Bosses that made you put the game down.
>King bomb
>Get him down low, and he fully heals
>The only way to kill him is with quickening cheese, the most repulsive overdrive system in the series
Bosses that made you put the game down
>I always want to beat bosses with honest, absolutely nothing wrong combat, even though they are absolutely cheesing me!
>calling it an overdrive system
>not limit breaks
no one cares about your opinions, X-babby
Or crippling him with status effects. Use Nihopalaoa with remedy you simple person.
Final section of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. I know someone on fucking Sup Forums knows what I am talking about.
Boost Guardian.
Spider Guardian.
Just about all the monster hunter big bosses that lock you into fighting them for a guaranteed amount of time because it's scripted. At some point that gets super old and annoying.
Bundt Cake on first playthrough of SMRPG is a real nigger and so is Yaridovich.
It was the second version of Bellom that kicked my ass as a kid. I ended up crying when I couldn't beat him. My older cousin ended up beating him without even leveling my party. My older, female cousin.
Most emasculating thing that ever happened to me.
You had bowser on your team didn't you.
The fuckin giant gold guy from FFxiii. Fuck that game. Fuck that boss.
>Final section of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. I know someone on fucking Sup Forums knows what I am talking about
Fucking this, you have to go against Shang Tsung, Kintaro, and then fucking Shao Khan in a row with no health recovery. That game was fucking designed for two players to beat. It's a shame they didn't do the sequel with the Deadly Alliance plot, that ending got me so hyped.
Wasn't this fight optional?
I remember that you can battle it pretty early in the game but it's not needed, at least until several areas later. I remember beating it before the second temple because I wanted the Spear as early as possible.
No actually, co op makes it harder imo.
Because of the arena being so small and IIRC there is a shared life bar to an extent right?
And also, having two people makes the AI move in sporadic patterns that end up making you super jump right into damage you otherwise would have avoided, most importantly Shao Kahns spinning hammer move that takes up like 70% of the arena at any one time once he starts, and if you and your co op partner fuck up the jump sequence even once, he shits all over that person.
I played 12 when I was like 13 years old and I remember not having a fucking clue how the quickening shit worked, yet somehow still managed to beat the game.
Damn, I had no idea. They really should have not included an optional 2-player mode or at least improved it then. Small wonder why me and my older brother had such a difficult time fighting Shao Khan.
I really just didnt like the battle system in OG 12. people say the "remake" is better, but is it still too similar to the original? Kinda want to give it another chance since it quite clear we'll never get another good new FF.
Well, I fought this guy for two hours before realizing from the wiki that he was an optional boss that I had no reason to be fighting right now.
Game does a damn good job of disguising it by putting him next to an NPC telling you that you have to kill it to progress.
Literally cried. Didn't have access to guides or anything, just a whole lot of tears and determination.
>equip that accessory that reverses item effect
>throw remedy at the boss
>fight os instantly over
Git gud you brain dead retard
>he brings my party's health to the red in a single attack
>our attacks are only dealing damage in the low 20s
>regular enemies give next to nothing for EXP
Great Sensei in God Hand, just getting through the room before him was nasty enough and then I'm rewarded with this fucker that can clone himself at a moment's notice and gentlemen.jpg my asshole with all their swords.
Don't even ask why. I was 12 when this game came out and that sounds old enough to beat it to me, but this fucking boss put me on tilt.
There was a trick to it that made the fight easy.
The first time though i also used quickenings. An amazing game though, really enjoyed it but i can see why some people don't.
That was the only boss in the entire game I had to grind for. What an obnoxious design.
I think that happened to me with some big fucking green dragon in the jungle area. Was stuck on that nigger for hours until someone told me he was optional.
What about
>Ruler reaction
>wah why can't I beat boss without using essential gameplay mechanic that I arbitrarily consider "cheap"
In other news, Bloodborne is a broken game because I refuse to use a talisman on Amelia or attack while she's healing. To do otherwise is simply dishonorable.
It's not immune to sap, disable or disease, though. In vanilla XII you could have one guy repeatedly cast disable on it and have the rest hack it to death.
Really? I always had either Fran or Penelo cast disable on his ass and everything worked out fine. Maybe you're just bad.
Am I the only one that loved FF:XII but couldn't deal with the grind needed to even attempt the Zodiac bosses. It's the only FF game where I haven't beaten all the extra bosses. Got burned out from grinding.
I didn't even like 12
the combat is exactly the same, outside of some very minor quality of life improvements, which mainly are comprised of
>tier 3 spells and effects no longer have a priority
>you manually control espers
before, tier 3 spells like any of the ~aga spells and other uniques like flare and such would have "priority". This meant that if a boss was casting flare or whatever, until the entire spell animation was done NO other spells would finish casting. You could literally have your cast bar full for 15 seconds straight if a boss used thundaga and you had to wait for the lightning to hit everybody (and likely kill them) before your cure would go off.
The second improvement is self explanatory. Before, espers were an AI that had their own gambits and rules. Now you just manually control them and can shit on whatever you want with them.
As far as combat goes, that is the only changes. There are a bunch of other updates and such, mainly the job system, but thats more of a handicap (a really fun one) than an improvement.
>assume every boss is immune to debuffs
>this guy wrecks my shit no matter what I throw at him
>find out later how easy he is when you cast Slow
simply disrupt my fecal matter, senpai
IIRC you shouldn't really need to grind to beat the espers as long as you're doing them at the correct point in the story. Even Zodiark isn't that bad outside of random OHKOs.
The likes of Omega and Yiazmat are another story though.
what game is this? Pic is too blurry.
>tier 3 spells and effects no longer have a priority
This was so obnoxious.
>have scathe at the ready for like 10 seconds versus late game enemies but get shat on because they get 15 melee attacks off in a row while someone's Blizzaga is animating
Man, XII had some fucking top tier depth in its combat mechanics
>reverse belt
these 4 things alone make for some really interesting strategies
I remember beating deathclaw by throwing the reverse belt on my tank and casting berserk on deathclaw and watched as its hideous damage was just fucking healing my tank.
This bitch gets like three turns in a row. I spend half the fight reviving and healing so as not to get wiped out.
Most of those were completely unoriginal and even rehashed from the serie itself.
Tactics had much more depth even though it did not utilize such depth due to shit difficulty design/balance.
>get nihopalaoa
>get remedy 3 license
>watch all the debuffs pop up
It's the DS version of Final Fantasy 4.
I never said they were original
I said the games combat had good depth because of mechanics like these
There really isn't any other FF that allows you to pull off insane shit like this and have it actually WORK, especially on bosses.
keep your autism in check m8
were you really unable to beat it? I dont even remember it being a difficult boss
I remember there was an episode of Cheat! on at the time that detailed how to get a healing item or something just before the final fights, and it was a fucking god send
For Shaolin Monks I mean