Soul's apologists will defend this

Soul's apologists will defend this.

DS1 Fan here. Naw, the Hellkite is pretty bullshit.

Luckily it's also easy to run past if you know how to lure it.

I don't like his moveset, and I don't like the range of his fire which is sometimes weird and feels off. But he's entirely avoidable, even on your first time playing.

>always start with Master Key
>never trigger the drake

Not like the drake sword is any good. Hell, last time I beat it & never beat the Taurus Demon cause why bother?

wait people died to this? even crystal dragon lordsoul faggot was harder

His fire causes physical damage

Souls apologists will defend even this not really, nobody actually would ever defend it

Beating 4kings at SL1 was one of the most satisfying thing's I have ever done in a game.

the fire is fucking bullshit, but you can get past him on the bridge if you're patient

What's there to defend? You being a mouth-breathing retard who dies to a fairly easily bypassable environmental obstacle after being given a clear warning about what it does?

souls hitsboxes are fucked
but that nigger right there, son of a bitch motherfucker

ive never played souls whos this spiky boy

Guy in the game who kills you the first time your playing with no warning.
Souls faglords say you can read the environment and figure out there's going to be a fire attack because of the scorch marks on the ground in his area even though reading the environment for danger like that never comes up at any other point in the game before or after it. It's a moment of inconsistent game logic that from fanboys eager to shove dark dick down their gullets will defend through teary eyes because muh DS1 is a PERFECT game.

While the hitboxes are shit and appear to be linked to the camera angle, isn't it like any other trap in the game, like your first mimick or first dart trap?
You run into it, die and then realize you weren't paying enough attention.

I'll not defend the fight though if you manage to lure it down, or this being the first point where you learn of tail cutting.

Technically it's better than any other trap in the game, because the drake's first fire attack literally can't kill you if you're over like half of your health, regardless of your vit. Giving people plenty of time to either run away or run forward to safety.

>tfw when you figure out how to kill it without resorting to cheesing it with a bow
Still a bullshit enemy, regardless.

>reading the environment for danger like that never comes up at any point in the game before or after it

user did you just not get to sens fortress? The pressure plates in the floor, the weird curvature of the hallways, the scorch marks and dead bodies on the roof from the boulders. MOST of the traps in the game feel fair. I'd argue the first mimic is a bit unfair but every mimic afterwards you have no excuse

this is honestly one of my favorite fights in the game because it's so balls to the wall

for before the drake you have the hollow ambush in upper undeadburg if you drop down behind the barrels. If you're paying attention you can see the hands of the hollows and if you're looking from the right place you can see them hanging from the ledge

Shitty boss, but I loved the presentation.
>spooky as fuck New Londo
>all leading to a staircase into an abyss
>jump down
>complete blackness in every direction
>and then they spawn
Was pretty jarring.

That's why most people don't like it, because it goes against the philosophy of careful, measured attacks that applies to every other boss in the game and makes you YOLO in there and do as much damage as possible before you get overwhelmed.
Same reason I don't like Bloodborne very much.

When I played the first time, I just assumed some shit was gonna go down simply because it was a massive open space with just a small handful of skeles. I saw the inlet that leads downstairs and sprinted for that. I got scorched a bit but I lived. Honestly, just don't play like a moron

I loved it, thought it was oddly cathartic to just have one boss where you need to run in and have a straight DPS race.

Explain this comic.


In the game the blob thing kills the girl(male) with snake legs, in this comic she goes to her older brother (hardest boss in the series) for help.

I never made the connection that they were related.
I am so fucking retarded.

"hardest" boss my ass, I still don't understand why people had trouble with him

i think it depends on ur playstyle - if you aren't really overpowered then its a pretty long fight, feels more like an endurance run

Defend what? It's not my fault that you're too stupid to avoid the drake.

He has the speed of Bloodborne boss while being in DaS3. You get acclimatized to regular DaS/2/3 tactics and then you get Nameless who just shits all over the rules and cancels out his attacks whenever he feels like it while constantly zooming around the battlefield with his bullshit sunny d electro sword

I refuse to believe this. You're telling me boosting fire resistance wont do anything?

>witcher babies will attack this

Generally because multiple very similar combos make it hard to tell what he's going for, roll catches upon roll catches don't play well with the input queuing as well as him hitting way harder than anything else has before and being able to pressure you pretty much constantly if you get hurt. Once you realise you just have to stay at a distance and move in and out he's much easier though.

I went against him (wanted to kill him without cheesing) with the max possible fire resistance in the game. He one shotted me as easely as ever.

Father - Gwyn
Son - Nameless King
Daughter - Gwynevere
Son2 - Gwyndolin

Get the one knight shield from early game with decent physical and electric defense. Wear appropriate armor. Get the dodging down and blocking when needed.

The worst part of the fight is the dragon and only because of the fucking camera. Holy shit stop whipping around while I'm fighting the damned thing!

>having any problems with the camera in the dragon fight
Literally all you have to do is not lockon, or change between him and the dragon.

haha, nice /dsg/ meme there friend. Keep up the good work, we're counting on you.

I don't get what's so hard about this boss apart from how hard it is to judge distances
>run as close to a king as you can and keep hugging him
>hit him with whatever upgraded weapon u got bithc
>he hits you with his dumb arm instead of his weapon
>doesn't really cast magic at close range
>run to the next one

Also I ended up fighting five kings for some reason. The last one died faster than the others. I don't know if that's standard.

The four kings is a Sup Forums meme nowadays

Man I watched a lore vid that said Solaire was the first son
I was fucking lied to
What else was that guy wrong about?!?!?!

Nobody really knew who Gwyn's first son was so people guessed it was Solaire because he loves the sunlight but then DS3 came out and people realized "oh, this guy makes more sense".

Another fun fact, we never saw Gwynever only an illusion of her.

It's when you start getting further and further into NG+ difficulties that those shits get stupid. The base playthrough Four Kings are easy.

>Forget about killing the dragon until super late in
>Level's cranked up to 90+ by now
>Decide to go back to get an easy kill
>His big fire breath is still a one-hit kill
>Wow okay
>Wear fire resist ring, use flash sweat, etc.
>Breath STILL one-shots me

The main thing that's bullshit is that the fire isn't just a slightly higher than average amount of damage that's enough to kill a lowbie, it's that it's literally just maximum damage at all times. There's also hardly any visual differentiation between his "Normal damage" fire breath and "Just fuck my shit up senpai" fire breath.

>>Souls faglords say you can read the environment and figure out there's going to be a fire attack
no you should be expecting it because you should have played Demon's Souls first and seen the same god damned thing already you fucking casual PCuck

*Daughter2 (male)

It's a drake, not a dragon.

does that one russian spammer still sperg over the 4kings and some artist?

They have both a personal health bar (HP to kill one) and a cumulative health bar (big bar onscreen/HP to beat boss). If you don't have enough damage output you can fight more than Four Kings, conversely you can fight less than four if you hit hard enough. Four Kings is just the max that can be spawned at one time.

Protip: you can hit them in their death animations for extra damage.