Would you have killed yourself after entering the ARK, Sup Forums?
Would you have killed yourself after entering the ARK, Sup Forums?
No, killing yourself is retarded, i would try to live as long as possible and be as happy as possible considering the circumstances that's what i am doing right now
>inb4 quantum immortality
No, since my consciousness wouldn't have transferred over. I'd probably try and climb to the surface like that one lady did and enjoy my last few hours up there
it would not have mattered
the real you is still gonna die and you cannot experience the life/ existcnce of your copy
I would've killed that bitch Catherine
Given my situation, probably.
Would you have killed user 2, Sup Forums?
Catherine did nothing wrong. Simon was a retard
this holy fuck
>game basically beats you over the head with the "all scans are just copies" plot point
>he somehow didnt get after all this time what basically any player paying attention would understand a few hours in
Hey, be nice to Simon. He literally has brain damage.
What's the point?
The "you" on the ARK is just a copy, it has no real relation to yourself or what you do and killing yourself in real life will have no impact on anything other than you being dead.
Take Simon as an example. After the had the brain scan taken, he kept on living for some time. That had 0 impact on his copy that ended up uploaded into the robot. Had he died immediately after the brain scan, the result would have been the same.
The ARK isn't supposed to "replace" or "save" your life, it was supposed to keep data that someone else might find at some point and could possibly use to recreate humanity. It was basically a Sims machine that was to launched into space.
you retards seriously underestimate what that concept would do to you if you were to actually experience it
99% if not more of people have trouble understanding the less complicated concept of death; if you'd introduce this shit into our reality, mankind would definitely need an adjustment period
Technically speaking Humanity could have survived under the ocean.
Plenty of stuff to eat.
Hell in a few generations maybe even recolonize the surface.
After all life didn't end after the great impact during the dinosaurs.
Yeah the game actually mentions several time's that his copy is fucking ancient and so slightly fucked.
Makes sense that he has extreme difficulty learning new concepts.
Couple of problems with that would be the limited materials that could keep humans alive (oxygen tanks, fuel, spare parts for whatever) and wasn't that... "thing" that played the part of monster trying to kill everyone either way?
No because I'm not retarded. I would try to see the weird WAU shit through and see what happens when I'm integrated into it since that's the only way for life to survive on the Earth now.
Catherine did nothing wrong. She did something good and then people started killing themselves for no raisin after they read their first philosophy book.
WAU wasn't trying to kill everyone. It was actually trying to help people survive by integrating them into itself in order to keep whatever life there was alive.
my english is weak, sorry if i cannot explain myself.
i think having two split consciousness is terrifying. there is you, but there is another you. you cannot feel or know what he thinks or feels. your angst about death or nothingness is still with you regardless of your otherself.
this is true horror for me, not the monsters.
Here's one thing I forgot about after playing the game a while ago
How did Simon transfer his brain scan to the new suit / the ARK? Was it just uploaded?
Ah, right, now i remember.
It didn't save a damn thing though.
Doesn't being integrated into the WAU just give you what you want most? Like nothing in it is real, you're just stuck in a dream for all eternity, that sounds pretty shit
Yep, sat in a chair and got his "consciousness" transferred over
desu it's pretty similar to having a child so I don't really know why you're scared
It was basically just copied to the new suit/ark.
No, it saved a lot. A lot of animals had WAU on them and were managing to be okay. Plus, there were humans that were surviving from it but WAU doesn't really understand how to actually do it in a humane way so it have people attached to this weird fleshy lung device.
The WAU only went human snatching crazy when people started killing themselves over the ARC Project. To it the most logical course of action was to make sure people couldn't kill themselves and keep them alive by any means possible
They couldn't just pop him on some sort of storage device and have a robot put that in the suit / ARK could they?
>A lot of animals had WAU on them and were managing to be okay
Except from the part where they turned into giant fucking murder monsters that killed every other living thing.
The WAU is a literal dead end evolutinary, same as the ARK. Humanity is screwed no matter the choice
Well, shit, that completely went over my head. Makes a lot more sense now.
Sooner or later.
No matter how great the simulation is it's just a prison and humanity's coffin.
They would need another person to move the storage device, all Catherine can do is copy the files.
Yeah its a thing a lot of people missed but Catherine mentions his brain scan is more "2D" since its from when the tech was brand new
It's been awhile but living people weren't stuck in a dream. They were still living but just kinda... laying there in the goop slime stuff.
