No Only on

>no Only on

Nioh on Steam comfirmed! PC master race wins again!

>Team Ninja PC port
why would you want the locked 30fps version?

The "Only On" is in Japanese underneath the title.

Would still run better than the ps4 version.

>implying we won't get a fix within 2 days of the release

It says Niou.

nope, even the beta ran at smooths 60fps already

Are there any plans to help avoid mass suicide by Sony enthusiasts?

Then the pc version would too, the other ports just run like console versions.

>mfw it gets a Switch port instead

>Japan doesn't bother with saying "Only on PlayStation" because NOBODY in Japan wastes their time with PC gaming

Shouldn't you be claiming that Persona 5 will be on PC because there's nothing in the top right? Or did that get boring after starting thousands of threads about it?

Persona is getting a vita and switch port.


I don't think they ever put that on the Japanese box arts

They don't put "Only on Playstation" on PS games in Japan.

God youre a fucking retard.

That's because that every game on the PS4 in Japan is a full exclusive. Those western garbage multiplats can only be played on the PS4 there, so garbage like Mafia 3 stands on the same prestige as Uncharted or Bloodborne.

they don't need to because Nintendo is a walking meme and the XBox doesn't exist in Japan

huh... has any japanese PS4 cover ever had "Only On PlayStation"?

no one want tlg desu

>a reveal to show a piece of art they have been showing since day one
That lack of novelty makesme believe they blew their load all at once month ago, and people who expect more are gonna be sorry

I know, just an example.

>all games on PS systems are shit!
>people still beg for them non-stop

>Japanese games
>on Nintendo systems

The irony here is, PC has a nonzero chance of getting either game, where Nintendo is at a big fat zero. NO ONE likes making games for Nintendo, doubly so for Japanese developers.

Atus makes most of their games on nintendo consoles.

It's not really a thing in Japan. No one cares about xbox or PC there.

>garbage rehashes and spinoffs vs triple AAA productions

Yeah man, why isn't persona on Nintendo consoles. Surely it isn't because they're irrelevant.

which is why Japan is the reason games are still good

>implying atlus ever made AAA

You really are a dumb fellow.

>western games are garbage
>they typically make them for PC

>Jap games are masterpieces
>they typically make them exclusive

That really made me think.

There is a persona on nintendo consoles already.

It's published by Sony in the west

They have never published an AAA game on pc

Compared to the cow dung they drop on Nintendo consoles, Persona is their biggest franchise.

Wait, the game is already finished? Why aren't they releasing it?

>people begging for Sony exclusives
Never fucking happped. You always ish it really hard, but them you get a reality check and your golden face games fails to outsell wiiU games proving not even your "fellow sony friends" wanted it.

Literally a chibi noncanon spinoff that plays nothing like the game its based on, the only thing Nintendo gets in terms of major Japanese third party IPs.

How do you know it's finished?

because OP can't stop sucking cocks

>Never fucking happped

>this entire fucking post
the delusion is real