>What are you playing
>Your opinion so far
>What are you playing
>Your opinion so far
>Vanilla wow
>the loading screens pretty cool. That's all I'm seeing
One day it will be ready.
>What are you playing
Persona 1 on psp.
>Your opinion so far
Nuclear aoe is OP so now the MC is overleveled while everyone else is underleveled.
nostkuk pls
dota 2
SHIT S H I T shit
Killing Floor 2
VERY satisfying motion captured gun animations.
shadow tactics
pretty good desu
Tokyo Mirage Sessions, I like it but but the difficultly is like a crazy roller-coaster.
Majoras Mask 3D
It's really great.
Yakuza 2
It's fun, they fixed the first one's shitty gameplay
Mating press with Aoba! Making her ahegao until she's pregnant! Raising our child together and being a happy family!
Telltale Batman
Actually enjoyable. The story is about something I didnt expect
ME Catalyst.
It's pretty fun, but I'm not sure how to go about snatching the grid leak that's literally up in the air in the middle of the monorail.
>A Story About My Uncle
>Gameplay is fun to mess around with, story segments are crap
The long dark
comfy as fuck when not being chased by wolves, fun all together though
I would play Space hulk: Deathwing if the shit would stop the random freezing ingame and disconnecting from servers.
So, i stopped and now i'm playing 5089 instead.
also it's short as fuck and would be even shorter without those shitty walking segments
I gonna play some Aoba right now.
>Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-
I think I've made a grave mistake
>Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Pretty good. Trying to get a Superb on everything so I can get a perfect on everything. But Air Rally and Figure Fighter are just really hard for me. Also Samurai Guard 2.
The second world challenges are also an absolute bitch. Holy shit they're hard.
Dota 2
This new patch is ass
>Nice style and combat system, starts to bore me though at 25 lvl
Game is fucking stupid
Good goy
Path of Exile
Global chat is funner than the actual game
what build?
Tactics ogre
Air shot and thunder flare are OP
grim dawn.
Pretty fun stuff for a Diablo clone. lots of skill, abilities and gear to micro manage if you like that.
Just turn your brain off and kill hords of evil with cool shit.
Can you do any server fuckery in Nos/WoW anymore?
Like kite a world boss into a major city and watch everyone drop dead.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3. I'm a lot better at it then I was the last time I tried it. I think it's pretty great. Gonna pick up the & Knuckles cartridge sometime soon and have some more fun.
>tfw i'll never get 100% score on anything
why live
Catherine is best girl
Stardew Valley.
Fucking loving it. Most chill game I've played in a long time. Takes me back to when I had a N64.
Ace Combat 6
All these bombing runs are getting to be a slog, I just wanted to dance with the angels
Flameblast at the moment (Not totems), heavily regretting it as breaches are spawning shit faster than I can pizza them. Should've gone with some cookie cutter flicker build.
Titanfall 2. Multiplayer is fun but it lacks content, just like the first game.
I think you need the grappling hook for that one.
>Final Fantasy 12 International
>pretty fun so far. The story is interesting, most of the characters are likeable and the gameplay is fun
>Witcher 3
Never played the other Witcher games but this one looked fun and got its dick stroked so much I thought it was a worth a shot
The first couple hours feel a little slow but once you get the hang of how everything works it's really fun
I know graphics aren't supposed to matter but fuck me it's so pretty
I like the combat, fuck you
>Lords of the Fallen.
>Three hundred clocked. Game of the Year 2014.
Trials Fusion.
Either extreme has gotten harder or my skills have rusted over the years.
Likely the latter.
>What are you playing
Just finished STALKER: Clear Sky.
>Your opinion so far
Starts off fun and interesting, then gradually becomes shittier. The ending is obviously the lowest point of that steady decline. It is rushed, bugged and completely horrible from a gameplay perspective.
Next up is probably Skyrim, since it's been sitting in my backlog for years, and that Special Edition release reminded me of its existence.
>GW2 christmas event
It's the exact same shit as last year minus the meta achievement.
At least Bell Choir is great as always.
Yakuza 1.
It's fun. Though it has some serious camera flaws. It's like the city is Resident Evil camera'ed.
There are no points to hook to.
FFXV. I've been hitting a fucking turtle for like 20 minutes and now I put my PS4 into restmode. Fuck this shit.
>Fairies Story
Pretty shit. Does this game ever get good?
>what are you playing
Crusader kings II
>Your opinion so far
I'm happy the Norse control the English Isles, now it's time for mainland Europe to get the dick
>Disgaea 4
The voice acting is all over the place, but im liking the gameplay so far
dunno if i'd spend 100 hours though...
>The Division free weekend
>Looks nice, I like the setting, but gameplay is nothing to write home about.
It's been a while since I played ME:C but I think if you go to the higher buildings next to the monorail, the ones you need the grappling hook to get to, you can hook to a point that leads to that leak. Not sure though, I didn't get them all.
Heroes of the Storm
Sgt. Hammer is my favourite.
Too bad you now have ruined the other 2 games for yourself.
They're both great but you should've played them first because their gameplay feels like shit after TW3
Playing: FFXV
Opinion: I'm 20 hours in, level 46, and still on the beginning of chapter 3.
The wierd thing about people discussing FFXV is that they always mention how long they play and on which chapter they are. What's up with that? Nobody fucking gvies a shit about your fucking level and play time.
3D dot Heroes.
That character editor is going to consume my soul.
