

First of all, let me say this. Cainhurst is a fucking amazing level. It's like Hogwarts in the snow and I love it. It's a great place to explore, has some cool new enemies and was in general a great place to explore.
This boss is also amazing. Coolest looking dude since Papa Gascoigne, loving the scythe. Rooftop battle, top of the castle, snow everywhere, amazing music.
See, I can be positive too.

HOWEVER. This guy is fucking impossible. Got my Ludwig+7 one-handed sword. Dodge around, hit him three times or so, rinse and repeat. But once he activates his Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, shit gets real. I try and get rid of the sword fast, but he jumps me. Fucker starts flying everywhere, pounding down on me, if I misjudge a single roll, I'm fucking dead.
How did you deal with this motherfucker? Is he considered one of the harder bosses or am I just not as gud as I thought I was gitting?

You're bad. Check the wiki and fuck off

git gud

He becomes a cakewalk if you parry.

You can shoot the sword in the ground to get rid of it. You can also backstab him to prevent him from casting his buff at the start of his second phase.

Literally learn to parry. If you try to beat him by rolling/side-stepping, he's a massive bitch because of his combos and his reach. The easiest way to beat him is to spam that gun and you'll eventually land a parry. Seriously, he's easy as fuck to parry.

Try parrying his scythe swings. You can also blind parry his sword swipes, I like doing that. Feels really good when it happens, but it's very unreliable.

As for the sword, shoot your gun at it. When he plants it on the ground target it and shoot.

Since he throws out so many hits he is kind of easily parryable. Try that.

That reminds me, I head a credible m8 of mine say that the game gets easeier the longer you try a boss.
This true?

>Being this bad

Just parry his 3 second windup downwards slash. Backstab when he starts casting his second phase. Congrats, now he's 50%. Parry twice more or whitle him down like a pussy.

I feel you OP
It took me over 60 tries to kill him. He stopped my progress for like 2 weeks.
I think Ludvigs sword is bad choice for him because that's the same weapon I used.

There was a glitch that caused boss AI to get into a loop if you left the game running for too long. Got patched.

Your get better at fighting the boss yes

Stagger him with LHB two-hand
Shoot the lance of longinus to stop his bankai
Dodge into attacks
Parry his melee
Backstab him with auger if you've got 18 arc (which suits a LHB build well)


>hide behind the pillars to avoid his projectiles, they're slow as shit
>when he starts to charge up an attack, run at him and start wailing at him
>if that leads him to wind up and smack you with his sword, parry him
>if it doesn't, keep repeating the above process until he does
>when he starts flipping out and goes into his second phase, parry as much as you can and roll into his swooping lunge attack to avoid it completely

He's hard until you get the timing down and all of his attacks are INCREDIBLY telegraphed.

When I did my bloodtinge build I rushed to Cainhurst and I beat him with a saw cleaver+5. Parrying makes him significantly easier but you should try hitting him when he's casting.

> has some cool new enemies

Huh? A new meme appears? Doesn't it just have the the ghost ladies and few crows?

Cainhurst ghosts, Bloodsuckers, gargoyles, and servants.

Ghosts, servants, gargoyles and the bloodlickers.

That glitch was patched out ages ago. Doesn't happen any more as far as I know.

Fucking hate those enemies more than anything else in the game.

>Tfw Logarius was easier for me than Amelia

>Killing Amygdala or any giant boss with a Visceral Attack as the last hit

Nothing is hypest. I fucking love Bloodborne.

Seems to happen pretty often with Amygdala, might be scripted. I know it is with Ludwig.

>Logarius, Ludwig, Maria, Gehrman, and Orphan were all easier than Rom and the bullshit Chikage Hunter
Only boss in the game I died more than 5 times to is Rom, fuck that piece of shit.

Amelia is just a fucking damage sponge for the early part of the game.

> hogwarts
It's meant to literally be castle Dracula, from the vampires and tje general aesthetic of the castle on down to spooky carriage that picks you up. I mean whatever makes you happy, sure.

You get Visceral Attack triggers each time you hurt a Boss' limbs enough to break it.

Amygdala has really long arms and they're easy to target and single out, so yeah it's a lot easier.

>mfw I've played through this game twice and never stumbled onto castle Cainhurst

I hope you like corners and wells.

>That glitch was patched out ages ago. Doesn't happen any more as far as I know.

I might replay the game soon
Haven't touched it since the DLC

Visceral attacks are your friend here. Use Ludwigs RT hammer attack to stagger him from behind while he's charging up the big red skull attack. Also learn to parry him with your gun. This boss took me many tries too

He's american, cut him some slack. They are not very bright

Try your best to get a backstab -> critical when he tries to transition into his second phase. That barrier he gets for the secons phase makes it more difficult to pull off parries.

I killed Amygdala yesterday, most satisfying I felt while playing the game.

I'm actually stuck on Rom. I've been doing all the side stuff in an attempt to postpone the inevitable time where I'll have to try and kill him again.