If you were dead, it appears that it would transfer your brain data to a working machine, though sometimes that didn't work out okay.
It was getting better over time since Simon was in pretty shape and not just 2 people pushed into a robot.
they literally did that.
It's been a while. Where was the giant murder monster? All I remember is that large fish thing but that's probably already down there.
Also, WAU was evolving so there was a chance of it not being screwed.
Undersea base had only few decades of power left.
This was revealed during the part where you loaded the Ark into the shell.
>It's been awhile but living people weren't stuck in a dream
Except that's what it does, it happens to Simon when he gets temporarily captured and if you listen to bodies you find they all seem to be in a similar state
>though sometimes that didn't work out okay.
No shit, the people couldn't tell they were machines and were trapped under the ocean with no escape or way of realising what had been done to them, the WAU's only thing was to keep them "alive" but as far as it could see "alive" didn't mean much other than the brain data being in something
>It's been a while. Where was the giant murder monster?
Well there was that one at the end, the giant Angler fish and the tiny fish, all of them just devoured everything that came close to them
>they literally did that.
>Also, WAU was evolving so there was a chance of it not being screwed.
Why do you assume 'evolving' = 'making shit convenient / bearable' for humans?
WAU wasn't bound by any rules anymore, if it somehow decided that keeping people half dead in everlasting nightmare is the only way to accomplish it's goal then the people would end up worse than prisoners of AM from I have no mouth and I must scream.
>Except that's what it does, it happens to Simon when he gets temporarily captured and if you listen to bodies you find they all seem to be in a similar state
oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks, mate.
>Well there was that one at the end, the giant Angler fish and the tiny fish, all of them just devoured everything that came close to them
That's what animals do. Especially ones at the bottom of the sea.
>Why do you assume 'evolving' = 'making shit convenient / bearable' for humans?
I'm not. I'm talking about life actually developing and surviving on Earth in the form of large organisms.
>WAU wasn't bound by any rules anymore, if it somehow decided that keeping people half dead in everlasting nightmare is the only way to accomplish it's goal then the people would end up worse than prisoners of AM from I have no mouth and I must scream.
that's true. But I don't think that would happen since all it was doing was either: keeping the humans alive and putting scans into robots. There isn't really a logical benefit of placing a human into a nightmare since it would cause the subject to probably die.
Do you remember all of those disks with the scans of the team? That's how they were transferring it to the ark.
But either way, you'll still have two "living" people at the end of the road.
>There isn't really a logical benefit
Scarce resources and goal justifying means.
What I wanted to say was that WAU can't be a very good judge of what's acceptable for humanity and could make compromises that people wouldn't be ok with to accomplish its goal.
oh, it's totally not a good judge but it's better than nothing. If it was either die and have the world just be desolate for thousands of years or have some kind of life be on Earth that was actively developing, I would choose the latter.
>Scarce resources and goal justifying means.
I don't even think you need this as justification really. The WAU doesn't really see things in those terms as we do. I'm sure at one point Catherine describes the WAU as being like cancer, it has an end result and observable outcomes but it doesn't really have motivations or objectives in the sense that we do. Preserving humanity, however it saw it, was good enough.
>have some kind of life be on Earth that was actively developing
Except under the WAU that won't happen for Humanity.
Regardless of what happens Humans are extinct pretty much so in that case all the WAU is doing is fucking up all the deep sea life
No worries, it's been about a year since I played it so trying to remember a lot myself.
>Especially ones at the bottom of the sea.
Yeah except that was the only sanctuary humans had so no literally nowhere on Earth is hospitable to human life, we hit a dead end once the comet hit and WAU took its programming to its logical conclusion
>fucking up deep sea life
I don't think you understand how much damage a comet could do to the world. The oceans would be fucked and probably very acidic to the point where almost everything would die.
Oxygen would be very low. Everything underwater would quickly suffocate.
Algae could probably survive but then it wouldn't be able to get the light it needs due to the dust blocking out the sun.
The only thing that would survive is basic bacteria and organisms that live near deep sea vents and other things that can survive living in acidic conditions.
WAU was actually helping life on Earth a shit ton.
I'm really sure what you're getting at. Did you want WAU to somehow make an animal complacent? Because a giant squid would probably kill you around the same speed as the huge worm thing did.
If I were Simon I think I'd start groping for that battery pack and yank it out if I could because fuck spending an ungodly amount of time in the dark, alone, waiting to die.
