>4 tank is now the meta
Why are Blizzard so shit at designing this game?
>4 tank is now the meta
Why are Blizzard so shit at designing this game?
Why do you casual faggots give a shit about team games? Fuck having a team of faggots fucking everything up.
I love when MOBAbbies try to act smug and elite; true patricians play fightan.
I'll take this over the 2 lucio, 2 winston, 2 tracer days but holy shit do they need to fix Biotic Grenade and Ana.
They either need to make her healing scale with how big the characters are (e.g. Roadhog weighs a fuckton, medicine won't affect him as much as soldier 76 or reaper) or cut biotic grenades healing boost by 30% so that it's not wasted on characters with less than 400 hp.
>not using it offensively on groups of enemies for easy pickings for your team
They should split the biotic grenade.
Give mercy a biotic grenade that only applies the healing buff.
Give Ana a biotic grenade that only applies the healing debuff.
Problem solved.
Word? I'm intrigued, how does he work at high-level play?
this is brilliant
it makes both more viable in their own perspective way
but how do you implement a grenade or burst of healing to mercy?
>how does he work at high-level play?
It was picked with a Symettra, so if you hold out the first team fight your team now has +150hp from armor and the shield generator.
It's pretty tough to take out 750hp D.Va and Hog, 650hp Rein, and the rest of your team still has 350 hp.
great on dorado attack
>new ptr comes out
>ana ult nerf
>silver mmr fag here
>thinks her ult is best paired with a lucio after 5min of play on PTR
>lucio and ana should be GOAT
>this shit is meta day one
im okay with this
ooga booga kfc
She already doesn't have an "e" move, just add it there.
+50% hp to targets affected by grenade (Because the existing 100% is retarded) along with an instant heal of 100hp for all hit targets.
she shoots out a portion of her staff, lowering her average healing rate for the duration but increasing the rate at which effected heros are healed.
Eg. 50 per second average.
When the skill is used and the explody staff thing is fired, for like 10 seconds mercy's healing rate is cut to 35hp/s but increased to 80-90hp/s for the effected units.
Is this a shit idea?
They should just get rid of the healing buff on her biotic grenade. It can act as a quick AoE heal in emergencies, which is already good on its own for a "half healer". Her healing is pretty good even without it.
They could also get rid of the damage on the healing debuff.
a grenade seems too gimmicky and unlike mercy to utilize
Maybe "e" could utilize a second beam? Lucio kinda has the group heal covered.
Or maybe e just boosts temporarily.
>Why are Blizzard so shit at designing this game?
Well said. All tanks in this game have huge HP and defense abilities while being able to properly kill offensive players.
If they were to lose damage it would stop this retarded meta
It's not even that much hp, the only two things causing the current tank meta is Roadhog's changed hook, which after the patch has made it far too reliable since people don't get stuck on shit anywhere near as frequently and the fact that you basically have a transcendence on 10 second CD with Ana Grenade and Lucio's pump up the jam.
i know what you mean.
>play heroes of the storm
>pick varian
>team consists of diamond and plat players who ask if im tanking
>I say yes
>they say ty
>I CC every target and team kills them
>1 death, 10 kills, 32 assists, 59k hero dmg
>gg ez
>play again
>get asked by bronze and silver players if I can dmg
>say I play all 3
>tell me to never pick taunt
>our team consists of jaina, kael, kerrigan, and malfurion and they dont want varians 4.25sec CC
>gives me shit for suggesting that
>pick it anyways
>we win
>same results
>they are not convinced its a good build
the game is completely busted at a foundation-level, the time-to-kill is too low and ults are too strong.
There is virtually no way they can fix the game.
Yep. You're right. Lots of black guys play fightan, it's pretty much all niggers, Asians, and the odd tranny. And they're pretty much all bro as fuck.
I'll take them over your autists, numales, and gamur gurlz XD any day.
>time-to-kill is too low
Yeah I love videogames where you turn the corner and die to campers. "Hide and Go Seek with Guns" is my favorite video game genre non-ironically.
>we are outfuckingskilled, getting shat on for 5 minutes trying to cap last
>My ultimate is ready
>My ultimate is ready
>My ultimate is charging (90%)
>wait a bit for third guy
i don't understand this picture
I unironically like all-star by smash mouth, is that bad?
Tank Varian is a complete laugh, no one should ever doubt it.
>this game
>implying WoW or SC are well designed these days
I don't know, but you'll love this album:
This. I don't understand how anyone thinks that Overwatch can be played competitively. It is the ultimate casual-bait FPS.
It shares a lot of problems with HotS:
Overwatch takes a lot more mechanical skill than HOTS.
>You literally must have Ana, Lucio, and Reinhardt on your team to be competitive now
>You also HAVE to have at least a Zarya and/or Roadhog