Anyway, I'm gonna try and kill this Martyr dude again. You guys keep the thread alive until I inevitably come back smug as fuck that I killed him.

I am NOT fucking American you cum-guzzling cunt. That's the worst thing you can say to me so fuck off.

Take a look around the arena when you finally do.

Maybe if you stopped acting like an american, people wouldn't think you actually are one. You're not tricking me, american.

>get good with parries and V.ATKs
>Finally get to this guy
>Oh I can parry him too
>His 2nd phase

When he's flying in the air and about to dive at you, you're supposed to sidestep toward him to avoid it.



took me half a day to finally kill him, felt empty afterwards

What about my posting style is American to you?
As for why I called it Hogwarts, it's what I do. I make unfunny and far-fetched pop culture references. Haven't you been in these threads before? I make like one a day.

>HOWEVER. This guy is fucking impossible.

I don't remember having trouble with him, don't be a retard and pay attention when to dodge.

>using a slow weapon in bloodborne

You deserve to lose.

Hey man, the wiki said to use one-handed Ludwig. Why would the wiki lie?

I actually started the game with the cane and loved it, but it does shit damage so I had to adjust

>April 2015


You're an idiot. Saw cleaver is best weapon. Great damage and speed.

>Hey man, the wiki said to use one-handed Ludwig.
>using a wiki
Absolutely DISGUSTING.

>tfw killed him on my first try with 7 blood vials left before entering the arena
>survived by using the rune that heals 200 hp through visceral attacks

I'm about to start my very first playthrough as soon as I finish these fucking Riddler trophies in Arkham Knight.

Anything I should know beforehand? Dump stats, useless weapons, class choices etc?

try fighting him at level 20 to get the chikage early
true suffering

Listen to me user, YOU NEED TO PARRY
I was stuck on him for like a month but once I learned to parry I beat him on like my second try

I don't get how people ever had trouble with Amelia. I've never died to her once in this game.

The fight against the two of them wasn't that bad for me. The first one left a pretty big opening for me to slap it with the bone blade and once you do that the fight is pretty much over already.

>he thinks slow weapons are not viable in BB

Someone hasn't experience the joy of the Kirkhammer

Beat him first try get goog

You fuckers weren't lying about this parrying thing. Fucker's easy as shit.
I needed just one more hit to kill him, but he got me in the end. Gonna kill 3-4 of those Bloodsuckers and buy 20 vials and I'll definitely kill him next try.

vit+damage scaling stat
class choice is whatever
every weapon is viable

Also, what do I do about builds?
I just upped vitality like crazy and the odd endurance. I think I'll stick with Ludwig's Awesome Blade, any things I should work towards?
What does Arcane even do?

Funny thing about that bug.

On my first playthrough, that bug had affected the Shadows of Yharnam fight, and caused the guy with the candlestick to not do anything. He would only circle around the arena ominously while the other two attacked. This got me really paranoid because I thought it was intentional, like he was going to do some secret resurrection ability if I killed the other two first. So I spent the entire battle trying to kill the candlestick guy while I was being bombarded with fireballs and sword swipes from the other two.

It created a whole new type of immersion for me.

I'm terrible at BB and this guy was easy

Need arcane for hunter tools and certain weapons.

FUCK. I got so close that time but these past three attempts I hardly get him to half health

Also, I know this is optional and all, and really I'm just doing it to postpone Rom. But I was wondering how far into the game I was. Did Cainhurst (well, almost), Iosofec or whatever (haven't killed her yet though, should I?) and killed Darkbeast Paarl.
Once I manage to kill Rom, how far into the game am I?

Rom is about halfway.

Pretty far, there's three mandatory bosses left after Rom and two optional ones. And then there's the DLC if you want to do that, which I highly recommend.

Maybe if you do Cainhurst and Nightmare Frontier after him. Rom is way past halfway.

>beat him first try :^)

No seriously, beat him first time on my first playthrough but died 5 times on my fourth playthrough. Try changing your weapon to something faster. Or you might be underleveled

>Is he considered one of the harder bosses
Soulsborne bosses are different for every person because everyone has a different playstyle. I noticed that bosses people consider easy were a nightmare for me while bosses considered hard were easy. We don't play the games the same way.

For exemple, Ornstein and Smough were a second try while I died to Gwyn like 20 times.

Actually, forgot about another optional area completely. Three mandatory bosses and four optional ones.

>It took me over 60 tries to kill him
Jesus, 60 fucking times, without using the "git gud" meme or "worked on my machine", dying 60 times isn't normal. You were either underleveled with unupgraded weapon and 0 vials or you play like a retard.

60 fucking times, what the fuck.

Really? That feels rather short.
But I am doing all the optional shit, and I've got the DLC so I guess I've got some hours in me at least. How's the replayability?
Read somewhere you get shitloads more echoes on NG+, but I suppose it gets harder as well.

Are you sure you're not talking about Laurence? Amelia is Cleric beast tier easy. Unless you didn't have the anti health regen item and ran out of vials because she kept regening her HP, there's nothing dangerous in her moveset.
She's literally a tutorial boss.

