hell.
When their games stopped selling in the West. It's all pandering to that audience, since the home console market is irrelevant in their own country.
At least it didn't fall for the real time combat meme
Dragon Quest 8 has a massive over world you cuck
they already said that xi is going to have real time combat.
...Dragon Quest 8 was open world, dude. They actually know how to do it.
Only on PS4. Just play the 3DS version.
Look where you are user. Money's on this idiot never playing it.
What studio is developing this? If it's Level 5 again you have nothing to worry about. Look at Ni no kuni
Dragon quest has been open world buddy.
>Look at Ni no kuni
So it's going to be a potentially fun game completely (COMPLETELY) ruined by one of the worst combat systems ever created?
...I can believe this.
I don't think this is a good example.
Level 5 also made Dragon Quest 8 you cuck
Skyrim and FO4 were immensely popular over there, blame Todd Howard.
>I've never played DQVIII
Fuck off.
It's not even open world you fucking numbskulls.
Based Todd indirectly fixing the gooks
Which was a massive step down from VII, yes.
>open world
Based Todd-sama.
Todd rhymes with god.
>kojima shills still triggered by open world
Just get over it already, MGSV was shit because kojimbo is a hack
Dragon quest has always been open world
They're both turn based and DQ has always had a massive overworld, it's not "open world." Troll thread.
when did Sup Forums start falling for the "meme" meme?
MGSV sucked because it barely had any story or memorable bosses
Not that guy but don't you start that, user. Sure it wasn't as good as VII but massive is a touch of a hyperbole.
>I'm such a sad shitposter I have to pretend 7 isn't shit in two threads
Just kill yourself.
A 9/10 game is a big step up from a 7/10 one, user.
I have literally never mentioned DQVII on this board before. Could it be that your autism is actually the common link between two different threads, user?
I think we have a real problem going on here, fucking collective amnesia.
JRPGs have always sold on the basis on huge, expanding worlds to explore, being the last generation the only exception (and the gen that had worse JRPGs since the fucking NES era). What's the big selling point of FF7? Midgar? Fuck you! Why is DQ9 great? Because of the thrilling story?
user we're talking about a 2 point different. I'd say moderately or what have you. Though I guess at this point I'm arguing semantics. At the very least, 8 was arguably prettier than VII and still looks good to this day. Some of the magic you can do to your copy with PCSX2 at 6x native is pretty impressive.
Their games never stopped selling, they just never sold as much as AAA western titles of different genres.
So instead of sticking to what they were good at and catering to an established niche market, over the past decade they've been attempting time and again to make their games more "western". Something which none of their fanbase ever asked for, and something the mainstream western audience still wouldn't be interested in.
>So instead of sticking to what they were good at and catering to an established niche market
The costs of being a company increase as the years go on. You should know from the number of companies that aren't here with us anymore from the 90's till today.
>When did the japs start falling for the open world meme?
So I take it you've never played a Dragon Quest game before?
>Original game only has one dungeon and is otherwise just the world map, a couple towns, and like two caves.
>The only thing keeping 8 from being "open world" was load times, as the map was basically to scale.
>X did fucking great for them and was an MMO with a big sprawling world.
>It is somehow a problem that XI is "open world" because
RPGs are originally open world with puzzle dungeons. Every RPG that mattered had a massive overworld in the olden days. This "every level is a fucking corridor" trend is rather recent.
Since FF1, retard.
>This "every level is a fucking corridor" trend is rather recent.
Tell that to most Final Fantasy games.
Only recent one was XIII, brain-damaged moron.
More like tell that to FFX and FFXIII.
XII had huge cities, good level design and and a huge overworld.
>Anywhere close to 9
You know, we used to call those 'overworlds'. A lot of JRPG fans were mad when the PS2 generation started removing them.
this tee be h
>tfw BG2 is still better than any current WRPG simply because the low production costs allowed them to build a larger world
>we can never go back
Since the first Dragon quest you fucking piece of shit.
Overworld isn't open world though
>A lot of JRPG fans were mad when the PS2 generation started removing them.
Yeah, let's be mad that niche genre developers can't afford to keep up with the overworld meme (where 90% of the content is boring empty space anyhow)
It's better to have good looking areas and dungeons than simply having a shitty overworld that doesn't look like much.
Dragon Quest had an open world as early as 2, and frankly open world is cool right now so obviously they were going to make it an open world.
>Overworld isn't open world
> overworld isn't an open world
So... You're saying that there is no such thing as open world games. Because 99% of RPGs treat the open world as an overworld that you travel across to get to the dungeons.
>When did the japs start falling for the open world meme?
When you dumb fucks kept complaining about everything being linear.
Go on and name some examples.
Making an open world RPG according to current day demands to graphics and player interaction is just not feasible unless you have a gigantic budget and limitless storage.
It's part of the exploration aspect of the RPG experience. Travelling from point A to point B and trying to stay alive through endless assaults from wild animals and random enemies.
>Implying most FF games aren't linear as fuck and full of twisty windy corridor dungeons meant to get you into more random battles than entirely necessary.
4 was really, really fucking bad about it, and 6 is a 2D version of XIII's structure most of the way through. Just. You know. Actually enjoyable since the systems weren't nearly as terrible and the writing wasn't as abysmal.
Despite your convincing anime reaction image, it isn't. Overworld is more or less just the place you travel in between towns and has nothing in there, everything resides within the towns. (To which you have limited access to before you usually progress to sea and later on to air)
It's even less of an open world in games where there are random encounters rather than enemies you see on the map
>It's part of the exploration aspect of the RPG experience
Sure, but it's not open world.
4 is famous for its dungeons. 3 on the other hand is the opposite.
Fair enough I guess, and neither example is anywhere near X or XIII levels, but I always found 4's dungeons to be extremely tedious.
>area transitions and random encounters, which are functionally no different than visible enemies spawning at random on the map, somehow makes an open world not an open world
Pretty arbitrary definition of open world you got there, senpai.
Please refer to DQ1, where almost the entire fucking game is the overworld.
Did you get through the Lunar Ruins? Shit was insane. I kind of liked it though. 10/10 experience. Would do the whole 100 floor dungeon again (since I never got the drop from the fucking dragon).
Its "open world" just like Dragon Quest 8 was.
The Tales series does combat and open world better than SE. Even the Dungeons are better.
Tales hasn't been good since vesperia
I agree, pic is best example on how to perfectly not do it
Cool lies, homo.
Are we all pretending in this thread that Dragon Quest was never open world? Fucking IX sold a lot and you forget already how it played?
Open world is just elimination of loading between levels.
As long as it has a player created character, like DQ9
If it was open world then why was it called "overworld"? Overworld is pretty much a linear path to the next town except for the fact that it's been spread around to give you an illusion of freedom/exploration.