Buy game

>buy game
>never play it
what's her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Mass Effect 2, just as it came out.
ME1 was already a slog to get through that I did exclusively because hype, but I bought into the hype again and got 2 because everyone was saying it was so much better and amazing. Regardless if it is or isn't, I couldn't force myself to do it.

Right now it's Xenoblade Chronicles X. With work and studying for BAR exam, I just can't get around to putting 200 hours into it. And it's not a game I want to pick up for a couple hours and put down for 2 days and repeat. I want to be able to play it 10-20 hours at a time to really immerse myself in it like I did with Xenoblade Chronicles. It's going to be a while before I can play it.

Too many to name
>GalCiv III
>Don't Starve

every game ive ever gotten in a humble bundle

I've yet to play my copies of Stick of Truth and Steins Gate. I bought Stick of Truth on sale because the special edition with the big box and DLC was going for 16 dollars and Steins gate was 15 bucks.

And here they sat for months as I platinumed other games trying to not buy more games than I was beating.

Watch dogs 2

Pokemon Sun.
Bought it on launch. Haven't opened it yet. Maybe I'll play it once they make the pokebank compatible.
Though I honestly don't feel very interested or hyped for it at all.

I bought Vanquish for the ps3 a while back when i got it, i really wanted to have it and i looked for it everywhere. When i finally got it, I was so exited to play it but something in me said "'you should wait until you have a lot of free time becuase you will neer stop playing this" and thats why i haven't play it yet.

My summer car
Final fantasy 13 trilogy
Pandoras tower
Rune factory
Shenmue 2

Since Steam shit is cheating, MGS 2 and 3 for the Vita. Gravity Rush used to be this, but I've been playing it more lately.

But Titanfall 2 is fun, senpai.

>Nearby shop that sells PS2 games for really cheap prices
>Buy loads of them because my shitty laptop can't emulate them
>End up wasting all my time on Sup Forums instead

If anyone says that there are a ton of games like this for them, you should kys yourself right fucking now.

Knights in the Nightmare

Metal Gear Solid V, preordered it on steam a like 3 days before the actual release so that I could play the demo version and then the full one. Got so swamped with University work that I totally forgot about it. Nothing's stopping me from playing it now during my winter break but I'm just not in the mood for a stealth game right now. Someone recommend me a good RPG/JRPG to play

>play game for an hour
>"Hey this is pretty cool"
>never play it again

Literally just about every game I have boughy in the past year.

>hotline miami 1+2
>Bionic Commando
>LA Noir
>Battlefield 1
>Witcher 3

I guess i just like buying games, not playing them.

Viewtiful Joe.
>mfw don't even have ps2 or anything else to play it on

A lot currently
>Billy Hatcher
>Baten Kaitos Origins
>S&N: Star Successor
>Dark Cloud 2
>Some Adventure Time game that looks like a Zelda clone
>Child of Eden
>El Shaddai
>The Legendary Starfy
And that's just physical. Digital games would probably range from the same number as this list or double. If it's any consolation, I've stopped doing this.

God Eater. I wanted Monster Hunter but wasn't able to find it on PSN. I heard God Eater was similar and it is but it's not that fun. I think X-Play and Projared said something along the lines of "Why get would I get a game that's like another game when I can just get the original game."

Do yourself a favor and just emulate it. I would say gamecube version, but I don't think it matters when emulating.

>get halo
>stare at it for five seconds
>leave it to collect dust
am i missing out bros

As of now
>Darksiders 2
>Fallout New Vegas
>Forza Horizon
>Dark Souls
And unfinished
>Midnight Club LA
>LA Noire

No. The game is only fun in the right context.
That is, if you're a teenager playing it with friends.

>Dead Island 1/Ripptide
>RE Revelations1/2
>Sleeping Dogs

Maybe one day I'll get around to them.

tfw too old for teen shit
tfw cant enjoy games with casual friends sober / clean

Every steam game i've ever bought, since i'm stockpiling for once i'm done with my build.

the witcher 3 because the games world is a depressing shithole.

real life is shitty enough already

Play it now. It is one of the more pleasant games I've played recently and only takes a few hours at most.

Elite dangerous
I really want to try it with a joystick but that shit's expensive

Just enjoy alcohol with friends and basically enjoy being immature kids all over again.
It's why we do it.

But the PS2 version features Dante from the Devil May Cry series

Lords of the Fallen
Bloodborne: Old Hunters
Battlefield 1
I just cant bring myself to play anymore, something else is always more important.

too many steam games
Smash 4
Wind waker hd

True, but he's just a reskinned Alastor and none of the other characters really feel as good as Joe. Used to be GameCube version was the preference though, better load times and no cheatcode to automatically unlock everything.

The full campaign is about 6-8 hours, you could beat it over the weekend. There's some good replay value if you want to complete the challenge missions or play it on God Hard difficulty.

4 Heroes of Light
Witcher 1 and 2
Monster Hunter Ultimate
Dark Souls 1 and 2
Devil May Cry 4 special edition
Don't Starve together
Endless Space
From Dust
Legend of Grimrock
The long dark
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Metro 2033
Natural Selection 2
Plague Inc.
Rogue Legacy
State of Decay

Seriously guys, fuck you. Why do I keep listening to you ? You made me lose so much money on boring games.

I thought I had steeled myself for the terrible combat but it turns out I was wrong. Haven't touched it since.

Titan Quest.

Project X Zone
I was so hyped, too, but I just never opened it

Bioshock 1 & 2, f
fallout 3 and fallout NV
Star Fox 64 3ds

>Infinite Undiscovery
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>212 Steam games
>Probably more
Where did I go so wrong?

