Is there a deeper game mechanically?

Is there a deeper game mechanically?

Yeah, me.

Inside your mum.

Party Games General?


Is there a game with a more autistic fanbase?

3rd strike m8

No this game is deeper than the Marinara Trench

Project M

I wish it was less of a dead meme game, shit is great.

Fighting games in general have a huge autistic fanbase.

Too bad the community is stuck.
The game will never grow again because nobody is allowed to play an altered version of the game.

There are fighting games with more complicated mechanics to the combat system, but none that I think have the sheer variety of combat situations that you need to be able to deal with.

It's the most taxing fighter in terms of situational awareness I've ever played personally.

>Fighting game

Fighting games are one of the only fanbases that have a truly large amount of autists. Most other fanbases are just kids being stupid. Everytime I go to a game store when there is a tournament going on theres always atleast 3 blonde, long haired autists just jumping in place for no reason. Shits weird.

Thanks for proving my point.

I see people playing sports games on consoles getting pretty up there but I haven't seen anyone compare to people playing fighting games.

i dont think this game is deep it's just so glitchy that it passes for complexity

People forget there is a legit community for sports games like madden. Where people "lab" like any other game for hours on end.

I mean fuck there's still a community for tecmo.

I guess sf2 meta isn't deep either

Party game is a meme genre

Mario party

you're in a meme game thread

PM is fucking janky shit.
You can play with your eyes closes and do some copy pasted combo, fuck PM.

Aside from that
I have a question
why dont SF fans just stick to the good SF instead of moving with the series even when the next installation is fucking awful compared to past ones (ex. SFV)

also why dont all fighting games use CRTs? that input lag on non CRTs is insane and I highly doubt that at your locals they have those specific expensive modern tvs with little lag.

Super Mario 64

Most locals and big tournaments use low input lag PC monitors. Usually 1-2ms lag. At that point it stops mattering.

CRTVs are heavy and you can't buy them anymore so you have to get people to bring them. It's a headache for TO's

holy shit this
1. Melee
2. 64
3. Smash 4
power gap
super smash flash 2
power gap
power gap

>deep game mechanics

nah faggot. can't call shit like wave dashing a mechanic if it was never intended in the first place. that puts other users at a disadvantage.

people did denounce vanilla street fighter 4, but the game kept selling so there was money to be made at tournaments.

It's the reason why SFV is even afloat, because capcom is pumping money into prize pools.

The input lag for HDMI on digital monitors is really negligible compared to analog signals on digital monitors

As for moving on to the next game, there's still a lot of people that don't. sF2 and 3 still have active scenes. Most people get the new game because it's exciting and popular. There's also more money to be made because capcom runs tournaments and creates big pots

>give it a name in debug
>make animations for it

Intentional cause or not, they knew about it and developed it. The "Fix" would have been easy to implement instead of wasting man hours animating.

nobodu plays fg on tvs... they use monitors

most fighting games have the backing of the companies, so they can afford input lagless moniters as opposed to melee's more grassroot community that cant quite afford 200$+ setups

and yeah the more i play pm the more i realize you cant make another melee

>waveshines you across the stage
>upsmashes you
>mission comprete

defend this

Again, they don't use modern hdmi tvs. They use low input PC monitors that have a 1ms delay. They are small, easily purchasable and don't need adaptors to make modern systems work on them.

>sdi in or out depending on character
>make 3 very hard reads
>finally gain center stage
>get lasered into upsmash kill percent

Pick Falco and pillar the fox

>remove the most played characters for balance

nobody would ever play the game again jackass

Peach and Sheik would dominate

Try it bitch

>hes a spacies main

Stop playing heavy characters against fox then

so stop playing characters?

not a serious fighting game

and sfv is?

yeah because it's a real fighting game

thats sad

not as sad as your life lmao

you got fucked dude. admit it

Sports games

only when you'll admit that your life is sadder than sfv being a better game than melee


Not an argument


Smash 4

In Melee you only need to learn 3 matchups, very shallow game


it's called quality over quantity kid. is mugen the deepest fighting game because you have to """"""""learn"""""""""""" thousands of matchups?

8 frames

Smash 4 has its own mechanics to learn and how to use, and the gap between top tier and low tier characters is pretty small actually at its current stat IMO.

I mean Samus has stuff that can kill your stock at near 0% or so with rage. DK and Bowser are 3 grabs from a stock or so and have near platform reach grab range. Ganondorf is 5 good reads from a stock usually. Tons of characters have kill set ups and tools to lead into a kill.

Plus you can't tell me you can't do some crazy shit with footstools, rage, the ledge mechanics, the air dodge, and more. Shields are weak as shit in general HP/defense wise and it is pretty easy to ruin a shield in 4 despite their recharge rate.

Granted the bridge to being pro at melee seems harder IMO (shine breaking a shield as Fox/Falco requires how many imputs?) But don't think for a second that there is no quality in 4's meta.

>What is Guilty Gear

>mash buttons until you get an anime cutscene saying you win
the secret the top players do is sometimes they dont mash and just stand there to wait for opportune time to mash

whatever you say friendo

i won tournaments with this logic, feck off