Is there any Star Wars game besides Jedi Academy (and, I guess, TOR) where you start off as a padawan and go on missions until eventually you're a Jedi Knight/Master? It seems like the most basic no-brainer shit in the world for an SW game yet this is the only game I know about that does it.
Is there any Star Wars game besides Jedi Academy (and, I guess...
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>Not Jedi Academy
Well user you're fucked because those two are the only ones.
I really wish they'd finished that Darth Maul game. He was the best part of the prequels.
Take it from me user, I've played every SW game minus the flight simulation ones.
I'd rather not
I actually kind of liked that game. I remember you could throw the lightsaber through the forcefield to fuck with Maul while he was fighting Jinn, he still kills him tho ;_;
How is the Clone Wars game?
force unleashed
It's based off the TV show and has the worst controls on PC. Other than that I played it on Xbox for shits and giggles and to my surprise its not too bad.
I play with a pad. What sort of game is it?
>you don't start as a padawan
Also, it's a third person hack and slash/shooter which makes you play as clone troopers and the main protags of the TV show
>>you don't start as a padawan
Apprentice is the sith version of padawan, isn't it?
SeeI wouldn't purchase it on PC due to GFWL garbage and performance issues.
Yeah but OP was implying he wanted to be a jedi, not a sith, the two have completely different move sets.
Are there any good campaign mods for Jedi Academy?
>Jedha, Eadu and Scarif maps for BFII never
It's a recreation of all the battles of the prequels and Force Unleashed with custom assets, models, a fun wave mode with a customisable Anakin, not to mention in any of the fights you can choose another character. Just a generally good mod.
I mean a campaign mod like a new single player mode.
That cover looks like it took 5 minutes to make
Have you tried Outcast?
>they're including nu-Star Wars characters
Not to my knowledge, most single player "campaign" mods are just loosely strung together closed off segments.
Yes but half the game is a shitty FPS.
Am I the only one that thinks Jedi are boring as fuck? I mean it was cool in the OT where they were kind of a mystery, but the prequels pretty much made them in to all powerful superheroes that spend all day wagging their dicks and dressing like hobos
This was the first game I got on the original xbox.
Graphics blew my naive mind.
Prequels definitely ruined it all by making it a binary Jedi/Sith system. There could have been a huge number of different orders and beliefs but it just went down the generic boring route
If you care
SWTOR Jedi Knight storyline is like that, basically its KOTOR 3
>tfw EA could have finished what FR started and deliver an awesome space to land Scarif battle even as DLC
I would be the first to fall in that jewish trick and after seeing the movie it would be worth it
I actually like all the shit the prequels introduced apart from midichlorians. What canon the OT established had gotten real fucking constricting after thirty years, the prequels really blew open the world in that sense and gave people a lot more to play with in the videogames.
Jedi would work better as a loose band of travelling warrior monks instead of space Teutons
[I just want a new Rouge Squadron game
The Big Boi Xbox kicked ass. Dead or Alive 3 is the most next gen game I've ever played. It looked as good as Xbox 360 launch titles and it was a launch title itself. Shit was incredible.
Style over substance trash.
I've always thought Jedi to be more like Samurai than anything else
>the Incom T-62 X-Wing is the fighter that killed the Death Star
The aesthetic and philosophy was always a mix of samurai and shaolin monk since the first movie. That guy's just a dumbass.
Nah man, they're more like Buddhist monks
are the force unleashed games worth it?
PC or PS3?
I thought the first one was decent fun
I haven't watched the rogue one movie
spoil me that shit because I don't plan on watching it
and I want to rage at whatever the fuck they changed
PC , XBOX and PS3 are the same except the obvious differences between platforms. PS2 on the other hand has different levels and Wii had a vs mode iirc.
Disregard TFU2
Why are people recommending the only two games he explicitly mentioned?
By worth it I assume you mean a pirate.
The first once is decent. The second one is unfinished as fuck but really ramps up the spectacle. PC ports suck ass but I never played them on PS3. I know it's 30fps locked.
Why are you dead?
That shit was so stupid.
It sucks apart from the Vader hallway scene, which while good in concept and definitely better than the rest of the movie they Mickey Moused the fuck out of by using a bunch of quick cuts and no limb removal when even the fucking prequels and OT had that.
They had a new stormtrooper design and they fucking called it the Death Trooper when it's basically a Dark Trooper
The codephrase to destroy the Death Star is "twinkle twinkle little star"
All this said it's still better than TFA, which was a ludicrous pile of shit.
Just read the opening crawl of New Hope. That's the summary of the movie.
Press F to pay respects.
>mfw no opening crawl in R1
This is so goddamned dumb. It looked awesome, I'll admit, but come the fuck on. Yoda lifting the X Wing out of the swamp was supposed to be mind boggling and an example of centuries worth of training.
And if such a thing were possible Vader and Sheev would have been doing that shit nonstop. The prequels and most of the EU ruined everything charming about the Force.
>TPM gets released
>lots of vidya
>more vidya with AotC and RotS
>ep7 gets released
>it's fucking nothing
>still fucking nothing
some of you guys are cool
don't go to disney land tomorrow
>And if such a thing were possible Vader and Sheev would have been doing that shit nonstop. The prequels and most of the EU ruined everything charming about the Force.