I've never bought a game and not played it. I could see this being an issue for ppl who have a lot of money though.

Anyone else feel like quitting Sup Forums for a while to clear your backlog? I end up spending way too much time on here, even though my backlog has hundreds of games in it (This includes physical games, Steam games, and emulated old games I want to play someday).

You're really not missing anything except money, if that's any consolation. Stop buying so much garbage just because it's on sale.

Skyward Sword

Or for people like me who scavenge through second-hand stores and Steam sales. It's too easy to let a backlog build up when games are so cheap.

>max post size limit reached

I have Fallout 4 and all it's DLC.

Too many to name...

Sleeping dogs
Metal gear solid 3

I don't these are bad, I just never want to play them

Mostly dungeon crawler RPG.
>Etrian Odyssey 4/Untold/Untold2
>SMT Soul Hackers
>7th Dragon III
>Operation Abyss
>Demon Gaze
>Dungeon Travelers 2
>Ys Memories of Celceta

Metroid Prime, the 1st one. Still in the gamecube wrap.
Rare Replay
AssCred... the London one
The NES classic that i got at launch

Not really, hell I've seen it more often in people who in general don't have disposable income but tedious jobs.

It's a state of dissatisfaction, and unwillingness to branch out.

>Friend in Uni
>Sell 3DS to get through the month
>Gets a slightly higher paying part time job 3 months later
>Buys a limited edition Monster Hunter 3DS and 2 new games
>Never plays it
>Sells it
>Does the same thing for Pokemon Sun/Moon

>Does the

Witcher 2


I got ransomware while I was browsing it back in summer 2012.

%96 of my steam library

Why does it keep happening?

Lone Survivor
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
M&M Kart Racing technically a gift but still.[\spoiler]

Just Cause 3
Honestly it's pretty fucking boring considering it's supposed to be all about the fun. JC2 was far more entertaining to me.

I think it's because people on Sup Forums are too used to the "zero effort and instant gratification" of excessive Internet browsing, so other stuff doesn't hold our attention.

I have never done this.

I simply cannot understand how anyone would do this.

Who /try game on pc to see how much fps you get and then never touch the game again/ here?

Honestly like 80 steam games I want to play but I keep going back to overwatch.
Or not playing games at all

>nobody fell for this bait yet

Everyone got infected with ransomware in 2012. It was fucking crazy

Carelessness and laziness.
Also humble bundles if there's a nice deal for a game I want, but only one game in particular.

It wasn't just me then?

I said the truth but i don't care if you don't believe me.

I know some of these games are known to be good. I just hate them with passion.


I bought Bayonetta 2 a year ago. I started the remake of the first game with the intention of blasting through that again and going to 2. A year later I never finished the remake thus never played 2.

Also a year ago I bought the order 1886 at a garage sale for $5 have yet to play it.

You're not missing anything at all from not playing the order 1886.

>Kingdoms of Amalur

Got through the intro just didn't feel it after getting to first town.

That's odd. I Googled stuff like "backloggery malware" and apparently I'm the only one that got it from that site. All I remember is browsing backloggery, then a weird virus came up and encrypted all my stuff. There was nothing really important on my computer, so I decided to just reset my computer to factory settings.

>Shadow of Mordor
>Star Wars Battlefront

They're typically on timers before popping up. Mine reinstalled itself just 15 minutes after a factory reset. Had to reinstall windows.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

So I might have gotten it from some other site, and backloggery was innocent?

I have quite a few games on Steam like this.

I bought Stalker:SOC and COP during the winter sale of 2010 and have never even installed them.


>Brutal Legend
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Dark Souls: Prepare to Die
>Fallout New Vegas
>Metal Gear Rising
A lot of other games not listed.

Pretty much, yeah

97% of my Steam library.

I have a problem.

man, pretty much every Nintendo game since the wii. (wii/wiiu) I just keep buying and never playing. Definitely have a few grand invested. Probably will end up on ebay at the end of the decade.

>97% of my Steam library.
I bought payday 2 when it first came out at full price and I never touched it.

I see. I'm still a bit paranoid about going on that backloggery site, though.

Which Battlefront you motherfucker?

Fucking how? Those are all pretty good games nigga and Rising is only like 5-8 hours.

Dead Island
Borderlands 2
All Company of Heroes
Dead Island 1 +2
Duken nuken Forever
Jes Set Radio
Like 5 warhammer games
And Tomb Raider 1+2+3

Fucking Humble Bundle
Which sould I play next?

Jet Set or DNF if you wanna suffer.

Goddamn Randy putting Duke in Bulletstorm and not making a sequel to Bulletstorm instead.

Just play it. The beginning is kind of a slog but once you get going it's great. You don't even need to use stealth that often if you don't want. One of the cooler features I think is the guards will start to adapt to your methods, so if you're using a little sleathy pea shooter pistol to put everyone to sleep they'll slowly start using helmets. If you're blowing people away with shotguns they'll start using heavier body armor.

I still have hope for Bulletstorm 2.
I really have hope.


DNF isn't even that bad. Ofcourse I pirated it back in the day but still.

Lately, Owlboy

Got boring REAL fucking fast.

Alan Wake, it's been sitting in my steam library for almost 4 years.

I liked it but wasn't worth me buying it on release.

You hope for the both of us user.


you should play it man. It's pretty decent

>Total war Shogun 2
>Total War Rome 2
>Total War Atilla
>Tropico 4
>Grim Dawn
>DMC 3 and 4

>DMC hd collection
>MGS rising revengance
>Shadow of the colossus HD
>kindom hearts 1.5 & 2.5 remix
>persona 4 golden
>shovel knight