Best update in DotA's history

>Best update in DotA's history
>No thread about it

what the fuck Sup Forums?

>Tfw redownloaded dota
>played 4 games
>Weren't fun at all lasted way to long even when someone was feeding it still took over 30 minutes
>Play one game of overwatch
>One player is shit but I still have a lot of fun and one person doesn't completely ruin it

fuck dota isn't fun how do I even have 2700 hours on this.

By playing 5400 games roughly


>multiplayer games


The gulag is too busy anime posting and shitposting atm come back in a few weeks

t. gulag

>moba games

>release new update
>along with the most cancerous hero since 6.84 Sniper

Fuck that. Call me when 7.01 arrives.

I'll never understand how people find Overwatch so fun. It's skill ceiling is so goddamn low that you and do almost nothing interesting in it. Game is way too simple, got bored of the beta within 3 hours

You're late you fucking faggot, this shit was spammed around the clock when the update dropped.

>games needs a high skill ceiling to be fun meme
>If it isn't fun for me it isn't fun for anyone


Monkey King is ezmode to go against, hope you never have to deal with this aghs bullshit support morphling. It is like the Luna + SD shit but even worse.


Battlefield has a super low skill ceiling and that game is fun, why is Overwatch different is it the tinfoil hat meme?

He is literally Ursa with stealth, mobility, range, an AOE stun, and a teamfight ult.

>Monkey King is ezmode to go against

>Fissure but good, that scales with damage
>long range Escape that makes him virtually undetectable, costing ZERO mana
>Passive that gives him 200 damage and 50% lifesteal after 4 right clicks

>Dumbed down LoL for babies
No thanks

>game is still unpolished as fuck and absolutely teeming with user-facing bugs

>playing LoL
Seriously though after touching dota 2 after playing league for a bit the fact that I didn't have to grind for heroes was probably the biggest factor in switching. In terms of casual play i'm surprised so many people prefer LoL since dota 2 is much less time consuming for off and on play.

>most cancerous hero
He's fucking useless tho

Battlefield is a much more open game with more variance in what can occur in matches. I still don't find the current-day Battlefield games very fun though

Sniper is probably one of the most annoying to play against with that new aghs.

>he gets a rapier
>and sits in the back spamming ult
>he gets more rapiers and can one shot supports and even some cores

If the enemy team is coordinated, blademail isn't even a counter. I played against a 3 stack the other day and they all bought eblades just to protect the sniper during ult.

>Fissure but good, that scales with damage

You clearly don't know WHY fissure is good, do you?

>long range Escape that makes him virtually undetectable, costing ZERO mana

You mean the one that gets disabled for 3 seconds every time he gets hit?

>Passive that gives him 200 damage and 50% lifesteal after 4 right clicks

Okay, THIS one is bullshit, only because the stacks last for like 15 seconds on you

Fucking autist

>best update
>literally loses 1.5 million players due to map modification

Seems fun gonna play some

>Slark BUFFED not nerfed

>Sniper is probably one of the most annoying
He's still one of the worst and most useless heroes in the game.
>he gets a rapier
Jesus, how the fuck do you let sniper get a rapier? What MMR are you? Gank him 3 times early game and he's 5 levels behind with boots at 20mn.

3k. And like I said, it was a 3 stack doing a defensive trilane. It wasn't exactly easy to kill him. They were protecting him SPECIFICALLY to do that strat.

battlefield has huge maps where you can go wherever you want and just kill people with the style that fits you the most
overwatch forces you into playing a meta which gets really boring after a while
at least i got bored after the first season and tried coming back but its the same shit

A trilane is always hard to play against. And I guess you were unlucky to play against a 3 man stack. But trilanes have been OP since forever, every carry hero will curbstomp you if he gets free farm and you can't deny or farm or pressure him.

I saw a sniper 4 times since the update (MMR from 2k5 to 5k5), and he was still the same useless hero that can't get a single item at 30mn. You just got unlucky, I got curbstomped by a pro Mirana yesterday that was clearly way above my MMR, shit happens.

Anyway, the only hero I consider cancerous as shit is Timbersaw, I literally want to throw my PC accross the room when I see him.

I'm gonna need a source on that.

>what are steam stats

oh so high skill ceilings don't matter anymore.

retards still fucking play it. i left dota years ago. came to check out dem 7.0, dissapointed and left. bu i doubt animals who play it 24/7 will ever stop.

>if someone doesn't like the same things as I do, then he's a retard.

>the map is the reason people left.

Surely you're just pretending to be retarded

>tfw tooo intelligent tue play any moba but dota 2

Not that guy, but my friend despises playing against Sniper because as a new player he used to go mid against him and sniper would just harass him with the long range auto attacks.
When the only counter is "get someone else to deal with him" it's not fun to fight.

>because as a new player he used to go mid against and sniper would just harass him with the long range auto attacks.

Well that's understandable, every new player got mad at a sniper or a drow or a riki. Then you udnerstand the basics of the game and realise those are trash tier heroes that can be countered by everything and everyone.

Tell your friend to ask for a gank, boom no more sniper.

In a game as small as Overwatch you need something like a higher skill ceiling to not make it boring as fuck (also notice I said I don't being Battlefield games very fun). It doesn't even need to be that high, I had a blast with TF2 back in the day