Hey now, the prequels never did anything that fucking stupid. Pulling down star destroyers was pure EU. I remember Exar Kun winks out a sun with the force. What a bunch of assholes.
Has KOTOR aged well?
I really liked the movie but that title scene was total shit. Anticlimactic music, a horrid font, and really weird timing. Dunno how that tested positive in screenings. Minor gripe, but fuck me.
Good. Nu-Star Wars sucks ass, I don't want to play any of that shit and I don't want you playing it either.
Well it was said Galen Marek was a prodigy and a powerful force user from the beginning. Plus, doing that was hard for him and he almost fainted from it.
At the end of the game, Sheev said that if he matured, he could become almost as powerful as him... almost.
what about this one
Do yall think there will be another MMO with all the new movies coming out? TOR is clearly no longer an MMO.
>Well it was said Galen Marek was a prodigy and a powerful force user from the beginning. Plus, doing that was hard for him and he almost fainted from it.
Oh geez well if he almost fainted. Fuck off.
>There could have been a huge number of different orders and beliefs
There is/was until Disney fucking Disney, I'm still mad retconned it all away.
I dunno why Disney is being so autistic about their canon now. Some of the best things to come out of Star Wars have been vidya side stories like Bounty Hunter.
>minus the flight simulation ones.
You're missing out user.
The Disney buyout was what killed the Maul game too.
Exar Kun was nowhere near those suns. He sent some ships to fuck it up.
Is the Star Wars mod for MB Warband any good?
That's PC/PS360
In the Wii version he's fucking unphased
I liked tossing storm troppers around like white-clad plastic dolls. If a bit of badassery stops you from enjoying something, then please, be mad.
>Has KOTOR aged well?
IMO yeah, playing KOTOR2 now, first time through with the Restored content, it's great
It doesn't fucking matter. I don't care if it was 'hard' for him, what the fuck, it was fucking absurd bullshit. Even by Star Wars standards.
Is that an edit?
You can do that in Jedi Academy without it getting fucking stupid.
Get fucked millenial, go play a DBZ game.
Being trained by no other than Darth Vader helps a lot.
>TOR is clearly no longer an MMO.
It never was.
It's a half assed single player game with a cash shop and a paywall after level 10.
I actually really like it. It's fun to stare at the PC qts wiggling their asses at the hubs and be able to play without dealing with other people. Shame the combat sucks ass just like all MMOs.
He shouldn't have been able to do it at all. I don't care cus it was always just a dumb fun game, but that sort of shit gets stuck in people's heads and they start attributing things to a series that never had shit like that.
Nestolgiafags can't seem to have fun.
Your life probably sucks so the only thing that makes you happy is when you're playing a game before your lonely adulthood.
Vader could have just fucking crashed Tantive if he could do that
>I don't believe this should have happened
That is why you fail
Ewan McGregor is the only one that enjoyed being in these movies.
Beautiful projection, really outstanding user.
He could do something like that if the game was about him, he was pretty Op in Kashyyk iirc
Blow it out your ass.
Because the MMO didn't focus on Jedi. It wanted Jedi to be rare.
The other MMO?: SWOTOR don' want you to be a Padawan, for reasons.
And pre 2001 Star Wars games isn't focus on Jedi, its focused on the 3 "oh, there is no Jedi's left Luke, unless you become a Jedi master"
But I'm all out of gum user
Why didn't Vader just pull Leila's ship to him instead of waiting for the Destroyer to beam it into docking?
Why didn't Palpatine just pluck the Falcon away from the Death Star, or smash the Rebel frigates into each other from his comfy throne chair?
Hell, why didn't Yoda stop Dooku from leaving in his ship, or Obi Wan stop Jango from doing the same?
An X Wing was tricky to lift out of a swamp. That should be the baseline for shit like this.
Vader couldn't do that. Nobody in the series could do anything even kind of like that, this is Star Wars not Dragonball Z.
I started playing it with my only friend about a year ago and we were both having a great time, even though we were locked out from doing a lot of things more than 3 times a day and didn't get the full rewards for doing quests.
It was once we started having our experience cut in fucking half that we both gave up.
I could deal with only getting half the loot from quests, I could deal with limited amounts of bonus quests, I could deal with being locked out from buying a whole bunch of cool gear, but having my experience points cut in half after a certain point because I didn't want to pay an outrageous price what should have been a $60 single player game?
That's where I draw the fucking line.
Even after my friend gave up, I tried to keep going.
I hung out with some high level Jedi who didn't mind me tagging along while he killed mobs so I could catch up.
Guess what?
If anything is more than 5 levels above you, you don't get experience.
Fuck TOR.
Wooww anoonn. so unique. It's not like everyone else didn't get the Humble Bundle too.
No he didn't, he barely watched them once and never gave a shit about them.
But seriously worse Force bullshitery has been seen in the old Clone Wars cartoon, as much as I love it one has to admit it.
The destroyer trick was done for the sake of gameplay and hype (remember that first trailer?) so I guess it is ""fine"".
DBZ is an overstatement. I would say that kind of power is more along the lines of Master Roshi's level of power
>But seriously worse Force bullshitery has been seen in the old Clone Wars cartoon, as much as I love it one has to admit it.
Not really. If you mean the Tartavosky shit which Lucas himself declared non-canon, that way overpowered jedis but it never did anything near as dumb as the Star Destroyer thing.
he looks retarded