Is this the best rated game on steam? (with over 1k votes)

Is this the best rated game on steam? (with over 1k votes)
Should I get it? What's it like? How long is it?

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Weeb shit is always rated high because only weebs care enough to rate it.

i also considered this
so, it's not worth?

Its good. I dont care about the dialogue or art that much
metroidvania with bullet patterns

It's a metroidvania/bullet curtain hybrid, and it's a fun one

Despite the plot pointing out sertain areas, you're free to go pretty much anywhere

Bosses scale with all the upgrades you collect so no fights are facerolls

Soundtrack is great too

It's quite worth

Worth a pirate at least.

The music is good but I could never finish it because of the difficulty.

its a solid metroidvania
you can sequence break and go out of order with it. which is always good.
the games bosses scale with you as you do this though. so if you couldnt beat a boss, you leave and come back later after killing something else, the boss is stronger too.
its almost a bullet hell in some parts.
also. bunny tits/thighs

>Make a Metroidvania
>Add boss level scaling that makes them stronger the more items you have to discourage exploration.


Maybe you bad

If you want a Metroidvania this is far superior

I REALLY want to give that bunny a nice big bear hug.

I'd fuck Ribbon tbch famalamalam

Boring, easy and very short.

The game is legit good. It has little to do with the art style.

I played this game and enjoyed the bleak atmosphere. The soundtrack is pretty good, too.

Fuck you.

It's one of the best metroidvanias of recent memory, only people that hate on it are those that are anti-anime

Are you a bad enough dude for 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES of non-stop bosses without dying?

No thanks.

>300 revenge doesn't even do anything on BEX difficulty

Also, i see they recently added a NG+ option, does it do anything else other than allowing you to begin again with your current items?

>collecting items should trivialize the difficulty


I'm not entirely sure but I think it gives you the "instant death" debuff meaning if you get hit once while you have it you die.

Of course I could be entirely wrong since I couldn't even beat Noah on Normal and have no idea what I'm talking about.

300 revenge gives you the instant death debuff only if you deal over 300 damage to Irisu while it's active, but in the video he seems incapable of dealing that much damage in one hit in the first place.

Honestly don't see what the positive talk about this game is all about. Would I say it's bad and deserves to be shit on? Nope, but it didn't entertain me enough to hold my attention, so I ended up dropping it quite early on (End of the beach section if I recall correctly).
As far as metroidvania's go, I've played much much better. Perhaps if the soundtrack was any good I would have given it more time, but as of now it's just sitting in my library doing nothing.

>pirated it to keep Steam from outing my faggotry
>learned about the shittery of the guys who gave it's piss poor translation's other projects
>still feel bad I can't give the developers my money directly

he does, though

Oh didn't even notice that, my bad

>game on steam
>on steam

Unironically the best metroidvania since La-Mulana

You should pirate it though because those faggots at Sekai Project don't deserve a single dime.

It had a total of one good song, the rest was shit ambiance or a mediocre boss theme

According to the info I can find, the ps vita version is set to release in "december 2016" but those sources were posted months ago and I can't find any more details on the release date anywhere.

>less than an hour into the game
Really nigger?

>publishes great game
>doesn't deserve a dime

The last two are true though. Fennel is the only boss that's a challenge with one or two other bosses being a bit tough and it's only around five hours long. It's still a damn good game though and definitely deserves to be played.

An hour in a metroidvania is more than enough to see how the game plays, and all I saw in that hour was mediocrity.
I'd rather play Bunny Must Die again, at least that has a great OST going for it.

>more than enough to see how the game plays
>when it hasn't even properly started yet

>hasn't even properly started yet
Then they shouldn't put an hours worth of filler into the start of the game.

>I-It gets better later I swear!



Just like how only weebs should post on Sup Forums.

Nah, weebshit aside its a really fucking fun game

The first two hours are linear because it's setting up the characters and world, after that it opens up and the real game begins (unless you sequence break before that, but that would require having creativity which you clearly lack)

It wouldn't feel right on PC, waiting for the Vita version.

>setting up the characters and world
Oh really now? The characters I met were shit though, and the world was bland in terms of locale and design.

>likes touhou
>thinks he knows what bland and shit is
haha good one m8


You will not find a weeb game that weebs will not rate as the best thing ever. They're not a very particular lot of swine. So long as it's weebshit, regardless of its actual content or gameplay, it's 10/10 for them, the absolute vomits.