And the game is awesome too.
Tried it.
Took forever to load, ran like shit and crashed when i tried to change the graphic settings.
You think you're so smug, user?
Fairies Story is a throwback to the classic JRPGs of the 80's and 90's. Of course a plebeian like you could never appreciate true vidya art.
Pokemon Platinum
I'm a sucker for Pokeymans so I'm enjoying it. I miss few things from SoulSilver but I can manage.
The division free weekend. Might buy it.
Nene a shit.
It's a piece of shit even judged by the standards from back then.
Art was decent but it would've been better used on a game where you could rape those characters. Only thing it's good for
>JRPGs in the 80s
There was only Wizardry and Ultima, both western game series.
Only in the 90s Japan began to work on RPGs and Wizardry and Ultima were the foundation
Stellaris, it's pretty fun and comfy subjugating hoser civilizations in the early game, but once I find a fallen empire or a federation I'm a small fish forever
Stop shilling your game.
Radiant Historia.
I like it, but some of the characters seem like very generic fantasy characters so far, maybe they'll change down the line.
I was also playing SMT1 but I lost my save file so I'll have to go back to it another rime. I wasn't enjoying it as much as I thought I would.
GTA Online was the last thjng I played.
Fucking around with friends in it is honestly some of the most fun I've ever had in a game,but all the good stuff is so expensive because of Rockstars bullshit,you either have to grind repetitive missions forever or buy microtransactions.
Gameplay in 1 is shit regardless
It's how the game works. Experience is accumulated and adds to your level when you rest.
It's possible to go 70 hours in the game while still at level 1.
Going too many chapters in, locks you to certain events and prevents the open world portion.
>What are you playing
Playing Demon's Souls
>Your opinion so far
Almost feels like playing Dks, but i dont really know where to go, kinda just flailing around the place
>even judged by the standards from back then
I'll agree that it's not Deadly Towers tier, but it's a good throwback to the older days when games weren't trying to pander to the lowest common denominator.
>Art was decent
And the animations.
>but it would've been better used on a game where you could rape those characters
Only if I get to play as a girl whilst raping other girls.
>There was only Wizardry and Ultima, both western game series.
I guess I picked the wrong term when I said JRPG, but even so the first Zelda game came out in 1986.
>Eagle Jump didn't pay for reviews so they get shat on
>The public still likes the games
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
Bought into the meme, will play for a few days and go back to SFV inevitably.
Majoras Mask
It's easier than I remember. Spin to win baby.
Shadow Tactics, I bought it after realizing they've essentially resurrected Commandos back from the grave.
God fuck the later missions are hard though. Damn near impossible to go non-lethally.
Xenoverse 2
DIMPS and Bamco are fucking incompetent yet I can't stop playing.
God Hand
Fucking great
Hyper Light Drifter
It's a 2d collectathon and I'm kinda over it.
There's way too much backtracking and combing for collectibles.
Fallout 1
2 Strength was a mistake
>DotA 7.00
Haven't had that much fun in years, best update ever.
been playing resident evil 5's mercenaries mode with my buddy back home. Definitely my favorite bonus mode in vidya
I love Aoba. I pray to the localization gods to bring the New Game! game to the US.
>Going too many chapters in, locks you to certain events and prevents the open world portion.
No. How about you actually play the game before you make up shit?
Shadow Tactics
Excellent game. I'm only on mission 5 but it's been really great so far.
VtMB for the millionth time.
Good as ever.
>Witcher 3
>Excellent game overall, although my biggest gripes are the events that choose your ending don't make any sense and I'm very surprised I got one of the "good" endings despite all of the """wrong""" choices I made. Out of the many quests, there are only two where I felt shoehorned into doing something that made no sense.
I rate it a solid 9/11.
Pretty fun so far for a beta
FFXV. It's not very good. The story is shit and literally every sidequest is the exact same thing.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Amazing fun now that I actually have some abilities to combat with. I've been told it's impossible to beat the game during the first run, so now I'm just focusing on doing sidequests and leveling Lightning. The boss battles of Luxerion and Yusnaan are still beating my ass unfortunately.
>EverQuest P99
Best PVE MMO ever created that still hasn't been surpassed. Anyone who disagrees is just a shit tier casual who can't handle a game that takes a year to hit max level.
>the other witcher games had gameplay that's worse than the worst gameplay ever
That's just impressive, how can one company make so many shitty games about the same shitty book series.
Uncharted 4
Beat the story a while back, multiplayer got boring as fuck quick.
Got back into because of the survival update, and its fun as hell
>witcher games
could you be any more of an obvious troll?
>Crash Team Racing
>I'm happy to finally 100% the story, but unlocking N. Tropy sounds like it'll be annoying. I'm not very great at the game even after all these years, but I still like it for what it is, and it still is one of the tightest kart racers I've played.
>that guy disagrees with my opinion!
>he MUST be a troll since my opinion is so great!
Isn't it just farming mobs?
Valkyrie Drive.
It feels like a better Senran but the story is just so boring.
I've been having a blast for like 60 hours, but now that I'm progressing into the story (chapter 11-12 ish), I'm really starting to see the holes in the game. The pacing just took a massive shit.
alundra for ps1
just got to desert of despair and im in love, good difficulty scale so far. havent written notes for a game since parasite eve II
>Archeage Fresh Start
Its relaxing but I kinda wish they would fix the server issues already. Its almost been a week of shitty disconnects