Humble Yogscast Bundle

>these fuckers are redeeming themselves by the minute
>anons regret the roast left and right
>three (3) games unlocked yesterday
>they are good

nobody knows what is going to happen in 30 minutes
because it is going to be GOOD

>$30 for 3 old games you could get for half that price as far back as last winter sale
>A free helping of garbage as a bonus

Sure thing user, I do hope you're getting commission for this, because it's premium grade shilling.

>premium grade shilling.

i have been literally roasting the guys for the whole past 2 weeks

but now i have to be fair, and the last week has been pretty glorious, lad

You were the one making baity Hillary threads on Sup Forums amirite

Fuck you, it's for charity.

I'm pretty much memeing this bundle into perfection, one thread at a time

people should be greatful

Who gives a shit about that. I'd rather my money goes to the people who made the game than random fuckers who I don't know.

could you meme SOMA into this bundle buddy
I'd be grateful

20 minutes for AAA

i am memeing AYLMAOO

i think it is going to be the main game of the bundle

capture this

Guaranteed garbage, calling it now. Also check my not 7

these games all suck dick. Why would I spend $30 so I can play fucking Waddle Home or Choplifter HD?

It's for fucking charity.

Don't you want all those free numbers in a free idle game?

Come on user, those numbers have a retail price of $79.95!

check last week, fagit

I could donate the same amount to a charity of my choosing and just pirate them, literally nothing would be lost

if you really cared about charity you would donate straight away

your oportunity to gift some games here, or farm some cards

(or even play them)

>12 minutes for massive hype

I'll donate my fist to your face

*teleports behind you*
*donate my foot to your balls*
pshht nothing personel kid

Out of everything available there are like 3 games I care about, and I own them already because anything worth having on that list is more than a year old.

If you waited until now to pay $30 to get Gunpoint, you're a faggot and you don't play games.

try it

i had it since forever, but it is a good game
i hope i can trade that shit soon, or even gift it here

xmas gifting threads are always cool af

Is there actually any game on that list that is both worth owning, and hasn't already been in a bundle? I can't honestly find one, so paying $30... sorry "DONATING" $30 seems stupid.

Not to mention vindicating some faggot Youtuber's publicity stunt isn't my cup of tea.

Considering none of those games are good, I can only assume a shill like OP is referring to Goat Simulator, Saturday Morning RPG, and Psychonauts as the games he considers "good".

Wasn't this supposed to be limited to 50k copies?
They really need to sell out. I'm tempted to buy this pile of shit even though I know I will deeply regret it.

Tales Across Time

Are these games good, Sup Forums?

>$30 wasted on shitty indie trash

not saving that $30 for steam sale which will net 1000 games you'll never play

people actually bought this lmaooo

I agree, if you want to shower yourself in garbage then more is always better.

chronology is pretty neat
sadly, I already have it

oh hey, two more garbage games were added! Now it's TOTES worth it.




Not an argument.

I'll let you pay $30 to fuck a cheese grater. Come on man, it's for charity.

You're either buying to give to charity, in which case there's no point in even being in this thread. Or you're buying because sometimes there are good deals, and this one isn't.

>December 24th - Starbound
>December 25th - Battleborn
>December 31th - No Man's Sky


Mighty Number 9 when?

fuck off with your stupid non-argument
how fucking stupid can you be
you better be baiting at this point

>all this shit indietrash games
almost fell for it lads

I doubt anyone on Sup Forums bought this bundle

Where's the second bundle, I know they don't stick to that promise at all and never even defend it but come on, there's supposed to be 2 at all times

Wew lad

What is this it's not an agreement meme?
That is an argument, the company's can only give games they'd be okay with not selling, as it's for charity

H-Heh yeah

At least you have the highly successful goat simulator game as seen on youtube

give away all your keys in this thread because it's the right thing to do

Well since it's not a requirement to donate trash to sell off for charity, them giving garbage games for the charity sale doesn't get a free pass.

The games are not worth it, so it's a bad deal, not to mention Humble Bundle themselves set the $30 asking price, so they decided it was worth that price and were wrong.

Stop asking him to shitpost, that's bad advice user.

not all is lost, play that toysoldier game

I wonder, why the fuck does LGBT get a charity? People's sexual preferences are charitable causes now? Should tilefag get his own charity set up?

It's 2016.

I bought this expecting better games. Don't give a dick about charity.

Sorry user, Dec 25 is Gone Home.

They need money to help deal with the debilitating cases of can't even, when they can't even it causes panic attacks and loss of ability to even.

It's so sad, I cri evrytiem, please donate now.

Kholat, Guilty Gears and Pyschonaughts pretty much makes the 30 dollars easily.
The rest, uh.

Literally only Psychonauts it worth playing. What a scam.

How is shadwen?

I kind of like the premise, and kind of want to get it, but I don't want to spend 30$ on it.

Is it bundled anywhere at a more reasonable price?

>games worth 7$ are worth 30$

It's not on any other bundle, it was $5 on steam last month, shame you missed it. Sorry user.

Kholat and Psychonauts were in previous bundles, and are regularly dirt cheap, and Guilty Gear was $5 last sale, so it'll be likely as cheap or cheaper very soon.

$30 is not worth it for those games, unless you're talking about how you personally value them, and in that case, who cares?

I bought it

Do you regret it?

Top or bottom?

Do you often fall for scams because the word "charity" is used?

Follow up question; what is your credit card information? Post a picture of the front and back... for charity.

What is your key for shadwen?

Could I have toy odyssey if you don't plan on using it yourself, please ? [email protected]


I bought it, redeemed all the keys so far, farmed trading cards with an idler then got a refund.

Thanks for the free money yogscucks

That's tharsis.

You're welcome? Did you get it?

I already had it.

So you pride yourself on going through all that trouble for peanuts?

Congratulations I guess?

says dupe but thanks user...

he lied its not even possible

Oh, he's here.

No codes I guess.

Kill yourself.

Says the greedy jew who has 1000+ games (and 3 accounts) most of which he got from these threads

Pot kettle black!

the last week was regret hell, but I am happy with the last unlocks
I don't particularly care that much about new games, but games that I don't own
rebundles piss me off inmensively


I don't give a fuck about charity
I bought it because the promised 650$ worth of games for 30$
also because I thought having a game delivered each day during xmas would be a cool thing

here is my credit card info and scans:
[link only available to Sup Forums gold members]

I already redeem it, sorry lad

I already redeemed it, sorry
it was the first key that I thought was worth buying the bundle, because I love metroidvanias
game is a little weird, but cool

thank you Reddit

This one's just for you user


I'm aware, but going along with it makes it all the more pathetic for him.

Says duplciate user but thanks anyway...



>he actually fell for it

Anyone wanna trade leftovers?

Post what you have and what you want.

You can do it user, I believe in you

fell for what?

dupe too user but appreciate it

How does one even do that.

How does one trust the other person?



here you go fags, stuff so crappy I couldn't even sell it on g2a

Thanks. Got them all.

Do you actually believe he doesn't do it to goad people into posting more keys?

it just indie trash for $1 jesus you are faggot

is that shit from one of the gmg mistery boxes?

got anomaly, thanks

I dunno user, I'm just posting keys