Repill me on the everdrive x5 is it worth it?
Repill me on the everdrive x5 is it worth it?
>everdrive x5
oh, GBA one already out? I wish I had spare cash.
Judging by rest of Krikzz stuff, it's probably solid flashcard. I have TurboEverdrive, MegaEverdrive, 64everdrive. And friend has SNESEverdrive
everything works fine
GBA Flashcard good thing cause basically only other one up until now was Ez-Flash IV which is old as mamont's shit.
So yeah, I doubt you'll have many problems with GBA one too.
I ordered one during the black friday. Still didn't recieve though
EZ-Flash IV was already pretty good, Everdrive X5 is a whole lot better and you should get it.
Of course it's worth it, it's the entire GBA library.
Does it emulate?
Nope. You could use a homebrew called Goomba to emulate GB/C games but it's pretty unreliable for a lot of games.
I heard its solid, functionally, but keep in mind it is slightly bigger than a regular GBA cart.
What does it do differently?
Does it have the tilt sensor built=in for Twisted?
How much did you pay for your 64everdrive?
I see it online for like 150$ but wanna know if there were a cheaper alternative.
dunno, was quite awhile ago, don't really remember.
It's an overpriced flash cart. That's the red pill.
>Buying a flashcart for a library that can LITERALLY be run 100% flawless on any current gen phone, or even a hacked Wii.
Its literally just called Super Everdrive
Don't forget PSP/3DS/Vita homebrew or just fucking buying a chinese knockoff GBA with the roms preloaded.
>emulating on touch screen devices
>having a jewphone
out of my board, gen z'er, now
Not him but I use them exclusively for backups/minor games
So for example, I own about 20 something SNES games, I use the everdrive to run backups of those, should something ever happen to them - Along with minor licensed games I don't necessarily see a reason to collect/spend cash for
>Implying touch screen is an issue nowadays with pads
>wanting to carry a shitty kid toy with you instead of a socially acceptable tool of trade that can play your kiddy games in secret
Get with the times gramps
I forgot the name, cause I myself have SD2SNES
Stop posting this thread every fucking day you fucking shill. No this shit is not worth $100 when you can buy a flashcard without RTC for like $20.
>>wanting to carry a shitty kid toy with you
That's literally what a controller is you retarded phonefag.
>Foldable backing that sits in a shirt pocket
Wow, so childish. Its no different then carriyng sunglasses clipped to your shirt
>it's not a shitty kids toy
>it's a fashionable accessory for playing my shitty kids games on my phone
And yet its still better then carying a foldable neon colored (And probably sticker ridden) brick
>implying practical things can't be stylish
Not him but I wear my tablet pen in my hair like a hairpin so,
Nice projection, coming from the guy who has shitty toys attached to his "acceptable tool of the trade" in order to play his own personal Sonic OC rom hacks.
>sits in a shirt pocket
GBA SP does just that, you know.
Literally just hack a 3ds and download injected gba games. No, it's not emulation.
GBA is a brick.
> in order to play his own personal Sonic OC rom hacks.
And you're one to talk about projection? I'm a Nintentard all the way, fuck sonic and fuck anything Sega has ever made
So you're the fag annoying everyone by playing Mario at full volume.
I personally think that the gba everdrive is not worth it based on the other options you have available to you. Ez IV is half the price, sits flush in the cart slot, and has sick theming options.
Pic related is my gba with case swaped ez4 deluxe that I use almost daily.
How big is the entire GBA library?
>So you're the fag annoying everyone by playing Mario at full volume.
No, because I don't own a switch. Please learn to read. I own a phone, not a shitty kids tablet leapster pad rip-off
>GBA is a brick.
>Weight: 142 grams (approximately 5 ounces)
Consider lifting.
>using touchscreen controls for GBA
>using bluetooth gamepad for GBA
>emulating GBA on a display it wasn't designed for
about 1600 games if I recall.
I meant its filesize.
I don't know an exact number since I don't have the entire library, but I know you can fit the library's of GB, gbc, abd gba all on a 16 gig micro SD comfortably.
>Literally just putting an entire library at your disposal
I will NEVER understand people who do this Is this why gamers become so jaded here? Half the magic in gaming is going out and discovering new things to find and play, wheres that magic if you just have everything at your disposal? It completely ruins the fun. Its like a cheatsheet, it just lets you bypass everything and gives you no sense of self accomplishment.
Not to mention. Every single person i've met whos done this has barely ever ouched that library, they download 1500+ games and then once they've downloaded them, they never touch them, and then whine abou having nothing to play syndrome
You are literally ruining vidya for yourself.
trying way to hard to convince yourself and others.
if you complain about a flashcart existing or own physical copies of a cart game then why are you posting in a thread like this?
this don't pertain to you. at all. Go back to your super flappy mario bird run.
You've got the wrong read on me man. I have a 2 gig micro SD, and every game on it I downloaded individually and have played through.
You're not incapable of discovering hidden gems just by having every game at your disposal.
>using touchscreen controls for GBA
>using bluetooth gamepad for GBA
Some gamepads are okay but it's never ideal.
>emulating GBA on a display it wasn't designed for
This is alright. I love the GBA screen, especially the AGS-101, but that shit tiny. Retroarch has some nice filters to make the games look alright.
3.15gb according to the full rom pack on iso zone
Ah good, you're one of the sensible ones then, Apologies
It greatly hampers the effect. Most people are just content with hoarding and going "Haha i own everything suck it moralfags" and calling it a day. Hell, more then half /hbg/ is that, We help someone hack their shit and they get bored with it in a week. Its depressing really.
Literally nothing, stick with your EZ FLash
It has realtime clock support, but that's about it. The only games I can remember that use that are the Pokemon games.
No, it's a meme
EZ Flash IV is top tier still
I've been considering backlight modding an original GBA, has anyone done this?
Also supports loading 32 MB roms without writing them to NOR, but EZ4 Deluxe does that too if you can find one/care enough to case swap it.
>couldn't find a EZ Flash IV
>stuck with a Supercard SD
>games have slowdowns and have to return back to the menu to save properly
I guess it's something
Get a EZFlash instead.
Nothing can 100% flawless emulate GBA you enormous faggot. PSP can't. Wii can't. PS3 can't. A PC can do 99%, but it's just not convenient.
>GBA flashcard and game discussion on Sup Forums
Is this 2007? Who the fuck cares about GBA at this point?
kys your self s
It's not 1999 and before
all of Krikzz's stuff is worth it