PS4 Pro: Serious Issues.
PS4 Pro: Serious Issues
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>Comapny that raped Ape Escape fucks up
What a surprise
deflection at first post
>deflecting someone shilling propaganda
what a surprise
After the twentiest thread about it, someone could think that you're a poor sad employee from Microsoft consoles division, OP.
fucking hell what a piece of shit
sony needs to gtfo
crowbcat is a paid shill
this much is obvious to us now
But this video was uploded merely an hour ago.
Shill for who exactly?
So what if I take care of mine and dont try to over heat it and break it to get views on youtube?
Yes. And the video has been spammed since.
>try to overheat it
By putting in Unchared 4?
8th gen is a mistake.
whoever will pay him enough to slander their opposition
I don't see it in the archive.
Playing games isn't what it was made for.
>literally who nintendrone damage controlling their favorite company
Top kek Sony always wins baby
>something negative is posted about Sony
Every time.
I played uncharted 4 yesterday for like 6 hours and the 2 hour update to start and it ran fine it got a little hot in the back but was quiet and fine.
I had a 360 that never broke down but that doesn't mean the system didn't tend to do that a lot for other people.
Sony is probably too stupid they upped the voltage too much which lead to this shit.
Enjoy getting your ass kicked by actual human beings who don't play these TOYS in public.
L I T E R A L L Y T H E N E X T 4 K I D S
He set Conan's negative FFXV reaction to Zelda botw footage and showed Metroid Other M as one of the worst gaming disappointments ever.
And Im sure most of those people treat the console like shit by running it for whole days then turning it on and off all the time. If you take care of your stuff most of the time it doesn't break.
I had one friend who went through 4 360s and another who only ever needed 1 you can imagine which one took care of his things
I find it hard to believe something like this can be blamed on ''everyone who breaks it must be a bad caretaker!'' when a fucking N64 can last weeks being turned on and still work.
americans don't care about build quality though
Literal fucking spam thread for views.
The N64 barely has any mechanical parts. It's not comparable to a system that uses disk media.
360s broke without any reason whatsoever, sometimes a DAY after release, if the issue was big enough that Microsoft admitted the system was badly built and rushed to the point where they made a whole new line of ''fixed'' black 360s, then it's something that can't be attributed to just poor handling of the console by the public.
Same here, no issues whatsover. The fan is suite loud though, but this is my first console so I cannot really compare.
The N64 doesn't even HAVE fans.
Fuck off crowbcat you were already called out for shilling yourself in the last thread
I don't give a fuck about Sony or Nintendo, but you are sad
Then a Gamecube, a system that was left on for the 342 hours needed to 100% speedrun Baten Kaitos.
OR!....... orrrrrrrrrrrr
>ps4 is fucking garbage
>you are not allowed to post videos done by some guy I don't like even if he's 100% legit
Cry harder.
do you own a microsoft or nintendo console?
what does that have to do with anything?
No. Never have.
I do own every sony console except for the ps4 though.
millions sold, 7 youtube videos, pro has serious issues ...
7 videos compilation of a shit ton of people having problems*
Didn't you know? If you say something mean against our lord and saviour Sony, you must be an angry, blind fanboy of the other gaming companies!
>millions sold
just like the 360 which also had horrendous build issues.
In all honesty its better not to buy the first model put out. They usually have the most problems. Xbone and the normal ps4 had a ton of issues when they were first released
I doubt the failure rate is that high. Every time there is a new console release this gen with the size social media is today there are alot of videos you can find of systems not working.
Remember PS4's and Xbox ones launch? Everyone was trying there best to find videos of the unlucky few who got a broken console and saying HOLY SHIT FAILURE RATE 50% LOOK AT ALL THESE VIDEOS.
Stop shilling this hard but turbine fans have been a problem since ps3
I enjoy all those DELETE THIS posts.
>Remember PS4's and Xbox ones launch?
It's been a month since the Pro came out though. This isn't ''at launch'' anymore.
you're a fanboy and a shill for nintendo/ms
it isnt that high. Though first models usually have the most problems. Plus ps4pros come with warranties that people can use to get a new one
Everyone just bought theres from Bfday and are shipping out en masse last week and half
so this is the power of the pee ess forr
will pcucks, nintoddlers and microshills ever stop being mad about sonys inability to lose?
guess when you sells millions of new machines, a few of them are not bound to function properly.
This is nothing new, this happen everytime a new console is released
>deletes previous thread
>makes a new one without any of the eceleb fanfare
You think nobody was going to notice, crowbcuck?
>So basically the small ass chassis of the PS4 Pro isn't good enough to cool the GPU, which results in it sitting at near thermal max at "4K" and ultimately leading to artifacting EVERYWHERE.
The RX 470, which is what the PS4 Pro has in equivalence of performance, has a cooling block that's slightly bigger than the PS4 Pro cooling block that Sony used to cool the RX 470 AND the 8 core Jaguar @ 2.1GHz, with a dinky little blower fan--which are known to be not that great at cooling.
These issues are entirely attributed to shit cooling and these issues will keep happening the more console makers try to push into 4K while not addressing the fundamental issue of cooling. Right now, like 15-20% of the PS4 Pro is dedicated to cooling the APU, and that's bad. Close to 35-40% of the chassis should be dedicated to cooling that damn APU, and Sony should have used multiple blower fans of the same size or multiple fans of a much larger size that spun at slower RPMs.
