Bosses that made you put the game down

Bosses that made you put the game down.
>King bomb
>Get him down low, and he fully heals
>The only way to kill him is with quickening cheese, the most repulsive overdrive system in the series

>I always want to beat bosses with honest, absolutely nothing wrong combat, even though they are absolutely cheesing me!

>calling it an overdrive system
>not limit breaks
no one cares about your opinions, X-babby

Or crippling him with status effects. Use Nihopalaoa with remedy you simple person.


Final section of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. I know someone on fucking Sup Forums knows what I am talking about.

Boost Guardian.

Spider Guardian.

Just about all the monster hunter big bosses that lock you into fighting them for a guaranteed amount of time because it's scripted. At some point that gets super old and annoying.


Bundt Cake on first playthrough of SMRPG is a real nigger and so is Yaridovich.

It was the second version of Bellom that kicked my ass as a kid. I ended up crying when I couldn't beat him. My older cousin ended up beating him without even leveling my party. My older, female cousin.

Most emasculating thing that ever happened to me.

You had bowser on your team didn't you.

The fuckin giant gold guy from FFxiii. Fuck that game. Fuck that boss.

>Final section of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. I know someone on fucking Sup Forums knows what I am talking about

Fucking this, you have to go against Shang Tsung, Kintaro, and then fucking Shao Khan in a row with no health recovery. That game was fucking designed for two players to beat. It's a shame they didn't do the sequel with the Deadly Alliance plot, that ending got me so hyped.

Wasn't this fight optional?
I remember that you can battle it pretty early in the game but it's not needed, at least until several areas later. I remember beating it before the second temple because I wanted the Spear as early as possible.