How do I redpill my friend into playing fighting games...

How do I redpill my friend into playing fighting games? He only plays Smash and refuses to play normal fighting games because "combos are not fun" even though combos are like the least important part of the genre (with exception of Marvel and some touch-of-death niche games).

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>How do I force my friend to like thing I like

You don't. People just have other interests. Don't be that shitty obsessive friend.


shit friend get a new one
don't waste your time with a nintoddler

But he didn't even give the genre a proper chance.

How about kill yourself you NEET.



Can you fuck off with this shit? You're not opening his eyes and awakening him to the truth, you're just trying to shove your views down his throat.

>how do I force my friend to do something he doesn't want to do because I'm a selfish cunt
You're a sociopath. Seek help.

But if he plays Smash, he has to know combos in some form. Reacting to DI is similar enough to hit confirming, chain grabbing is similar enough to throw loops, and pivots are just one frame inputs.

Just connect it as close as you can.

I'm not a NEET
Well, that's where you're wrong. Full-fledged fighting games are objectively, not subjectively, better than Smash. Especially when they're basically trying to do the same thing, except Smash fails at it because it's a literal party game at its core.

It's a matter of taste you fucking moron. He likes Smash. You don't.

Move on.

This guy here.
This mentality is the reason why he doesn't give a shit. If you demean Smash, he has so little reason as a Smash player to care about your opinion.

Not that user who cares? It's not like your friend is being annoying because he plays smash.

>How do I redpill my friend into playing fighting games?
Well aren't you a delightful little ball of cancer.

You legitimately sicken me as a person.

How about you broaden your genre a bit rather than insisting everyone else narrow themselves down to your level? Try playing some Power Stone or Nidhogg or something else which requires skill but doesn't involve two characters sitting on opposite sides of the screen all the time.

Also, what fighting games are you playing where you can do well without using any combos?

Do you not see the hypocrisy here?

>Full-fledged fighting games are objectively, not subjectively, better than Smash.
I think you need to look up some of these words before you try to use them in a sentence again.

Liking Street Fighter or whatever the fuck it is that you play more than Smash Bros. is not some sort of patrician taste that you get to use in order to hold yourself above this person who you're saying is your friend. You sound like exactly the sort of stuck-up elitist faggot who drives most people away from the fighting game community in the first place.

Maybe if you stopped being such an insufferable condescending prick, your friend would be more willing to play the games that you like.

Rape him. And I don't mean once or twice, I mean you fucking beat him half to death, chain him up in your basement, shave all the hair off his body, and spend at least a solid week pounding him full of your semen and burning him with cigarettes.

Then he'll like the idea of fighting more.


Also this. Find lots of people you can play all sorts of different games with

>Acting like fighting games are a status of nobility over commonry

lmao fuck off

>game that was made from ground-up to be played competitively is worse than a party game that was turned into a "competitive" game with arbitrary community rules and restrictions
what did smash babies mean by this


>Ugh my pathetic plebeian friend has such pathetic taste in video game entertainment; his lack of education is clearly to blame for his ignorant enjoyment of such a flawed product. If only he could enjoy the clearly superior and enlightened games which I myself partake in!
>Why won't my friend give the games I like a chance? : (

'first post best post'

>forcing someone to play a game they really dont want to play

dont be this guy

Dear diary,

Today OP got fucking stomped and ran away from his own thread.

but no one's talking about forcing anyone

Ah, Agreed then.

"First post best post." Don't spread it around though; that's dangerously close to the sort of Twitterposting bullshit that got wordfiltered.

You don't

You just enjoy the games you like and take turns engaging in each others hobbies. My best friend hates the games I like, but we will either do something we both like or play two of the games we pick out for an hour or two.

>OP got roasted


Don't listen to this. True friends condition their friends to be the perfect friend.

No one in this thread has said anything even vaguely resembling this. user, I'm sorry, but you might be retarded.

Wow, Sup Forums actually being mature and proper for once? Color me shocked.

> excuse me I'll just take this game here
Simple you fucking autists


the biggest red pill you can get related to Sup Forums is that video games are shit and a time sink. Ride a bike or some shit.

what even is a "Full-fledged" fightin game?

shit fighter
king of shitters
shit calibur
bloody shit
mortal shit

anything else?

Is this your attempt at "trolling"?

Because I hope you realize being an obnoxious cunt and getting called out for it doesn't mean you trolled anyone. It just means you're an obnoxious cunt, and got called out.

Shitter Instshit

Sup Forums literally shoves their views down each other's throats every fucking day and this guy is suddenly a sociopath for doing it to his friend?


