Fuck this game and fuck everyone who pretends it's fun...

Fuck this game and fuck everyone who pretends it's fun. I'm a veteran of the Souls series starting with Demon's Souls and I've beaten Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 along with Bloodborne. I have beaten the DLC and on NG+. Dark Souls is widely known as the most difficult video game series and having mastered these games, I consider myself an excellent gamer who can meet challenges head on and triumph over them.

Monster Hunter is terribly designed and over half of my deaths are from unavoidable bullshit like flexing after healing since one hit basically almost kills me and having monsters stun you for 5 seconds after getting hit twice is absolutely artificial difficulty. How am I supposed to do anything when I'm standing there with stars unable to move? How am I even supposed to hit the monster when the weapons are so fucking slow? Seriously, how can anyone enjoy this clunky garbage?

Other urls found in this thread:


I really hope the Switch announcement next month reveals a MH game. The 3ds is too tiny, I miss playing on the Wii U pro controller...

I hate the new gunlance mechanics.

Anyone up for some 4U?

>. I'm a veteran of the Souls series starting with Demon's Souls and I've beaten Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 along with Bloodborne.
this is fucking casual gaming, git gud or fuck off.
Monster Hunter puts you to the test, and you failed

Sooooooo.....Monster Hunter thread?

You forgot to put Monster Hunter thread

Is there anything interesting still to come in the monthly DLC for gen?

>3DS silky-smooth 23fps at 240p

We didn't use to have them. Not like it works anyways.

But can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Anyone know how Monster Hunter Stories is doing? If it's any gud I hope it gets an english release or a fan translation.

okami car costume

Why would you want to play a pokemon clone?

Post favourite monsters

*cat fuck

Fug, this looks delicious.

Because I finished Pokemon Moon and I need my colorful monster stamp collecting fix.

>never used anything other than greatsword for 4 games straight
>finally mixed it up by trying out longsword
>tried out dual blades
>tried out chargeblade
>tried out hammer
>tried out bow

Any fucking news of this series ever getting the fuck off of handhelds? Jesus fuck, the PSP was barely tolerable, how the fuck do people put up with the calculator that is the 3DS? Honest to fucking god I'd rather they go mobile, because fucking mobile phones are infinitely more powerful these days than Nintendo's phisher price plastic toys, and Sony's newest proprietary format/memory scam.


Brachydios because it absolutely tore me a new one the first 10 times I fought it

The next game will be on the switch :)

Monster hunter sucks thqh, the kids on v circlejerk it because it's le hard xd


I started the series a few weeks ago playing MHFU. I honestly think the setting would work better as a campaign setting for D&D.

Set up a room th- oh. Your a funny guy.

>four years later, people still post my poorly made ms paint picture

>Fuck this game and fuck everyone who pretends it's fun. I'm a veteran of the Souls series starting with Demon's Souls and I've beaten Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 along with Bloodborne. I have beaten the DLC and on NG+. Dark Souls is widely known as the most difficult video game series and having mastered these games, I consider myself an excellent gamer who can meet challenges head on and triumph over them.
10/10 bait quality shit well done OP, this goes into my copypasta folder.

I know this is just a discussion starter but damn that sounds just like a girl I know.

I do love how there's no way to start a thread whining about MonHun since its always seen as a joke. Its fun.

The switch will have MonHun 5 unless capcom go full retarded.


>tfw finally get to play a monhun on the big screen again
Time for Omega Comfy.

>I'm a veteran of the Souls series
stick to "babby's first hard video game" noob.

The joke is considering souls games difficult though.
>I consider myself an excellent gamer who can meet challenges head on and triumph over them.
can't stop laughing


The only reason ill get a Switch is if it gets MH

I honestly just cant stand playing on my 3DS anymore

>>never used anything other than greatsword for 4 games straight
I will never understand why people do this

I play with all weapons every game until I master them

Although I admit I normally lance through it on my first run

I love these because they out all the desperate newfriends like

It pisses me off how people act like they're similar in any way. At most they both have fairly slow movement and have the player evade constantly but that's about it.

People forgot what weighted action feels like so anything with that gets lumped together. Too many games today have shit like "infinite combo button".

I wish I could get into MH series.
I love the aspect of hunting monsters with some actual basics and preparations of actual hunting implemented. But the ridiculously endurance the monsters has puts me off.
I'd be fine hunting a giant dinosaur for 30 minutes if it actually involved hunting - but it's me mostly wailing on it and dodging all the attacks until one of us falls.

Not him but I did this because I didn't realise there were other weapons when I first played Freedom, in my defence I was 8.

They are very similar

as opposed to?

All they have is dodgeroll 3rd person melee with a variety of weapons.
You could almost lump kingdom hearts in there as well

Honestly I think they could cut down the number of supplies you can take and the HP of the monster and it would be the exact same game but quicker which would be nice. You have to fight the same monster multiple times anyway, no reason why it always has to be 15 to 30 minutes each fight.

just get a friend
i bought my bf monster hunter and we went through each hunt lowrank-highrank within 10 minutes for every monster

As opposed to actual hunting? Stalking prey and killing it when the moment is right?
Ancient humans took down mammoths with primitive spears, I'm pretty sure we could take down a T-Rex with a few of them too.

user that takes dozens of people to do that just to a mammoth. To do that to something like this guy you would get killed in a heartbeat


only newfags call others newfags famalam

>been on the hunt for seven hours
>finally notice some broken trees and grass littered about
>find a pile of shit
>taste it, smell it, and swish it around fingers
>Must be deviljho
>track it for another 3 hours

They both have a heavily reliance on endurance fighting which nearly no other ARPGs do, and even basic features like iframes/counters are very similar

Zelda also fits those descriptions

I tried all the weapons and I'm only good at Hammer, SA, HH, Lance and LBG.