If I were just a member of pathos 2 I think I'd stick it out to the end. At least they can starve to death in the company of friends.
Probably didn't explain that too well, what I'm getting at is that the WAU was designed to save Humanity but all it did was make the situation far worse for them, it was very possible that people could have survived in that complex for a long time and re-built from there but the WAU decided to fuck with *all* life and in doing so cemented Humanity as completely fucked.
As far as life on Earth goes then yeah it may have been best long term but given its definition of "survival" we have no idea how badly it will destroy any chance of new life forming
New life is forming but it would just be touched with WAU eventually.
So essentially by destroying themselves humanity created an equivalent to god?
>So essentially by destroying themselves humanity created an equivalent to god?
Humanity didn't really destroy themselves. The comet did that. WAU is just helping and not really destroying.
And God is a bit of a pull since it would be like saying "DNA is a god" because it's in every living being.
I was so into the experience while playing the game that I never really thought forward. I dealt with everything that was presented to me at the moment. I found myself not thinking about what would actually end up happening the moment I launch the Ark.
I think he understood just couldnt accept. Rotting away alone in darkness underneath the dying sea while there is another (You) living happily in cyber heaven is a tough pillow to swallow
im dum
no he literally was asking "hurr durr why aren't we on the ark"
Meant it more of a joke but yeah I guess looking at the WAU surviving might be the best outcome, although not for the poor saps caught in it's lotus eater machine
Whats the point of having kids? To put forth the next generation. It is an innate motivation.
He was panicking. The guy you responded to made perfect sense.
>desu it's pretty similar to having a child so I don't really know why you're scared
Having a child is horrifying
Good point, and actually kinda possible since you're in fack something like an zombie android, you should survive the climb. Just make some floatimg contraption out of junk and away we go.
Still grim as fuck though
So if copy/paste works why didnt the game just let you use cut/paste? That way there is no le lose le coinflip bullshit
The AI bitch basically said that there was chance his consciousness would be transferred. She manipulated him to get what she wants, but she also explained everything in time which makes me feel conflicted.
Simon knew that he is not the original or that the machine doesnt transfer the mind, just duplicates it. He even gets a choice to kill his old self or let him behind. In the end he just went full retard because his sense of self preservation and fear overwhelmed him
Because you have to have the copy created before you delete the original files.
How the fuck do you think file transfer works?
1.Cut paste isn't possible.
2. "The Coin-flip" was an intentionally bad metaphor by Catherine.
He's also a "flat copy" of the original Simon, he's essentially brain damaged to some degree, learning something like that is just beyond him which is why Catherine just goes with the coin flip theory. He wouldn't "get it" otherwise.
>if you press this button, spaghetti comes out
>Simon presses the button multiple times and the spaghetti comes out with each press
>presses the button one more time
That's not panicking. That's being fucking retarded.
He's the same as the people who were uploading themselves and killing themselves immediately after just because of the hope that it could somehow transfer their consousness.
He was pretty desperate to believe anything that could get him out of his situation.
I like the theory that she's intentionally deceiving him with that metaphor more. Wanna fight?
I'd probably try and find a fix to the mockingbirds not being able to accept the fact that their robots and make a gang of ro-bros to chill out with.
>Copy file
>Copying is done
>Original copy is instantly deleted once copying is done
No, she was probably just an autistic fuck that didn't understand how to explain stuff properly. Everyone thought she was weird and she was pretty antisocial.
How exactly were they getting oxygen into PATHOS II?
>That's being fucking retarded.
Because he essentially is. Catherine straight out tells you he is a "legacy" copy and as such is more "2D" in his brain patterns. New concepts are far out of his reach.
Come at me, senpai
>Food analogies
You left out the part where he had been told Ice cream could come out and he had previously experienced the ice cream coming out.
Notice the string of last few replies talking about Catherine's "coin-flip" analogy. Simon was toying with the idea he wasn't the clone when he was transferred into the suit and had to kill his other self.
In general, you'd be surprised to learn the things people are willing to believe to not have to face reality. To add to that, a reality as devastating as what Simon had to face has to take a massive toll on your psyche.
Am I the only one who thought Catherine had a sexy as fuck voice? Her VA is also pretty fucking hot too.
I think that metaphor is pretty straightforward. He doesnt seem to have any problem navigating around the complex or learning about stuff so I dont think his brain damage is that severe. I like to believe he just mentally locked himself in the face of despair. Adds some humanity to him.
