What class are you playing user?
And why is it anything but based Vikings?
For Honor Tachnical test
Other urls found in this thread:
Because the viking aesthetic in this game is pure trash.
Go full fantasy/stylized, full realism or just say fuck it and make them naked and angry. Don't mash it all together and vomit it out.
>Complaing about aesthetic in a low fantasy setting
>playing snowniggers
fucking savages
>low fantasy
Sure because it doesn't have dragons that makes it low fantasy. Fucking retard.
because its a fantasy setting
If you play Valkyrie you should fucking kill yourself.
I don't
I play Berserker even though he is shit
Why the fuck does his highs not chain into anything?
Fucking bullshit
Lightning fast attacks
High damage
Best mixup
Several tools to punish attackers
Started off with warden but then I discovered how no one knows how to deal with big japanese ogre man so recently I've just been bitchslapping people with light attacks through their guard and using the stagger immunity to land easy heavy attacks.
Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water
I play peacekeeper, orochi, and chad. all of the vikings are shit
that ninja cunt is ridiculous
>she gets a free stab with guard break with bleed effects
They're not even the same type of game you persistent autist. This is a fucking 3D fighting game with some Dynasty Warriors thrown in.
one stepped on anons toes after already having all her values slashed
And yet she's still the best hero in the game by a large margin.
Do you defend Tone in Titanfall 2 as well?
>playing peacekeeper
>land guardbreak
>take half of enemies hp guaranteed every time
why are ALL the new classes just straight up better than the old ones. Only the warden and orochi are even still playable of the originals at this point
Fucking ninja
They all relies on cheap gimmick shit.
There isn't one of them that fights fair
What does me being autistic have to do with anything?
Best 2v2 comp?
actual footage of every single one of those retarded games at highest level of play
Your autism is potentially destroying any reputation Mordhau has on Sup Forums. Spamming the game in every single thread isn't going to make people like the game, it's just going make people associate it with an endless shitposter.
Somewhat annoying publicity > No publicity
This game's balance is going to be all over the place, Ubi is way out of their depth on this one.
Tell that to Evolve.
Tone is basic as fuck
not only is that false equivalence, you also exposed your shit taste
Wasn't evolve also garbage? Mordhau is looking to be amazing from everything the devs have shown so far
Valkyrie still OP, she can spam her attacks too good.
>durr Tone isn't a problem
>LTS is filled with 10 player Tone matches
>the devs have shown
>the devs
yeah man, devs have never shown anything that looks much better than it turned out to be
>Warden can cancle his shoulder charge into garud break AND that high unreactable sonic slash
I've played plenty of LTS and haven't lost a game as Ion, my anecdote is clearly superior to your exaggeration
not to mention I've never seen a LTS with more than 3 tones
Evolve looked pretty fun when they were showing pre-release footage and look how that turned out...
Why do you do this every goddamn thread?
I didn't follow evolve at all so I don't know how it turned out or what went wrong
Eh? I don't get what your point is here. The combat looks fluid af in this blog: youtube.com
might it have glitches and game breaking shit right now? Probably but because it's in development
Why not?
Dude, your opinion doesn't sway shit. Tone is considered busted by a large majority of the playerbase.
Its unfortunate that the large majority of the playerbase are absolute trash
why would the opinion of people who played the game for 7 hours concern me? I know I can easily beat a tone with all the other titans, who cares what bad people think
if you believe for a second that is how the game will look once people play it,you are dead wrong.
it will be people spinning their mouse insanely fst, there will be glitchy animations and it will be the exact same clusterfuck as every other game after mount and blade. it will look ass and be ass at highest level,unless people "roleplay" good looking fighting
The developers are the last people you can trust to show what the game will look like in the hands of a normal player
Why assume that? Based off one game (chivalry)? These guys know the failures of previous titles and what to avoid.
