While heading to High Hrothgar...
While heading to High Hrothgar
>he cant 1v1 a troll with no issues, even at low level
more than 1 troll might be an issue for someone primarily using melee, or someone with incredibly weak magic, but 1 troll is no big deal whatsoever
just set him on fire
fucking kill yourself
I had more trouble with the sabre cat in front of him
both of those assholes could one-shot me every time on Master
Just burn him a bit, bro
>image macros
>leddit filename
go back, tourist
Am i the only one who shuffled across the mountain to the left because he kept killing me?
Lydia killled it on her own
Just get yourself in a position where he can't hit you and cheese him with a bow. Thank you based Todd for your shitty programming.
99% of the time when it jumps off of the cliff, it takes off around half its health.
It really isn't difficult unless you're a literal retard.
roll motherfuckers
Why post the shitty one?
My African-American
>not walking past it
>not ATVing up the side of the mountain
>knowing what a reddit filename looks like
Rollin like limpbizkirts
roll, cause why not
That's actually a pretty good point.
It just looks like regular nonsense "sjakfvbnliuvb" filenames when you mash the keyboard.
I wanted to play Oblivion but whatever roll
You can also just run to the temple because he's a slow piece of shit.
Kill yourself OP.
That doesn't look like a wolf to me, Klimmek.
Are trolls actually weak against fire or is that some retarded way of saying that the burning simply helps negate troll heath regen?
You literally just run past him.
Rolling for my yearly playthrough
>knowing how to manipulate imgur and reddit to that extent
>pretending you don't use either site
They are weak to fire actually. Also weak to being swallowed
They are indeed weak to fire.
Probably all that hair they have.
Downloading Sexlab now.
Ah, fuck it
But you don't have to manipulate either. You only have to use google
>these fucks
>have their own mana bar just like the player
>can only casts spells
>zap them constantly for a short time with the weakest shock spell
>drains their mana and keeps it from regenerating
>it just stands there unable to do anything while slowly getting its health whittled down
even at level 1 with difficulty mods all you need to do is equip fire magic offhand and slap his shit up
I would totally cosplay one but console commands aside you'd need to wait till late game. Can you make yourself their race or anything?
>be me
>come back to Sup Forums out of curiosity after 4 years away
>see Skyrim appreciation threads
OP is just reposting the top 10 threads of reddit.
You have to have a certain level of knowledge to know that removing the .gif part of the filename takes you to a page that can redirect you to reddit. look what happens when you try the same thing with Sup Forums
>be me
go back to Previous Year where you belong
>not enjoying all the TES threads that have been happening lately, regardless of game or subject matter.
Your loss my dude.
I wish I could
I bet you fucks don't even have Sup Forumsingo anymore.
Just get Miraak's Robes
Fuck it
Rolling, though I'm pretty sure it's not xbone compatible still because they'd rather I buy the remastered version.
Looks like I have to reroll.
That was bound to die eventually
Only so many games collections you can destroy
Meant roleplay. Don't know what brought about me using cosplay in that context
Reminder to marry Annekke and save her from her milk-drinker husband.
>liking cuckold porn
>Discussing games at all
is it really cuckold if she remarries
I bet you go on craigslist counting for big back men to fuck your wife
So Sup Forums likes facebook-tier macros and is nostalgic for Skyrim now, eh?
That's some hardcore projecting there user
wtf is this chord?
E major?
but his pinky is on C# and his ring finger is on G
>le be me xD
there's a containment board for cancer like you
He never uses his guitar on EADGBE
Its probably a drop something tuning
I ran away, fuck that shit.
>tfw archery
according to metallicafags they always use Standard E (except for St.Anger where they use Drop C)
That's a new one for me
I always though they used DropC
Thanks user
rollngo bongo
what mod is this/are these??
TK Dodge is great, plus some boost dodge.
good luck to me please
I was in that thread.
>tfw Sup Forums marks "roll" as spam now
just fuck my shit up Hiroshima
last time
roll i guess
Everything that's not stealth archery or dualwielding swords sucks dick in this game.
>can't outskill a god damned troll
I take it you've never installed any magic pack?
Lost Grimoire and Apocalypse are fantastic.
I went a step further.
If a character proved simply unable to overcome both the Sabrecat and Troll, even with a few reloads, they got deleted and a new save restarted. They were too weak, obviously. So we try again next time with a better build and a more worthy fated champion.
>Sup Forums unironically discusses skyrim now
Rollin' around
If i install mods, then it's not really the game, now is it? Wont stop vanilla from sucking.
>stop liking what i don't like
If you install mods, then it technically is part of the game.
It might not be official, but it'll be part of the game.
I bet you are so autistic that you check every single image to see if it is from reddit.
roll I guess
why not
I'll give it another go.