>Defending on Anubis
>team picks all offensive characters
>no healers
>switch to Bastion
>still no healers
>spam "I need healing" hoping someone fucking switches to Mercy
>no one switches to Mercy
>we lose in less than 10 minutes
Fucking hell
>Defending on Anubis
>team picks all offensive characters
>no healers
>switch to Bastion
>still no healers
>spam "I need healing" hoping someone fucking switches to Mercy
>no one switches to Mercy
>we lose in less than 10 minutes
Fucking hell
nice blog
>switch to Bastion
shitty team player detected
Bastion + Mercy is a great combo
Is this one of those ironic stories where you obviously should have been the one to switch to healer?
>switch to Bastion
>no one switches to Mercy
it was either switch to healer or switch to defense. I always play healer and wanted to switch it up
>team picks all assault characters
>quit game
i'm sick of playing tank and healer.
fuck em
Why bother trying to win when the game enforces a 50/50 win lose ratio? There's a reason so many games are a steam roll dummy. Just play what you enjoy
>realize we need healer
>go fucktard dps instead like the rest of the team
great job proving your point OP, literally everyone playing this game is shit, including you :^)
tank is p fun though.
and zenyatta aint too bad either
>game's match making calculates you to be close to 50/50 as possible
>complain that the match making is bad
What is good match making then?
Matching based on skill, not stacking guaranteed wins/losses to keep a ratio
>Complained there's no healer.
>"Better pick me a defense character lol"
How could it calculate based on skill? If you win more of your games than you lose, you should obviously be matched against opponents that also win more than they lose. Isn't this basic match making or is there something I'm missing
I know, but I'm sick of playing the same shit over and over when a majority of the playerbase instalock mccree or genji like the dirty shitters they are
He thinks it means that when he wins a few games the game matches him up with retards against pros when what really happens is he gets matched with people around his skill and when he loses he blames his team.
full combat classes with abilities are better.
dirty bomb was great, playing medic was rewarding, not punishing.
Torbjorn is good defending on this map.
Is this Serious Sam HD remake?
Yeah, 50% of the roster are shit.
Pick 2 of each to win:
Soldier, Pharah, Mccree.
Rein, Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog
Lucio, Ana, Zen, Mercy
Medals, K/D etc.
I'm sorry to hear that, because the meta right now is 4 tanks 2 healers
you can switch out one tank for symettra alternatively
>Torbjorn is good defending on this map.
>tfw D.va main
>enemy team also has a D.va
>destroy them every time
feels good desu
How to get good at D.va? I'm alright, but I really don't feel like I'm using her to her maximum potential.
>we lose in less than 10 min
usually that's how long every match lasts
hmm I guess my only advice would be don't be afraid to use your boosters to get out of trouble. Even if your health is still relatively high, if your circled by enemies just take off, heal if you need to and loop back around. And even outside of the mech the pistol is still pretty good imo, and it's p easy to stay alive long enough to get your mech back so long as you're not in close quarters.
Or S76 since he can keep a lot of damage going downrange.
>quick play no longer allows multiples of one hero
>someone locks an important hero
>absolutely fucking trash-tier with them
Or alternatively
>love playing as a certain hero
>they get locked
>well I guess I'm fucked this match then
I'm not sure what the fuck blizzard was doing saying they weren't going to balance around shitter crybabies, and then go ahead and change an entire game mode to appease shitters who can't beat the 1/100 mono-hero meme team.
I've speedrun Anubis, winning at 1:49
What about you guys?
You have to be braindead to fuck up defense on the second point of Anubis, Hanamura and Volskaya
I'm pretty sure I've lost on Anubis in under 2 min.
maybe you should have gone healer then.
>Everyone picks attackers and no one goes healer or tank
>Go Reinhardt so at least the glass cannons can destroy everything in my path
>They all just run ahead of the shield and die 1 by 1
I fucking hate the player base so much in this game. If youre going to force players to play tanks/healers give some fucking EXP bonus so its worthwhile when we play with retards
>give some fucking EXP bonus
You get 20% bonus exp while in group user
>no healers
>switch to Bastion
>still no healers
>spam "I need healing" hoping someone fucking switches to Mercy
Fucking retarded OP.
>Wah, no healers, WTF TEAM!
>Picks Bastion
Only 1-2 people I know are ever on at the same time. We all work and get out at different times.
What rank are you, OP?
Because you're pretty fucking retarded.
You just fly around and poke retards and kill them if possible. Most heroes in most situations will not be able to chase you. Otherwise, if you expect a push, be prepared to absorb projectile based ults. Aim for the head and be as close as possible.