AAA devs I agree. These guys are in it for the love of the genre (srs). That's why they started the project, slasher and it's expanded since then
the "love of the genre" aka they are making a game for like 100 people who will immediately dissect their combat, find the optimal "spin to win" exploit ways to play and BAM there goes their "good looking combat"
>find the optimal "spin to win" exploit ways to play
Did you watch the blog? They've clearly stated that wont be in the game and have explained how the system has been implemented to prevent this (tracer doesn't do damage at beginning of swing)
>devs intend how the game will be played
yeah,good luck with that
Nerd shit, who cares about some game 10 people will ever play
real question is why dominion is the focus and what's advertised, instead of the actually GOOD modes
gotta get the MOBA crowd
Hows the single player?
Multiplayer competitive only games are a waste of money
No SP in the alpha test
seriously, dominion takes the focus away from the fighting and makes it about running back and forth to objective areas as stupid NPCs block your movement and chip away at your health in the middle of a fight
the other modes are fun but fuck that garbage
bot at the top lvl is really good. but they switch from "randomising my shit into a combo" and "reactive play the shit to combo you" without rhymth nor reason.
but the campaign will still require an online connection so kys, nerd.
>dodge in the right direction
>get hit anyway
>block in the right direction
>get hit anyway
>you press guard break, it literally hits the enemy
>same shit happens but in reverse
>guard break goes in
>enemy attacks TOP
>you dodge RIGHT
>dodge animation stops and you get hit while the attack like at its half-way in the fucking air not even touching you
They actuallly managed to make the game total shit since the summer technical test.
Its both sad and impressive.
are u retard? they have explained how it wont be possible to do
Anyone have an extra invite?
They are trying to make some CoD campain out of it.
I don't think much will come of it but you never know, it's developed by the same people that made RedSteel 2 so you might be suprised.
The game does have a story trailer up btw
Anyone have an extra invite? Uplay is Blissmaker0
i know the feel man.
game went from "this is amazing day 1" to "meh an ok game now, will buy cheap" for me
>devs say "the players won't be able to shit it up!"
>players shit it up
it's like you are blind.
or young.
this is how gaming has always worked out,every single time.
devs don't decide what is or is not possible.
the gamers do. the game will be broken by them and the "meta" will form. and then you will cry and some other developer will make "deathpunch - don't worry they won't break THIS one!" and you'll gobble it up,clinging to your hope of it being true.
it was great in the summer and they fucked it up
in the summer if i got hit i knew how i fucked up and why it happened
now, its just randomly the game not accepting whatever im doing and lets the enemy's attack through
shit is happening when it shouldnt be
I like conqueror. That means I must like dominion since that is the only mode he exists in.
I can play 2v2 with him but it means people get really salty when I turn the 2v2 into a 2v2 instead of two 1v1s.
I like dark souls but can souls fans please contain their "honourable duel" autism.
retard statement, dismissed
and it eats your inputs too
countless times I have known the guardbreak is coming, i have pressed the button over and over perfectly
nope,their guardbreak goes through,no counter possible
combo attacks don't come out eventhough the timing is perfect
dodges half of the time don't work cause the enemy somehow turns on the spot and turns with your dodge
and everything is slow slow SLOW
how much money have you donated to them at this point?
>trading guard breaks doesn't set you both at neutral
>it knocks back the person who did it first
This is really dumb.
but mordhau doesn't have waifus with swords
none, kick-stater isnt out yet
you can play as grill in mordhau and customise grills face/armour!
None of the gameplay trailers I've seen have that
>letting them guard break you
Who /Conqerer/ here?
So how are the spear wielding classes? Valkyrie, Nobushi, and Lawbringer.
There should be a team juggernaut mode or carry the package
The devs said they wanted to allow players to play as womyn on the forums, it might not be 100% confirmed for the game though
They're all good.
2fast Tier
Zoned to Death Tier
Touch of Death Tier
It's definitively low fantasy.
It doesn't have fantastical beasts, it doesn't have magic, it doesn't have magic and it doesn't have different races like dwarves & elves.
