Sony fags on suicide watch

sony fags on suicide watch

>Sony releases a console that nobody wanted, that tries to improve graphics on games already pushing the hardware
I only fear what would happen if I tried to play Disgaea 5 on this.




Thank god I didn't attempt to upgrade. Never get consoles too soon

Sony somehow manage to make their console fault look exactly like the game's bugs

Oh fuck, thats not Ape Escape 4

goodbye world

I was considering upgrading at launch, because hey, you cant fuck up a console youve already released once right?
Fucking hell Im glad I dodged that bullet.

Did the Scorpio boogeyman really spook sony that badly?
This is unfathomably bad.


>Did the Scorpio boogeyman really spook sony that badly?
Nope. It's PC that's the problem. Mid-cycle is when most players get tired of seeing the advances made elsewhere, with no hope of improvement for their own system in sight, and migrate.

And then I guess they wanted to make the holiday sales, so they skimped on testing.

Mine sounds quieter than the launch PS4

The fact people post shit like this is so pathetic. For any console and PC. Pathetic

>video shows 5 guys who had problems
>when millions are experiencing it just fine

It seems like Youtubers are desperate for those views

>ITT: Microjew shills

Are there any known issues with the slim? I don't care about graphics

At least all those glitches are in 4K lmao

Thank god I am PC master race only. What a waste, what a joke, the PS4 Pro is. I'll pick up a PS4 Slim once it has 4 good exlcusive games (atm 1: BLOODBORNE AHHAHAHA).

just like you're desperate for those views you dumb frog trump poster >

>people's retarded ass buying decisions are going to be affected by a video showcasing what happens to every console launch in history

sad world we live in

No, all the news about overheating were rumors before release and there hasn't been anything since


every fucking time. does this guy ever stop shilling his videos here?


>I-It's okay when Sony does it!

Surely you'd be saying the same thing if it happened to the Scorpio. Certainly,


this is.....

the power of the ps4 pro™....


They rushed it out for holiday sales. Sony doesn't care much when Microsoft has to catch up this time around.

Rush cash grabs, I saw that a mile away.

dumb spiral poster, bow down to your true master



>decided to wait for the new version because original PS4 was crap
>PS4 Pro is announced
>turns out it's crap too
Jesus, this might be the first generation where I go PC only

Not trying to defend sony here but defective hardware happens all the time, especially on first series. Just bring it back to the store and get a replacement like any other normal person.

I bought a Galaxy note 7 phone for $600 and that shit was threatening to explode. I think the couple of issues showed on the video aren't that much of a big deal all things considered.

I think the eject sensitive button not working properly on the original PS4 and being a widespread issue is much worse.

I think the PS4 will be the last Sony console I will ever buy. Bought PS1 and PS2 because they were genuinely good, bought a PS3 when it was starting to get good, and bought a PS4 because there was good third party support.

I'm not sure what to do after PS4 is discontinued. Not sure if I will go with Xbox. I've always been a Nintendo/PC/PlayStation guy. I just hope if there is a PS5, Sony will learn from their mistakes this gen.

>his console isn't produced by skunk works and rated for mach 3
>his console doesn't trigger PTSD for 9/11 survivors

Reminder to sage all CrowbGAF threads. Shill somewhere else.

>Sony will learn from their mistakes this gen

What fucking mistakes? They're literally the only one of the Big Three to not fall on their face immediately out of the gate, and all they had to do was not make an unwieldy tablet a mandatory controller and not try to force DRM on a console

How quickly will they turn on him now?

imma need you to troll better user.

sonyfags btfo

>NintendoGAF turning on someone for hating Sony

Literally everyone I know would like to have a PS4 for bloodborne but nobody wants to buy it because they can't justify so much shekels for a single video game

Its been like what 3 years since ps4 release and they still don't have any games


Gen 7 shitposting was way more creative than this

How is it that Sup Forums has only gotten more and more shit over time

>What fucking mistakes?

This so much. Everyone is saying that sony is the worst thing ever but compared to their competitors they are saints. It's the last company still funding games, still trying some new and interesting things, still backing original games and making fairly normal hardware.

They sure made some dick moves this gen like putting online behind a paywall or prematurely killing the Vita but overall they are the last company keeping the industry alive, or at the very least allowing video games as we know them to survive.

What games?

$0.02 has been placed into your account. Thank you for participating in the Playstation MVP Program

Hate to break it to you, OP, but us sonyponies already own a PS4 that works just fine. PS4Pro is for people who were on the fence. Servers them right for their lack of conviction.

Calm down Kaz

You are watching facts not just shitposting, deal with it, your console is shit.

>retarded reply
>animu image

Surely you're the cream of Sup Forums.