The PS4 Pro is a death trap for heat:
The current cooler might have been barely sufficient to cool the RX 470, but because there's an 8 core CPU clocked at 2.1GHz sitting on the same die, and with it running at 95% load at all time, contributes to a thermal threshold that is over the capacity of the cooler in that case.
PCfags called this for the last two generation, and it finally rears its ugly head. The only people who didn't see this coming are the faggots who ignored the big white elephant in the room.
I mean, why the fuck do you think a GTX 1080 weighs half as much as a PS4 Pro? It's almost entirely the cooling block!
posting crowbcat videos shoulb be a bannable offense
Or maybe it's just crowbcat shilling his shit nonstop. He's literally a 2016 summerfag.
But yet he's made videos on PC, Xbox, and Nintendo
You have no point
>product comes with warranty so you can get a new one if it breaks
You say this like it isn't true for literally everything
No, they won't.
Feels good to pick the uncucked company with zero kiddyshit.
Oh, crowbcat. Did you seriously think the previous thread would disappear from history if you deleted it yourself?
Don't worry! I saved the whole thing!
sega must be paying him
what happened in the other one?
Let's see
>Unscripted 4
>COD, footage taken from a ten year old's phone
>Mafia 3 hours of actual content
>Tomb Raider 1.5
>Battlesnore 1
>Watch Cinematics 2
Serves all of those peoples right. Huge fucking braindead casual tasteless fags who couldn't even return an obviously defective product. Like really? Test your shit and replace it if it doesn't work.
nice meme libcuck keep crying bitch nigger.
isnt' he a neofag?
i'm confused now
What was it made for then?
>One is barely out and is already melting causing everybody embarrassment
>The other is a solid built machine, with experience and capable of handling whatever happens
i thought sony was going bankrupt and there wasnt gonna be a ps4 xDD
You do realize that you can't delete threads after a few minutes right?
The mods/jannies did it because all the sonyfags were reporting it
I can't find the shill thread with the max payne op picture what happened
I'm not a libcuck, I'm saying that PS4Pro is the only uncucked choice for the next generation of gaming.
>Nintendrones are LITERALLY Hillshills
hold up, are you implying that crowbcat bought over 50 ps4 pro's, set them up in different houses, and they all had the same issues, and on top of that, he faked the issues somehow???
wow I'm buying a ps4 pro right now
>he prefers the candidate that is a Russian puppet and that goes on rants on Twitter if anybody dares make fun of him
Tell me how butthurt will you be when the Electoral College BTFO your god emperor on monday?
how long before he deletes this one too?
buying one right now for heating my room, winter is rough
He browses Sup Forums for sure. He used to have Sup Forums videos including an hour(?) long video of Sup Forums reacting to the GTA V PC announcement.
That's how he makes all his videos really.
>What is Sup Forums shitposting about this month?
>Look at webms of it
>Make a video about it, most of which is just the same shit you find in a webm thread
I asked my parents to get me a PS4 pro for Xmas. Did I fuck up. They are mailing it to me already.
didn't see any threads about ps4 pro not working tho
but yeah he's from Sup Forums I was just pretending
I don't like the pro either, but just be nice.
> sony being trump
> God of my wife's son
> Uncharted for a thief's beating from a strong black woman
> one of sony's biggest games TLoU is literally a more sjw verstion of the Walking Dead
okay if you say so
You're going to die
no you didnt fuck up. However these things happen with first models released to the public. if something goes wrong you have a warranty that comes with the pspro that you can use to get a new one
I'm so fucking glad I got a Slim instead.
enjoy FFXV and Nioh in 30FPS* bro
nioh gives you the option to go to 60fps though. you dont have to have the pspro to do that
Does that piece of shit get permission to take people's clips and upload them for money?
My PRO is super quiet and I never experienced a overheating issue. I feel bad for these dudes. Wasted 400 on a new system to not work. Jesus sony dont you test these fucking things before you ship it?!
I don't feel bad at all
He should contact technical support and ask for a replacement instead of making a fucking yt video.
Fucking attention whore.
True its like if your house is on fire but you record it instead of calling the fire department.
I literally own only the PS4 and it's a bad console with no games. I thought the PS3 has no games meme was just that, a meme, but it rings so true for the PS4 it's ridiculous.
what happened
this, most of his videos are just compilations of various webm shitposts. A lot of the issues are valid, but cherry picking examples from a massive sample size is a poor form of argumentation.
My favorite part of Crowb's videos are all the shills and fanboys they trigger.
Trump is the Switch you dumbass, he was the underdog and PS4 is the status quo.
Isnt that vid a compilation of different case ?
I've had this issue myself and had returned it twice and I'm in my 3rd, all of them have the same issue.
It's a hdmi issue causing a crash (CE-36329) with the PS4 OS.
It's a handshake issue fundamentally, I had to unplug and unpower everything, reset my Samsung KU6000 series to factory defaults and just prey it eventually works.
The crashes are random but mine just stopped crashing and is working perfectly, Sonys troubleshooting guide is garbage, I sent them several angry emails but they were useless.
Is that real?