The fantastical element is that its a Post-apocalyptic world where Samurais, Vikings and Knights are engaged in eternal warfare.
Not an argument.
What are the best executions in the game and why are they Conqueror's garrote and Nobushi's snapmare?
I wasn't sure they were in the game at this stage since I can't find any gameplay vids of any of them.
Reminder that this is what the Samurai heavy would look like in real life.
Manlets. Not even once.
well it's not on console, and my experience with the PC test last time around was that it was absolutely unfuckingplayable because of hackers and dropped connections and BR retards shitting up the NA servers. So, i'll wait for the all platforms beta before I try it again. I hear they fucked up parrying and stuff, so, who knows. Might have to skip out on the game.
Peacekeeper > Berserker > Orochi
Warden > Kensei > Raider
Shugoki = Conqueror > Warlord
Lawbringer > Valkyrie > Nobushi
>br retards shitting up the servers
>dropped connections
I keep hearing this about PC on a lot of games but I feel like people are overreacting, dropped connections and brs are on console as well. Not to mention a LOT more people use wifi on console than on computers.
Why the hell does this game make me so mad? I memorize the combos, the patterns of people, do everything - and even when I start winning it makes me angry. I love melee combat games, but this one just enrages me.
I experienced significantly less dropping and shit on ps4 when I played it than on PC, I don't experience that in every game, but any time there's a free test or tech test or whatever, it's just a fucking disaster so I try to avoid it on PC.
And it has less to do with internet quality, and more about stability. you can have a BR with a wired connection that drops every 5 minutes versus a solid wifi connection and i'll pick the wifi every time, especially in a p2p game. A single second of lag is enough to ruin an entire match.
fucking lol
Shugoki receive more damage on consecutive hits?
I feel like it's impossible to play against any fast character or anything else than 1 vs 1 with it
>Lawbringer above either of those
mmm no
why not just play tiger knight
Life is good being actually balanced, too bad there is only one gamemode for us
Peacekeeper is perfectly balanced.
>finally someone gives me a key
>very excited
>its 20gb and I have aussie tier internet
>set For Honor to download over night
>it only download 4GB
>I get some fucking message that UPlay shut down from inactivity
I want to rip my fucking computer from the wall
Uplay is the most inexcusably shitty fucking program on this planet, WHY CANT UBISOFT DO ANYTHING RIGHT
I only have a single day left to play this finally and this fucking happens REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Anyone got a key for a EUpoor? Uplay: Hanzuka
it closes on the 19th
> tfw mained Orochi in the summer test.
> super fun time was had
>only 6 characters
>each was balanced correctly
>fighting heavies as lightweight was possible but tough, David vs Goliath style
>fighting assassins required quick thinking but a good eye could counter them fast
>game felt practically perfect combat wise, only missing the new maps and the other 6 characters
>get invited to winter alpha
>feels off compared to summer
>new characters are horrifically balanced compared to the old ones
>old ones get outmatched almost all the time unless they were Raiders
>new ones have shitty tactics to give them an unneeded edge like bleeding guard breaks
thought that maybe its just the new characters but then i noticed more
>more attacks seem to be homing attacks
>dodge is suddenly broken, nullifying any use for assassins
>guard breaks are less responsive and hardly work
>blocks hardly register
>combos dont give time to block, instead just stun lock
> stun locks are suddenly 1000 times more common and effective
>only way to win is either cheese unblockables or find someone that uses more than just charge attacks and stun lock them.
and worst of all
>everyone suddenly forgot the meme that was honour when fighting in groups
Was gonna be a day one, but unless the open beta in January improves I might just avoid all together. Feels like a broken Rainbow Six Siege right now.
Had no problems with Uplay, much better than piece of shit of origin.
I'm at Reputation 1 as a Warden and have pretty much played that exclusively. While it's not specifically strong against anything, it's not weak against anything either. And I like being able to know that whether I'm facing a Valkyrie, Shugoki or Lawbringer, I'm on a class that's at no disadvantage.