If you've got the DLC then you've still got plenty of playtime left.

Compared to the other Souls games Bloodborne is considered rather short with low replayability, but I still replay it sometimes, it's really up to you. Do you want to do challenge runs? Would play through again to try other weapons? There's all kinds of things you can do if you want replayability.

NG+ is harder but rather boring and you outlevel it, I'd rather just start a new game and stay at a low level.

>That feels rather short.
Bloodborne is god tier but yeah it feels kinda short. Doesn't help that half the game is in optionnal areas. The DLC is a must have because it adds top tier bosses/areas, and plenty of fantastic weapons. Before entering the DLC when you finished the game, google to see if you missed some area and go explore it.

>How's the replayability?
When I took my brother's PS4 for 2 weeks to play Bloodborne I finished it 8 times. It's so enjoyable to play and weapons are so cool you want to replay it over and over again. Now I haven't played it in a long time, my brother sold the PS4 and I really consider buying a new one just to replay it again. In the meantime I'm autistically replaying DaSIII.

>but I suppose it gets harder as well.
Funny enough, it doesn't. I found NG+ to be easier and only started getting harder at NG+5. But at this point you just get one shoted by everything.

For me he was easily the hardest boss and the one that taught me that locking on isn't always the best choice.

Logarius was harder than Orphan? How the fuck?

Orphan only attacks from one vector and most of his attacks can be countered by dodging into him. Logarius was far more unpredictable and his projectiles fucked everything up.

isnt this guy one of the easiest boss in souls ?

however the bloodthirsty beast is some serious fucking bs

So the DLC is definitely after the main game? That's good.
DLC for mid-game always confuses me, like with Witcher 3

Anyway, still like to know about my build. Assuming I main Ludwig's Awesome Blade, which stats should I focus on? I think I put way too much into Vitality and fucked myself up power-wise.

You mean Blood-starved Beast? Literally Dodge Left: The Boss?

DLC is high-level content, you can start it any time after Rom. As for your build, I'd focus on Strength and then Skill now. And don't worry, you can never have too much Vit.

Flamethrower makes short work of him.

how long does it take you guys to do an all bosses run (not counting chalice dungeons)?

i take about 6 hours

I kept dying so much it threw me off the game, so "replayability" for me is zero, because I didn't even finish it.

As the other user said, DLC is high level content. I did it when I realised I was right before the final boss. Finished the DLC, killed the last boss, and started NG+. Then I made some new characters.

Main thing that affects the damage is your weapon upgrade, not the stats. What I can suggest is trying Logarius with a faster weapon, like the daggers, kirkhammer or saw cleaver. upgrading weapons is easy in BB.

Or you can always explore some other areas and come back later.

Literally took me 2 tries with a +5 Ludwig sword. Not even meming here, git gud.

Looks like a parry boss to me.
I quit dark souls 3 because of pontif
I stopped playing dark souls 1 at gwen
I'm not wasting the time learning how to parry, and neither should you.
So either give up or enjoy the path of the man who gets his dick dragged through a field of broken glass and lemon juice.

Watching a Twitch stream of a guy trying for L4 deathless if anyone's interested.


I get the feeling Bloodborne is 30% exploring beautiful, amazing environments, 10% leveling up/fortifying weapons/customising your character and 60% retracing the same steps all the way to the Boss and trying to kill it again.

>hates parrying
>quits game at the bosses that are most fun if you don't parry them

Are you one of these "memes" I've heard so much about?

bloodthirsty beast is stupid easy, even easier when you have the item that removes your aggro.

however, gascoigne is some serious fucking bs

I have more trouble with The One Reborn than with Ludwig

What weapon were you using against Pontif?

I beat logarius first time with the fucking cane.



In fact there used to be a webm that showed someone parrying him to death in under a minute but I dont see it as much as I did on BB release

>most fun
>learn parry to instawin is fun
No thanx
I don't even remember, I think it was a 1h rapier.
Either way I didn't even fight him, I died once to him and said to myself "huh, this is a parry boss isn't it", googled it, sure enough it's a parry boss.
Deleted the game.

Use magic if its that hard for you.

>learn parry to instawin is fun
I literally said that they're fun if you DON'T parry. Do you have a learning disability?

I was using magic, I got him down to half in an instant and then he started doing his enrage shit and I was just like "fuck this"
To be honest I was already bored of the game by that point, dark souls games are pretty shit overall.
Just the eyeroll of having to put up with a parry boss was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I don't consider that shit fun, just tedious, their moves are predictable as fuck; they're just fast.

So dodge them.

I never learned to parry in any soulsborne game and that didn't stop me from finishing them multiple times. Didn't even know you could parry gwyn or pontiff until recently.

Maybe you're just a bad player.

>I try and get rid of the sword fast
Huh, I didn't even know you could get rid of it. I always just rushed him down doing as much damage as I could. Also, other anons are correct. Parry the fuck.