>playing zen
>only healer
>gold elims, gold damage, and obiviously gold heals
>rest of team is not pulling their weight
>"maybe pick a better healer than zen?"
>rest of team starts shitting on me for not playing lucio or mercy
i fucking hate the playerbase to this game. After people started shitting on me despite being the only player doing anything i switched to pistol only mercy near the end of the second round. Fuck them and fuck this game.
>5/6 team instalocks heroes that are either shit or they suck with
>no tanks or healers
>stuck with the impossible choice
>play support for a team of shitters, and promptly stop playing altogether because this is the most frustrating shit ever
>don't play support, making you a shitter as well
>play tank with no healer, which is fucking retarded
>don't play tank, team gets shit stomped
The moral of the story is that anything less than a party of 3 and you might as well not even play.
>playing overwatch
>spam "I need healing"
>Switch to Bastion, Roadhog, Soldier or Mei.
>Heal myself
Wow dude!
I'm glad overwatch exists. It helps keep the normie shitter population away from games I actually enjoy playing.
>no tanks or healers
>stuck with the impossible choice
All you have to do is tell them over the mic or with the keyboard that you're going to lose if nobody picks those roles.
PSA: Shoot shields
if the enemy team is standing behind a rein constantly, SHOOT THE SHIELD
the shield will break giving an opening for your team, and breaks fast if focused.
You must really love reading the line "I paid $40 for this game I'll play how I want"
I don't play shit games like Overwatch.
That's a reasonable approach that generally works when you aren't playing with the kind of people who decide a team with an anna and widow, with no tanks, simply NEEDS a hanzo to help complete it. I don't play competitive because taking this game (or really any team-focused game) even remotely seriously is a recipe for disaster.
>Played Sym before buff
>Play Sym after buff
>Absolutely stomp all over the other team
>Other team remarks on how I am carrying my team
>My team still shittalks and demands I switch off of Symmetra because "I'm throwing"
Didn't actually happen to me, but happened to a friend.
This never happened at all, user.
Assault characters are literally better at defending than defense characters.
>too many snipers
Yes and no. Junkrat is a good defense character because it's almost impossible to fuck up with him. A well-played assault character would be infinitely better at the job, but defense heroes are so utterly fucking braindead that they're often better choices just because of their towering skill floor.
>Hold the first point till overtime and we made a mistake and they took it
>2 people leave
This was in fucking Diamond. We would have won you shitters.
While this is true for most cases, probably not at OP's MMR.
I've won in 56 seconds.we beat a team of genjis
>not getting to masters with only symmetra
>tfw zenyatta main
>deal a high amount of damage with discord orbs and can heal teammates
Best hero in the entire game
>no one picks thing
you could have but you didn't
they could have but they didn't
shut your whore mouth OP
>waaah no healers on the team
>b-b-but i shouldn't have to play one considering how amazing i must be to get placed in a presumably silver-league pub match
zero sympathy. go fuck yourself retard.
>instead of switching yourself you go bastion
Holy fuck you are cancer.
>Zenyatta main
>Do shit damage
>Worse healing than every healer
>Buffs are worse than Mercy
>mfw Symmetra would be more useful than me
>tfw tf2 demoman experience
>only used pipes
>shoot pharahs out of the sky as junk all day long
honestly there is a huge difference between a good junk and a junk that just holds m1.
I think you're underestimating discord + headshots friend
I think you overestimate them. Mercy damage buff is more consistent and her healing is 1000x better.
literally the worst healer
>Do shit damage
You must not be playing him right
completely agree. I tried overwatch at a friends place and fell in love with zen even before they broke him in the early summer. was the reason i bought the game. when they broke him i was having the time of my life.
>mercy has zero damage output while healing/buffing
i like playing mercy sometimes, but come on
what closes the disparity from zen and mercy is the fact that zen can simultaneously heal and deal damage. Yeah, his healing isn't as good as mercy, but the fact that he can heal, debuff, and do damage all at once is what rounds him out. Of course I'm not saying mercy is bad either, she's also a great pick
You fags always conveniently forget that Zen can attack while healing/damage boosting.
Mercy damage boost does not do more damage than Zen's debuff + his attacks.
>Play offensive Sym on Volskaya
>Fuck up the enemy team
>Block high noon with the barrier
>Teleport the team onto the last point after a teamfight
>Gold elims
>Gold damage
>play of the game
>teammate compliments my teleporters
>enemy Sombra goes full sperg for the next three games about how Sym takes no skill
I haven't had this much fun in this game since launch.
>no healer
>switches to Bastion instead
It's the team and not me, I swear!
>we lose in less than 10 minutes
Will duh, that map is like 10 minutes at most
>whole team dies
that's the problem. with mercy, it's a 5v6. and when u Rez 5 people to a full team of 6 that just killed you, you're probably gonna lose again.