But I always use lance and LBG neglecting my skills with the other weapons, and I do this cuz grinding is tedious and killing rathalos 20 times in a row is not very fun.

the entire structure of the game is completely different though and the combat feels totally different as well. Compare fighting kalameet to fighting a rathalos. Totally different.

anyone wants to help me hunt a hyper savage pickle?
need that armor but im getting pickled on

Really? I find Souls bosses to be more reminiscent of oldschool bosses, either you or the boss is dead in a minute. Luck plays a large part since you can just fight the boss over and over until it stops being cheap.

MH is unique in that fights last so long that luck doesn't do jack shit. If you can't dodge that one attack combo, guess what, you're not beating the monster. If you can't hit the monster with good frequency, you're running out of time, stamina and you'll get ambushed by more monsters making the hunt impossible to finish.

what gaym?



Not really. Shit we're forging new weapons out these monsters into scalpel levels of sharpness and rudimentary guns.

Still the hardest monster, before 4U nerfed him.

Diablos, Deviljho, I'll take them all no sweat. But when a Brachydios show sup, I head for ze hills.


>playing 4u for over 800 hours before getting bored
>play Generations for only about 100 hours

I feel like I should go back at some point but Generations just seems so much sparser then 4u

I felt he was harder in 4u. Maybe I'm just thinking of frenzied brachydios.

You're in luck, capcom is doing what they always do and making a G version. So wait it out and then realize how shitty generations was all along, this time with even more gathering quests.

brachy is pretty easy any good LBG shit all over it.

I played 4U nonstop for about ~30hrs then dropped it because I got so busy and can't be fucked to get back in the groove. It's definitely divisive gameplay, but it's addicting as fuck if it clicks with you.

Fuck I kind of hope not. I already had to buy a shitty fucking 3ds just to play monhun, I don't want to buy a console for one game.

Same, I played it for 80 hours and then just stopped.

My longest session was with 3U though, I played it for 300 hours, a year and half, never going online. MHFU got close too, 150 hours morning to night.

What do you mean? The Switch will have MH5 and it will be glorious. No forced cinematic experience, no complaining about grafics, just pure, hardcore gameplay.

>I'm a veteran of the Souls series
Every time.

can i get sauce on this please

Not me, not unless they actually give it some difficulty again.
4u was piss easy and X was a fucking joke.

The thing that bugs me the most is when they nail and weapon and then fucking ruin it in the next game.

Like Lancing in Tri. Felt so fucking good. But nooooo only the GS is allowed to have quick kill times, let's fuck it up.

And Hunting Horns in 3U, dropping bitches left and right, but it's ooooonline oooooonly so let's remove the damage, let's remove the range, let's add a useless double-swipe while moving and compensate by giving you double notes so you don't need to strategize. SHIT.

>tfw pic related will never be real

>I will never understand why people do this

Greatsword is the #1 weapon for me because it's perfect. Every other weapon in Monster Hunter is either fast, low damage or slow, high damage but Greatsword is a perfect mix of both. I also love trying to time my charges against various monsters.

Souls bosses really are oldschool in the sense that they barely react to what you're doing, barring the occasional moveset upgrade at varying points in the health pool. MH fights involve strategic partbreaking, staggers, trips, trapping, etc.

Generations is trying very hard to be Frontier and it's much worse for it. Deviant monsters/moves/hitzone is all meant to just recycle old monsters and make them more of an annoying slog without consideration for the tone and mechanics of the game itself, and Hyper monsters are just "here are some monsters with random glowy bits, they have 3x the usual health and damage because vidya lololol" and don't add anything new or interesting. Controls are also the sloppiest and least responsive they've ever been, topping even the worst of the Gen3 underwater combat.

4U kicked ass until Apex monsters were thrown in, and the worst of it (140GQ) was entirely optional and explicitly for the minmax-iest of the Minmaxers out there and thus forgiveable; in Generations if you want to avoid literally suffering through obnoxious bullshit you're going to miss out on over half of the already short game.

>Pick up MHG
>Enjoy the gameplay a fuckton
>All those gathering quests upon gathering quests upon gathering quests


I don't remember any mandatory gathering quests in MHG?

MHFU had one per rank which was kind of annoying.

Requests are mandatory if you want to unlock everything. Particularly cat quests which are vital to the farm.

That means they're optional.

Pretty sure every MH has assloads of gathering quests if you want to "unlock everything". Personally I just do the shit that's fun.

MHG has the most of any entry in the series. I'm pretty sure Capcom did it only because they added the gay Prowler mode.

Dude I've been trying to get a new 3ds so I can play Generations at a good FPS, and holy shit it's sold out literally everywhere within a 50 mile radius of me because of Christmas. BUY YOUR GIFTS EARLY YOU MOTHERFUCKERS, I WANT TO HUNT SOME MONSTERS.

Because then I'll have to buy a switch and it will be the only game I own for it.

That's what I said about the 3DS, but I ended up playing tons of fantastic games, like kid icarus. Sakurai has a new IP in the works for the Switch so I'm already sold.

It could work

it just has to not mean a 10% nerf to the lance for some dumb fucking reason

That's what I said about the 3ds and then I bought monhun gen too. So 2 games. I was off by 1.

>Not having a N3DS with A9LH + Luma and downloading both MH4U and MHX from FreeShop
