Let the nostalgia begin

Let the nostalgia begin

Why aren't you playing OSRS, /v?

Add me because I need friends

Cause original wow is better

Because I'm not 12 anymore, and mining the same iron rock f2p throughout middle school doesn't sound fun anymore

Because there's better shit to play? Why do people enjoy chopping trees for hours?

Nostalria will be shut down real quick tho

Mining guild is where it's at

If I'm gonna play a butchered version of my youth I'm certainly not gonna pay for it.

Play vscape instead.

Al Shabab was where it was at, when they had the 3 iron rocks surrounding 1 square

Yeah that shit was legit too lol currently fishing lobs in Catherby


dope, will be on soon, gym time

because I want the original rs2 graphics with original falador, varrock, lumbridge, lesser demons, cows, goblins, etc. etc.

also all their updates are shit. they are absolute shit. fucking jokes.

Because I play Runescape 3 for the lore, and don't want to start all over again after maxing

the fuck took their time to make this pic jesus christ

>Imagine being able to swim using your genitals!

some real cringe there baka

Too busy playing Sup Forumsscape

How many people play this?

Wasnt a good game in 2001 isnt a good game now

was a good game in 2004, 2005, 2006

Deadman finale soon, get hype.

well played user

I never played RS before, it is good to give it a try in 2016? I really like medieval comfy rpg

Try it out.
Maybe watch some videos(pking, bosses) so you know what to expect in the future, and play the game as a noob to see if you want to invest the time to get to the level where it starts to get more interesting.

It's best to start playing when you are around 7 years of age, but as a 20+ as yourself, it should still suffice.

I would recommend playing OSRS, it's the better version IMO

I would also recommend going in with little foreknowledge or expectations. Runescape is like an adventure game in that the most fun to be had is in discovering things for yourself

I'd suggest playing the current version of Runescape. There's more shit to do, more quality of life improvements, more non-bot players than OSRS. Playing OSRS is for people who played Runescape 2 and want to at least try to get the nostalgia back.

New Runescape is trash. They ruined the artsyle and turned into generic Korean trash.

>I'd suggest torturing yourself daily.
Why would anyone suggest playing RS3? Worse than Hitler.

I am. Well, I did up until my membership ran out. I stopped playing a few months ago.

No 2D with very primitive blocky 3D visuals, no play. Plain as simple.

all of this

You're right. I'd much rather spent eight hours clicking on one hotspot to get another level in my skills than spend four hours playing a minigame to get the same result.

While I agree that the upper-tier armor sets, many of the microtransaction items, and a good portion of the enemies are ugly as all hell, I don't mind the rest of the game's style.

I just started. I only have 1k and I dont know what to do. Im lv 8 with 11 att.

Agreed, I'd much rather play a game with nice low poly graphics than a high detailed game where all the art looks like complete shit.

Also much rather play the game with good combat, not the game with shitty combat and P2W features.

Because somewhere down the line the game became less about logging in and messing around with friends to being the most efficient robots possible.

There's plenty of irony in this post, but I've long since learned not to argue with OSRS fanboys. You'll enjoy your game, and I'll enjoy mine. How's Totally-Not-Prifdinnas, anyway?

I logged in yesterday and saw that I had to alch 10k things, and I'm f2p so I can't at least do Agility while alching so I closed the game and went outside.

I'm on my break. I play this game frequently for a couple months and then just fucking quit because of something dumb then I'll pick it back up sometime next year.
It's really comfy to just have windowed whilst studying or watching a movie / listening to new albums, casually grinding out slayer/skills/moneymaking

this 2bh senpai

literally just one guy playing on a bunch of alts

currently around 200 people, only around 20 - 50 online on average though