I think deleting brain patterns is a little more fucking complex than hitting a button, if there even is a way to delete them
The fuck is the point of the ARK?
Soma's plot overall fucking trash.
>Let's upload everyones conscious into the ark
>The End.
It's a deadman's gambit, your fucked either way.
Shitty writers are fucking shitty.
>It's a deadman's gambit, your fucked either way.
Well done, you understand the setting.
When did Simon get transferred into a body and then get deleted immediately? It was always copies. It has always been copies. Even WAU was using copies.
No ice cream came out ever.
What I hate about people talking about this game is how they all go with the "I'd be completely logical and reasonable if I woke up 1000000 years into the future on an underwater station that was taken over by a twisted AI with planet completely destroyed. Yep, just gonna keep my cool."
Fuck you, that last desperation shitfit when he launches ARK should've told you everything about the situation this character is in. Nope, gotta be calm and collected when you're a fucking memory of 21st century person lodged into a dead skellington in a spacesuit on an underwater station. Game was shit btw, only story is good.
It's actually hard to fight you over this argument because I don't know which of the posters are you. I'm gonna guess you adhere to the "Catherine just failed to explain because she's bad at explaining things" camp.
That's fine, but there's a difference between a bad metaphor and such an obviously fallacious 50/50 implication.
Yes but Simon doesn't know that, the copy comes straight off of where it was.
As far as it knew it *was* the original, it's like those old bullshit clone stories when both clones would claim to be the original.
From Simon's perspective Ice Cream did come out
That food analogy really doesn't work in this argument
When he transfered from his old body to the pressure resistant one he experienced the ice cream coming out, and his old copy got spaghetti.
Yeah that's why I can't really fight you on it, I mostly stand on she lied because she realised he either wouldn't understand the truth or she really didn't know how to go about explaining it to him.
Considering her antisocial tendencies and inability to explain got her killed I stand on the latter.
Though it could go any way you interpret
No, I meant that spaghetti = copy of self and ice cream = copy and immediate deletion.
Simon experienced the copying and Catherine talked about the copying multiple times.
Also why the fuck would Simon actually think that he was directly transferred over when Catherine told him multiple times? Is he that brain damaged?
I don't think this game is for you user.
>literally told you what happen everytime from in and out
To escape from such a shitty reality I suppose
I think he's just not very clever to begin with, coupled with being desperate for an escape from the nightmare he's in he just conveniently ignores logic which makes the "copy not transfer" thing obvious to the player.
Again, similarily to the old crew members who killed themselves after being scanned. They just desperately didn't want to be left behind in that underwater coffin and did really dumb shit as a result.
We got an original Simon over here, fellas!
>Is he that brain damaged?
Yes. As has been stated multiple times the orignal copy came from when that tech was brand spanking new, Catherine describes his brain pattern as being more flat.
It could be on some level he knew what would happen but he freaked the fuck out because he's stuck in a dark endless purgatory for the rest of existence and very few people would hold it together in that situation. It's not like he expected Catherine to just *break*
I think he locked himself to the true severity of his situation as well AND that he was influenced by Catherine's fallacious metaphor.
I thought the idea of the Ark was very underwhelming at first, but it changed gradually. Have you ever thought about the significance of this universe? Are you truly certain that your life is inherently different to something like the Ark simulation (assuming for the argument that the Ark's simulation was close to perfect)?
>simon you were a copy
>simon let me copy you into this other body and then you can kill yourself or not idk
>simon look at all these copies that are still around
>okay lets get ourselves onto the ark
I agree with you.
Also, to clarify, I'm not using the point I made to shit on Catherine. Her disingenuous behavior was understandable.
Also, to clarify, I love you.
I would've merged with WAU, it's either way better than doing nothing under the sea.
I know this has been going for way longer than these 2 comments, but why ruin a fun discussion with this bait?
So, I forget: when you have the choice to end the copy of yourself in original suit, was that copy coherent? I remember it just sitting there "breathing." Was it aware of what you were doing?
Yeah I ended up liking the idea of the Ark.
Reminded me of that SCP story and how flinging a light out to remind something out there it's not alone can be as great as the difference between zero and one, quite heartwarming in a way.
I love you too
it was placed in sleep mode for a few days iirc so it was going to wake up alone and with a mockingbird banging on the door
Pretty sure the brain data was being or already deleted and the life functions of the body were all that were running.
That's what I took from it anyway.
That's something scientists have theorized for a while now; that we may be in fact living in a simulation somewhat similar to the ARK.