What are some other games with pretentious atmosphere, Sup Forums?
What are some other games with pretentious atmosphere, Sup Forums?
What pretense is it taking, user?
artistic approaches to art is pretentious. duh
there's just something pretentious about being a little boy in a giant empty castle, or being the only man in an abandoned world
I haven't played it, but maybe Rain for the ps3.
That's not what pretentious means.
It's fine if you just found it uninteresting.
that's not what pretentious means
holy fuck i'm literally posting with preschoolers
Your life.
this definitely looks pretentious
Bioshock Infinite
>You just... like... don't know, man... It's just too, you know... deep... for you...
Last of Us
Souls, especially Bloodborne
Breath of the Wild.
>pretension is about pretending to understand something you don't
>calling things pretentious without understanding what pretentious means is in and of itself pretentious
you fucking idiot
explain to me how it's pretentious
He just did.
You prefer grey and brown games that are about shooting stuff in the face with guns. We get it.
attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.
this, both games felt super important
The Void
If you can't clearly define the reason, it just another buzzword for the sake of more vitriol.
I don't need to know your personal vague opinions.
lol, all these salty as fuck Xbots. Go enjoy your Queers of War 4, faggots!
The Witness
>pretentious atmosphere
I'd understand if you said the plot or the themes were pretentious, but what's a pretentious atmosphere?
None of the games mentioned so far really qualify in my opinion, except for .
Gone Homo, Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Everybody's Gone to The Rapture, Thomas something something, etc. are more like it.
But the witness has actual gameplay though. Simple though it may be.
>went in expecting a Myst-like where the story was told through the environment and puzzles
>what little story was there was absolute bullshit
So much wasted potential, especially considering the puzzles that relied on the surrounding environment to be solved were amazing. I don't think I've ever been so mad.
Sup Forums, stop being pretentious.
This. It was "SO MATURE FOR MATURE GAMERS LIKE ME" that it just felt all boring and forced
I finally did play Ico this year. I thought the atmosphere was cool for the first 30 minutes. Then nothing ever changed and it got really boring