XCOM thread

Victory Edition.

In honor of those who have fallen, Last night was a victory for 2ndCommander.

All thanks to Batman with 2 weeks prep time.

I made a promise to post a strawpoll this morning, and I'm delivering.


Other urls found in this thread:


No good huh?

whens tftd

Cmon commander you know you want to do TFTD, you cant escape it

We Lovecraft now, nigga

Bump for more votes

Damn, I missed the last thread.
Is there archive of it?

>all these votes for tftd
Oh god.

Time for tentaculats now?

Maybe later today. I have been demanded to do Family stuff.


Under a few conditions.

Any other mods for TFTD you guys can think of?

Wait he won last night?

Holy shit that is awesome

Make it as hard as possible
Go big or go home

Do we have Psionic line of fire on?

Man, that run made me want to boot up the game again.
Shit never gets old.
What are the best mods out currently?

I might turn it on. I have to go for a bit but I'm thinking a few mods just to make it more interesting:
1. openxcom.com/mod/t-f-t-d-craft-remake-reskin
2. openxcom.com/mod/expanded-gauss-arsenal

What do you guys think?

>1. openxcom.com/mod/t-f-t-d-craft-remake-reskin
>This Mod also Increases the Troop sizes
Do it, we're gonna need all the manpower we can get.


What about PirateZ?

I know it isn't finished, but there's still a shitload of content in it.

No. I told you before man. No. Never touchin that.

This is a thread about blasting the fuck out of the alien scum, not raiding our fellow humans.

Looks like someone hasn't played far enough, by the end it pretty much becomes ruining everything related to Ethereals.

Also this is the first time I've ever posted in one of these threads.

YEah well, I've had like.. five people ask me.

I'm not that interested in it.

To be fair there are two huge problems with it that hopefully will get patched out in later updates

-A Midgame research required to progress needs a weapon that can be easily missed and by the time you need it researched it almost never shows up.
-Most endgame armor requires items that can only be gotten from a rare mission that is both long and boring

These might be fixed by now, it's been a few months since I played and there's been plenty of updates.

Alright. Shall we get started?

Good luck, commander

Good luck commander.

First thing's first. Where are we going? Land coverage isn't important anymore, and in truth, I have NO idea where I want to start.

In UFO, you started usually in USA or UK.

Here..? No clue what has most my money.

>Improved Gauss
What r u, a casual?

The Atlantic

Indian ocean.

Atlantic is kind of nice, but the bigger coverage doesn't mean much.

Indian Ocean has better potential.

And of course, the Pacific ocean has the biggest potential.

>Indian Ocean has better potential.
Saving Microshaft programmers from their own mutated turds

And last but not least, China Sea, covering the no doubt wealthy Neo-Tokyo and China.

Oh, shit. I wanted to know Dan and Hitler's psi powers. Thank you for doing the webm, my man.

I also wish you luck on your oncoming TFTD run. I'll be lurking.

If you get your file from the doc, you can actually check in the .sav.

Its all in plain human readable format.

We are going to cover Asia for this playthrough.


Here's the last thread from yesterday, by the way.
I recommend to read the thread before it for maximum gains.


Save game name?


You know what time it is lads.

Nuclear Sandwich
That's my star player from my first successful TFTD game. Take good care of him

You know it already
SpongeBob SquarePants

cultural marxism

It will be my honor to do so user.


60% of enlisted soldiers ended up dying. ;_;


Belinal Whidestrage

Ocean Man

Namor the Sub-Mariner


Thats it.

Now for the three craft, The Triton, our Skyranger and Two Barracudas.

Wet Willy.

if you can't beat tftd too then fuck off, i beat it when it came out and i was 11

Name Barracuda-1 "FUCK YOU REAPER"


>This Mod also Increases the Troop sizes
>modding the game to make it easier
kill yourself casual


Too long, unfortunately, so I had to make do.

Seamen Extruder, also you spelt Whidestrage incorrectly, think spurdo

With things set up, the only thing left to do is wait.

You got the message across, that's all that matters
Now let's get ready to fuck some fish

did you install that casual shitmod that increases troop sizes? i'm honestly interested to see if you can do this, but not if you're making it easier.

I can quickly uninstall it, if thats what everyone wants. Only one person spoke up for it, I now have two against.

stop being assblasted you fat fuck

Keep it, ignore the shitter above you, we need to finish at least one TFTD run

On that friendly note.

We have more folks to name.

I also installed the Gauss weapon mod, not like its going to help against Lobsters.

ignore the casuals and just uninstall it. the point of tftd is that everyone bitches and whines that it's harder than ufo defense, so why make it easier and take away the only reason to play it?

pic related was made for a reason, you know.


Seaman Showers



Splash Woman

Ignore these
Uninstall it commander, casual victory is no victory at all

Tentaculat Fucker

I look at it this way.

Thats four more Zombified Aquanauts.


alright well have fun being a casual, i'm out

couldn't even beat regular x-com without retarded shit like mind control and blaster launchers either....pathetic


Just ignore the shitposter and move on.

Its not like I can even afford, or have space for the extra troops anyways at this point.

This is interesting.

Perhaps in the next round of names we should reintroduce some of the veterans of 2nd Commander's playthrough. Get some canon going.

Its too damn quiet

Its been fourty years.

Then get someone to draw a beard on their inventory screens
Including the women

Oh shit you're right, the veterans have probably got families by now, perhaps their progeny will be among the new recruits?

Get the weapons nigga.
I don't even know if the games follow themselves canonically.

Tank? Yay/Nay?

They do, take a look at the Year.

Tank seems like a heavy investment for the first month. Much more when it goes down in a single hit.

About the year, it's like saying Metal Gear Rising is also part of the canon because it happened 30 years before this game.

Get it, we gonna underwater blitzkrieg the ayylien scum

Oh fuck.

Yeah, the weapon mod DELAYS Gauss by a significiant margin. What first?

Triton has a smaller boot than Skyranger, right?
It's been a while since I played OG X-Com

Nah, same as the Ranger, with the mod, it opens four more slots. No additional tanks.

why are people with differing opinions "shitposters"?

Hey, I am glad for your opinion, I'm still doin this on SuperHuman Ironman.

Wouldn't do it any other way.

Go with the big guns!
Also im both saddened and glad to hear that you won in last thread, saddened because i wasn't there to witness it and glad to hear that you beat those no good xenos back to where they came form!