Steam Winter Sale soon

Steam Winter Sale soon
let's post wishlists

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The only things in my wishlist right now is Sorcery.

disgaea 2 is around the corner
first was a good port.
killer is dead is pretty good too. I like the port because you can use a mouse for the shooting segments

>duuuude I only play japanese games look at me do i fit in yet guise!?! xD

neck yourself OP

Warhammer Total War

won't be able to afford much else

>japanese games
>Witcher 3

quake live


>first was a good port.
it's on my wishlist but that's not what I heard
are you using pretty prinny or w/e that mod is called?

also worth $10 if I already played it on the DS?

No I didnt mod it at all. I'm sure the DS version is shit.


22 if i remember right

Shit man, that's still ages away.

>I'm sure the DS version is shit.

Does Heroes&Generals require you to make its own account?

>it's on my wishlist but that's not what I heard
It was pretty bad at release, is better now

it's literally 5 days away

>wanting to buy the hideo CUCkJima game.

Sup Forums i thought you changed!?

In no particular order.

>"ages away"
>next week


Sadly it will probably a shitty discount

At last my wishlist is almost empty of games already released.
Those are the last ones and I'm not sure I want any of them:

Mortal Kombat XL
Darksiders 2
Bloodlust Shadowhunter (looks horrible but supposed to be decent)

There's also Elite: Dangerous and SFV but I'm not sure they'll be worth it one day.

Really hope Styx goes on sale for real cheap. It looks right up my alley and the sequel is almost finished.

Other then that, I've been craving an old-school rpg so if the Trails in the Sky games go on sale, I'll grab those. I'm pretty sure a new one of those is coming out soon, too.

I just want to buy the rest of Crusader kings 2 dlc and maybe consider getting EUIV but I heard that is the baby paradox game



will they ever release VNM?

>playing videogames





>tfw found out trails is same series as faxanadu
blew my fucking mind, it's on the top of my wishlist now, too

>he didn't pick up Grimrock 2 while it was 1$ on Humble Bundle

Advice about 7dtd.
Rocks grass and wood. The most important.
Make a thousand stone ace and stone shoves during the night.
Be prepared for shitty fps

I just bought Dark Corners of the Earth ffs.

if only refunds existed

2018 you will see people on Sup Forums regularly posting

iPhone App Store wish lists.

Screencap this!

this chat what the fuck

It's really good. Sadly gets a bit "samey", so I never finished it.
But I still got a solid ~15 hours for something I paid 10 bux for.

Will there ever be a D4 ep2?

>killer is dead
don't do it. If you want a good, cuhrazy hack n slash get revengeance.

>He thinks steam sales are good

Even though I already have it on PS3 I'm hoping for Revengeance to get real cheap. Want to be able to Boss Select instead of having to play through the stages when I want to replay those fights.

they used to be good. but now that steam has enough of a playerbase they can shit on the consumer as much as everybody else. shit sucks

no bully

I'd love w/e game anyone would like to give :3

>no more flash sales
Still mad.

alot more titles than usually

>stuck playing the GG crack offline until I get steambucks for xmas please and thank you

Dat attention span and time preference.

fucking scrubs just buy things when you want them.
but i still want one game at a cheap price because im unsure of it
should i buy it Sup Forums?

new dude sex is trash, pirate or bust.

My list is pretty damn big, yet I don't really want anything.

I dont think its trash, I've been having a lot of fun. But yeah, pirate or wait until its like $15 for sure.

should i ever bother with D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die? i mean i dont think we'll ever get Season 2


Objectively better than HR so not trash

well SWERY left game development altogether so I wouldnt ever count on S2

> I'm 20

refunds make flash sales obsolete

Merry Christmas


Necrodancer its pretty funny i got it in summer sale for just 50 cents


>games still go for 75-90% off
>except its for the entire sale period instead of like 4 hours
yeah man it really sucks

Necrodancer is awesome, though I wish they would have made more levels with even higher difficulty and spent less time making all those extra characters that arent even that fun to play as.

the sales are now shittier, with much more


killer is dead is fucking $1 on g2a you enormous fucking retards

>the sales are now shittier, with much more

I still have a copy of that from humble bundle that I could set you up with for cheap.

>literal scam website
No thanks.


>>literal scam website

i dont even know why im helping you idiots, if you took my advice the prices woudl just go up, but ive bought like 200 games there for these prices and never had an issue, my god you people are autistic

idk maybe its because most of my wishlist is stuff outside of the top 500 that ends up going for less than $5 that I havent noticed anything like what said.

enjoy paying a premium for games instead of buying used I guess

mah nigga

>buying Steam shovelware
You fully deserve you get

get it famalam

I don't plan on buying anything for myself but I'll probably spend a few hundred dollars on gifts for anons like I did last year

I know an idiot that has been waiting for Shovel Knight to go 90% off in a sale since it came out. Every sale he gets angry that Shovel Knight isn't 90% off.

>I'm like why the fuck would a hugely successful game that is still adding content and doesn't have a history of huge discounts suddenly go so low when the lowest it has been is 30%~ off?
>Because it's a 2D side scroller and no one plays those.
>Ok dude, back to your bubble.

>Steam Winter Sale soon
>let's post wishlists
Why? I have a (wish) list of physical games I plan to get.
Also I buy them only once I'm ready to start playing through them.
What's the point of Steam?

Ori and Fury are both great games, user.

i cant imagine owning all the shitty games i have on steam (1015) physically

mgsv i guess

All I wanted was Blood Dragon but I just got that free on shitplay. If anything else is extremely cheap I'll consider it.

no games out right now worth getting that I don't already have

I know DoW3 will be shit I'll probably pirate it.
I know Hellraid is probably kill.

The jews at Square want me to pay for full game instead of paying less to just upgrade my outdated Sleeping Dogs.

Meh, Techland games have always felt mediocre at best for me.

Any good open world games that are not "hur medieval" shit fest you guys can recommend?

Don't say that user. You deserve something too

your wishlist sucks

>i cant imagine owning all the shitty games i have on steam (1015) physically
See? What's the point of paying money then? You are not going to play all this shit anyway.
>The jews at Square want me to pay for full game instead of paying less to just upgrade my outdated Sleeping Dogs.
They region-locked the new edition, so I had to import a physical copy anyway.

Can you be more specific?

>Mighty No 9
It's really not worth it unless it's 5 dollars or less. It's an okay game I guess, but no where near as great as Mega Man.

It's not in any particular order.

Besides Darkest Dungeon and eventually Super Dungeon Tactics I have no reason to buy any of the 40 games on my wishlist. Maybe if they are 90% off but that never happened this and last year.

What's the point of buying games that you can easily get for free?

t. poorfag

Mine looked this way too, now I cleaned it.