So, some members of the former PMDT wnated to develop a new project, Project MM3456, what it is, is a Megaman 9 and 10 mod which adds SFX from Megaman 3, 4, 5 and 6 replacing the ones from Megaman 2, Megaman can now slide and charge the mega buster, Protoman is more OP, Bass can now double jump and keeping art style intact. They found MM 9 and 10 to be the Brawl of the Megaman series and Megaman 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 the Melee of the Megaman series, They even had Mend and MegaphilX as members of the dev team.
Project MM3456 announced
wew mend and megaphilx!!!!
Will they add quick weapon switching to MM9?
they will
>mod for a XBLA/PSN/Wii-fucking-Ware game
Thats autistic as fuck mm9 and 10 are perfect and designed around the no slide
Fucking retards go make a new game instead
complaints for inconsistency on controls, gameplay and SFX, this is why 9 and 10 are the Brawl of the series
>9 and 10 are the brawl
>3 456 are the melee
So they have shit taste, that's fine.
Wow! Mend and motherfucking MEGAPHILX?! This is such a complete game changer!
Maybe they'll add the option to play as Sonic! Ooh, ooh! Maybe they'll just port Mega Man's 3, 4, 5, and 6 to Nintendo consoles and cut the middle man out! I don't want to play those icky Mega Man 9 and 10 titles unless they're as clunky as the other entries!
>7 and 8 the Melee of the Mega Man franchise
You sir, are epic for the win. I can think of no other parallel to draw than between a fighting game and platformer franchise that control completely differently.
Fuck off, nobody cares about the countless hours someone will spend being buttblasted about how a sequel removed some mechanics.
>They found MM 9 and 10 to be the Brawl of the Megaman series
> 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 the Melee of the Megaman series
I think you got those backwards senpai.
>not including 3 in there
I saw that, faggot.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are faster paced, that's why.
9 and 10 are slower paced
Could you imagine being so perturbed by a Smash Bros. game that you'd make a thread like this?
Most people like 3 and there are people who pretty much drop the series after that.
And they're faggots with either shit taste or just listen to what the internet says like sheep.
Megaman 9 and 10 are the best ones tho
I want to impregnate Splash Woman.
MM9 is probably my favorite classic MM... This is ridiculous.
The reason why Megaman 9 is made without slide and charge is because it took place after Megaman 2.
Mega man fans are crazy. But they make good shit so whatever, keep at it.
Sup Forums threads/server when?
>Megaman can now slide
Okay, I don't mind an increase to mobility, that doesn't sound that bad.
>and charge the mega buster
I always wondered what it would be like if MM9&10 were ruined..
Nice Try kid.
But Megaman 9 is the best classic MM. It's basically 2 if 2 actually deserved all the praise it gets, and mechanically it doesn't need the additions from 2 onwards, the game is designed just fine around what you can do. This sounds horribly contrived.
I agree that 9 is pretty much 2 but better but you can't deny it was fucking retarded to just take out certain quality of life improvements like quick weapon switching.
>Grouping 3, 4, 5, 6 together as some "pure" Mega Man experience
>When every one of those games have mechanical changes that makes them different from one another
To the average person, all the MM games look the same. That's why dumb Sup Forumsirgins call them rehashes.
I don't really care about that compared to something like level design, where 9 is head and shoulders above the vast majority of the classic games. Its biggest sin is relying on pitfall traps too heavily but otherwise its level design is ridiculously inspired.
>Bass can now double jump
For what reason
>They found MM 9 and 10 to be the Brawl of the Megaman series and Megaman 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 the Melee of the Megaman series
So what you're saying is that they're autistic faggots.
I like the idea of people adding Megaman's abilities back but the rest of these "features" sound like babies throwing a fit over nitpicks as opposed to taking the actual design of the game into account.
I almost forgot, links or it didn't happen
the mega buster was a bad addition to the series. Slide was pretty cool tho.
Mega Buster was fine in 4. It was in 5 and 6 that they made it an overpowered shit that made other weapons useless.
6 had this suave motherfucker though so all is forgiven.
Yeah 6 at least does a better job at hiding how overpowered it is. 5 is disgusting though.
I really didn't like 6. Easiest NES game by far.
5 was ok though. 4 felt like a map pack for 3 if that makes sense.
I'm definitely the minority but I wanna see a MM8 hack. Love the artstyle for that game
>TFW 6 is my favorite
I just can't jump onto the bandwagon that difficult = good.
6 had great music, visuals, level design, exploration, and some fun boss fights. It was jam packed with quality content.
Yeah, it was easy, but I already honed my Mega Man abilities by the time I got to it so I can't blame it.
4 was 3 but actually finished.
I really want to dig out my NES to play some Megaman over the holidays..
This sounds like a ton of unnecessary work. Also I hear a lot on Sup Forums say that 7 and 8 were the blunders of this series. So odd to see these guys you are talking about saying they are the melee of the series.
This desu senpaitachi.
Just buy the Legacy Collection.
7 and 8 aren't blunders, they're just less good than the others.