This might astonish you but Sup Forums is not one person.

Marvshit vs Shitcom

Correction: Sup Forums shoves their views down other anonymous people's throats as a wide spread view. Not their best /close friends

>enjoy smash on an almost competitive level(not good enough for tourneys, but good enough to usually win on FG and beat most people I play)
>have one friend I also play YGO with
>he consistently slaps my shit in smash
>also super into fightans
>gets his 'girlfriend' who totally existed despite noone ever meeting her, her never leaving his house(he was also muslim), and then 'dying' before the wedding to rant at me about not playing fightans
>I've never been able to play more than 4 matches of any fighter other than smash without being incredibly bored
>finally unfriended the guy on FB after he started spouting endless 'occupy democrats', 'vivian james' and other obnoxious anti-SJW garbage
>soon after moved cities so I never have to listen to the obnoxious fuck

fightan games a shit.

>combos are not fun
Hes right


Hello there OP, how are you doing? Your thread seems to be doing poorly at the moment.

You can't if he is not already interested. And stop pushing it becasue he will only hate you if you can't shut up about it, and act like you didn't get the memo, but I shouldn't have to explain it if you are not autismo (I hope you are not).

About combos being the least important, you are wrong. They are in most games equally important as playing footsies and getting that hit in. The reason is, even if you consistently manage to get that hit in, if you can't convert it into damage by a combo, it isn't worth shit. It is especially true in more combo-heavy anime games like BlazeBlue, Guilty Gear or Melty Blood. In Street Fighter, this is an issue only to a lesser extent, but you will still be in severe disadvantage compared to those who have their combos down. Of course, it is true if we turn it around, if you have the most godly combos down, but you can't get a hit in for shit, then it is absolutely worhless, true. But saying it's the least important part of the genre is just wrong.


Fair enough. But people in this thread are acting like the very idea is a crime. Meanwhile, every thread has some form of it.

You don't, and fuck you for liking shit games.

There's a difference between being an autist on an anonymous Chinese cartoon forum, and being an autist IRL.


>shit fighter
>not street shitter

I think you mean bluepill


Guilty Shit.
Melty Shit.
Pershit 4 Ultishit.

Yeah, you're a shit friend. I feel sorry that the other guy knows you.

Don't be a faggot, stop annoying your friend.

Do like I did with my girlfriend, get like a shitty fighting game and just go ''oh lets have fun with this''. And try to get hype with it, have fun with it, then if he liked just a bit, you can introduce him to something else

Wasn't OP, but I just thought the hypocrisy was funny.

Fuck off OP, you have it easy

MY brother used to love JRPGs, so much that he got me into them and would always le me borrow his shit as a kid, Grandia, Chrono trigger, Xenogears, etc.

Now hes a normie faggot who hails Zelda, Souls and bayonetta as the pinacle of gaming and won't even so much as touch a JRPG because he's been "Enlightened" to proper videogame art and design. And literally shits on anything he's ever played for the sake of fiting in with his contrarian friends

Shit, didn't mean to reply to you.

W2C cute chinless skinny gf who plays videogames in public bumps appreciated

>62 replies
>33 IPs
seeing how there's only 5 posts from OP or defending OP, it's safe to assume this thread is full of butt blasted smashcasuals

>before wedding

Fuck you, buddy


My GF and I are major Skullgirls nerds just because we thought "Oh hey this looks kind of neat"

Fighting game bastards are pretty vocal about their garbage games and the particular, autistic ways that they play them. Thankfully, it looks like they might finally be getting pushback from this board.

oh, it wasn't even subtle that his 'girlfriend' was just him samefagging. her profile pics were all different japanese girls, zero pictures of the two of them together EVER, and she would randomly message me while talking EXACTLY like he did, and talking about the SAME THINGS that he did.

he kept this shit up for almost 2 years.

I went to his place once too to pick him up to drive up to a sign of her ANYWHERE.

there's been more fighting game threads than ever these last few months

No offence but why did you take this picture of me? That's a little creepy don't you think?

How can your friend say that and play smash at the same time? Smash is a very combo heavy game, they're just freeform.

Oh. I don't really pay attention to that very much, but I just thought it was weird this thread was burning him at the stake for something they do all time.

>Fighting game bastards
Why is this so fucking funny
What did they do to you for you to have this kind of personal agenda against FGC?

And that's fine given the number of announcements and news.

But when people try to get elitist or mouth off FGC rhetoric like OP, they're getting shut down.

>japanese girlfriend
>most likely not muslim

Fuck this fucking attention whore. Could she have made it any more obvious that she's dying for le gamer le attention? I bet she doesn't even like video games. Fucking normie bitch. Shit like this makes me want to die.