Also, that's not healing.
>honestly there is a huge difference between a good junk and a junk that just holds m1.
There really is no difference. Being able to smack pharah out of the sky is nice, but unless you're playing on consoles pretty much every hero can do that with no effort. Junkrat's job is just spamming grenades at the objective until he can press Q and get POTG; in that respect he's kind of like hanzo, only the grenades have a smaller hit radius, hell he even has the "oh whoops someone actually closed in on me better pull out my bullshit AoE panic button"
He can attack and heal at the same time but does less of both. Mercy makes a person nearly invincible while healing them or turns someone like Soldier into a death machine.
Bastion + Mercy is a great combo, if you have a Mercy idiot.
i never heal people who spam they need healing. you dumb as fuck
Oh I beg to differ. I played with a fat faggot named Vill yesterday who had 99 hours of symmetra on QP and almost 99 hours of competitive symmetra through the multiple seasons. I even screenshotted it bc it was so awful. He tried to play the victim game when everyone shit on him for playing attack and defense sym and cries how that always happens. The worst part was that he was a shit tier symmetra. Almost 200 hours and he still played like the garbo normie Plat he'll always be
Not him but the proper strat icludes the enemy blowing more than one ult while your team holds their's. That way when you ult you're rezing more ults than the enemy has which puts you at an objective advantage in this "skill based" game.
>lose like 10 games in a row
>drop from 2100 SR to 1800
>only now starting to get winning games
I don't really like this Blizzard matchmaking system where it makes you win 10 games in a row, then win 10 and then lose 10 again.
depends. if they're trying to hide or actually made some effort to find me, or i just havent seen them, then im happy to heal them. if its some fuckwit genji or pharah who just spams it over and over and over again the second they take a tiny bit of damage, expecting me to run after them all over the map then they get left to die (and laughed at when they inevitably start whining in the chat)
also retarded reins who suicide charge get left to their fate
>literally don't care if I win or lose
>pick useless hero just to fuck with a retarded whiner
>starting at 2100
>my face new Symmetra
Blizzard really doesn't know any middleground
You make me sick. Why is it so difficult to be a healer? I've been healer plenty of times because everyone else in my team is stubborn enough not to play as one just once.
>the worst healer whose ult only works when your teammates die
>Mercy makes a person nearly invincible while healing them
Lol yeah true, if they're taking damage from a single source, but then you're literally 2v1ing at that point so who cares.
I'm just saying that if a junk is aim reliant as opposed to spam reliant, the difference is massive. I'm talking junks who will 2 shot every hero except tanks, constantly trap enemies, use walls/objects on the map to shoot around rein shields, and break up teams with his mine and follow up with air shots when he throws them in the air.
I fully admit he has a low skill floor, but that says nothing about his skill ceiling.
>team's only tank
>No healer
>Can't switch because then there will be no tank
>Thank god we have a widowmaker and hanzo on attack though
Then why the fuck didnt you be the better man and pick what the fucking team needed if you knew that, stupid fuck
Same type of retard that bitches and moans about muh elo hell the white man keeping me from advancing, yeah you dindu nuffin alright, you absolutely dindu nuffin thats why you're eating shit
>I..I locked in dps first
>Y..You gotta heal, you can't lock in 3rd dps...
>People want to play 3 Tank Meta
>I'm the only one willing to heal
>Get floored until someone switches to heal at the last point and we manage to win
>Why is it so difficult to be a healer?
In his defense, it was only just recently that I've had another hero come close to the playtime I had with Lucio. I like Lucio, but not nearly as much as my playtime with him would suggest, only that I pick him out of necessity because people are bumfuck retarded.
I don't like playing healers any more because I've put my fucking time in already, and I want to enjoy actual fucking variety for once. This wouldn't be a problem if healer wasn't a primary role and seemingly the only thing they're allowed to do. Ana was more of a step in the right direction since she's fairly fun to play as, but even she's kind of a one-trick pony.
>mercy has zero damage output while healing/buffing
I've been playing Mercy from time to time (mostly on mystery hero) and the best strat I have come up with is switch to her pistol when no one needs healing and there is no bastion to boost.
Her pistol is as powerful as mechless D.va.
She is pretty good now
>defense on route 66
>Set up nest just past first point
>jackasses keep running in
>They get the payload to just past my nest
>They are all looking ahead and not at my hidey hole
>It's time
>Run out and hold down fire
>Kill five of them, including reinhardt, play of the game
What is the leaving penalty for ranked games anyway? 70% of the games someone in my team leaves, so I imagine it isn't much.