The difference is, most poster don't treat Sup Forums as a person, but something lesser than human. That's why you see all those cruel comments. They couldn't care less if they hurt anybody, everyone else is just an anonymous faceless nobody, what does it matter. But if you had been here longer, you would know they don't actually mean all those shit. They wouldn't treat like this a real human, especially not a close friend. This thread is pretty much proof.

she 'converted' for him. that's also why nobody ever saw her apparently.

I meant any fighting game fans in general that like obtuse gameplay.

But since we're on the topic,
Why did you assume I meant the diehard FGC?

Some people hate boring ass shit OP.

Depends on the smash game. Brawl and Smash 4 are still rather defensive unfortunately. Still, I understand where he's coming from, since most fighting games feel rather stiff and it's hard to approach.

>Shit like this makes me want to die.
Please feel free to follow through on your urges.

They are.

>not playing games that are out of your comfort zone

Fuck off, so tired of hanging out with my friends and them being completely unwilling to play any older game that they have no nostalgia for.

If you're the kinda person that will hand out and play vidya with your friends, but only play games you yourself know then you're kind of a dick.

why do you want to redpill people? You're like Religious folk that want to convert others.

I saw ignorance is bliss. He's having more fun playing smash casually than you have playing whatever fighting game you play on the deepest level possible.

Yeah OP...
You're a sociopath, because you want to convince your friend to play video games other than smash.

How about fuck off white knight. You seriously think sitting down in the middle of a fucking store and pulling out a 3ds is NOT a desperate plea for attention? This girl is probably insecure as fuck and pulled some cod playing chad from this maneuver. It's fucking disgusting how women are pretending to be interested in our hobbies just to suck chad dick. If you don't agree, then maybe you should just go back to watching one of your feminist frequency videos you fucking fuck.

I had a friend who did something similar to this with my old group.

We met them on a forum as a guy, and his GF who shared an account, and they constantly switched whenever we talked to them. Well turned out a month later his GF had "Another" sister who was supposedly mute, and couldn't speak who joined the forums.

A few months pass and the craziest shenanigans happen, The guy allegedly gets shot in DC, loses his wallet in hawaii, Has a baby with his girlfriend in only 5 months, names the baby after his furry OC, etc. So many of us questioned the validity of his claims

Well we managed to talk to him on skype once, so we figured out /he/ was real, but the other two sisters remained unaccounted for.

Well at the time my current GF loved making multiple accounts, and I started to suspect she was actually running all 4 of these accounts and called her out on it, since all the evidence matched, and she was too shy to actually speak via call. So we went our seperate ways and I never saw her again.

Well, 6 years pass, That guy apparently got dumped and the GF/now wife took the kids and her sister died in a car accident, so he was alone.

And then christmas last year I actually got in contact with my old gf, she hopped on a skype call no longer shy and actually talked, and she was actually a real person. and I felt like such a dick that I doubted her all these years.

>nobody ever saw her because she was wearing a burka

there's a difference between playing old games you've no nostalgia for and playing old games you've no nostalgia for, that are from genres you don't even like.

You can't convince the weak to walk the path of the strong. Most likely he tried a full on fighting game before in his life and was a failure and instead of becoming interested in why he was losing and gaining experience/knowledge/fundamentals he turned it off and assumed HAHA MUSTVE JUST MASHED HARDER HAHAHA

The weak love their excuses its why SFV season 1 turned into such a RPS shit fest and why the shooter genre as a whole keeps getting slower and more streamlined. Its why people think Souls games are "hard"

Well from OPs post it seems that his friend is a tr4sh babby, but OP still is an asshole regardless.

I don't give a fuck about the bitch in the picture, but is sure is fun to watch you getting so incredibly triggered by your everyday surroundings.

>The difference is, most poster don't treat Sup Forums as a person

Contextualize it, consider how much criminal activity goes on where you live, domestic abuse, drug abuse, corruption, etc. Think about those statistics and numbers.

I don't think you should treat people like shit, but ultimately, there are a lot of shitty people on the planet and you should consider this.

Melee has combos but its unlikely he plays melee. Melee and 64 have combos that can do a little or a lot of damage, even end a stock.

Its most likely that he plays smash 4 and thinks the loosely put together string of attacks he does is a "combo". That game is more about attacking more often than the opponent, still a fighting game I guess but so many concepts are absent from the game so its hardly a fighting game.

According to this thread, trying to change someone else's views is being a "psychopath". What's next, arguing over things suddenly will turn people into serial killers?

Let it go, user. Not everyone's a nigger.