>Gets blown the fuck out and can't defend his mediocre metroidvania
>Spergs out at pictures

Besides, you little casual pseudo-shmup cannot compare to an actual one.
Even Furi has harder boss battles than Rabi Ribi from what I saw, and that's just embarrassing.

Of course you're not gonna like the game if you actively try to find reasons to hate it.
You're only making yourself look like a whining faggot.

If you're the poster who said they liked bunny must die, then I'll have you know that rabi ribi is better. The games would be about equally good though if bunny must die had better controls though.

Not when the things they publish are worse than the original product.

Do you really think I play this because it has shmup elements? I could just play dodonpachi, darius or any of the other great shmup on pc instead.

>from what I saw
If you haven't seen anything at all you can't judge it. Go post more anime and memes at me however if you think that will somehow make your opinion seem legit.

It's good, but it is too short and once you buy the item that makes costs life to buff your damage all bosses are mash to win.

Nah, Bunny Must Die shits on it.
Sounds like a classic case of get good if you're having issues with the controls tbqhwy.

CAVE shmups are shit, which is why CAVE is literally bankrupt.

>Do you really think I play this because it has shmup elements?
Why are you playing it then? There's no redeeming factors to the game.
Forgettable OST, bland environments, boring gameplay. Am I supposed to pretend it's great because there's a bunny girl? You'll need more than that to impress me. Bunny Must Die has a bunny girl too, but it actually has an OST that has some excellent tracks that I still listen to as well as fun boss battles.

If Rabi Ribi was good, then I wouldn't have dropped it after an hour. It really is that simple.

jesus that's funny

This image is bullshit though. They can make what they want and still survive. But they are Jews and want to milk the most profitable market. I feel no pity for the studio heads.

>normalfag think he know anything while posting in the wrong place
Hilarious each times.

>abloo bloo git gud
I completed both games with no issues and was never a pussy quitter like you.

why do you even buy games if you can barely get past the title screen before shitposting?

literally 1/1000 epic contrarian opinion btw. keep tipping

Game of the year, and it has anime girls to keep normies and nu-Sup Forums from polluting the fanbase.

Literally no reason to not buy it.

>CAVE shmups are shit, which is why CAVE is literally bankrupt.
I don't even have to bother reading the rest of your post then.
Oh okay you are that shitter, have fun baiting more

>Game is dogshit
>Have tons of other games I can play that are actually worth my time
>"Waaaah why didn't you finish it"
lmao honestly.

>I completed both games with no issues
Then if you had no issues why did you cry about the controls of BMD? Bad controls would count as an issue. Stop changing your mind to try sound like less of a casual, it's embarrassing honestly and you'll never manage to top the shit I've done in games either :^).

Princess Maker 2 is the best game on Steam

It might even be the best game ever

>Literal who thinks his casual opinion holds any weight.
Absolutely 気持ち. I love it.

The image is also bullshit because it's from a bullshit documentary that has flat out misinformation.

>Literal who thinks his casual opinion holds any weight.

you don't need to have trouble with the controls to tell that they're objectively bad.
like how the game tells you to double tap to sprint but it only works if you triple tap. That's technically broken. Also how you jump higher when you stand still rather than when you have a running start.
It's flawed. Cry me a river.

Also It's pretty funny that you take pride in being a contrarian and a quitter.

>play first few minutes of game
>abloobloo its dogshit casual easy
>posts shitty tumblr-tier anime like KLK and Haganai
r/anime is >>>/thatway/

>Should I get it?
>What's it like?
It's great
>How long is it?
Depends. A single playthrough? 20-30 hours. Completionist: 100+

neo Sup Forums everyone

that's good too but far shorter, and not really comparable

Sekai Project

Feel free to prove me wrong.
Show me something you've done that is worthy of praise.

Controls are fine. You're just clearly garbage my man.
Get good.

>Keeps shrinking the time I've played to try save face for his garbage metroidvania getting blown the fuck out
>Posts entry level anime like Yuru Yuri
Where oh where did I put my sides this time?

Thighs 'eh?

>(End of the beach section if I recall correctly).
Literally less than 10 minutes into the game.

It's like this

Well you clearly have shit taste in games anyway.

Right after you show me something worthy of praise first.

The artwork is limited to character portraits and a handful of story scene stills, so most people actually like it for the game itself.

The world is a lot bigger than I was expecting, and there are items and pathways all over the place. Lots of freedom in the order you tackle areas and a good number of upgrades and the like. Boss fights bring in pullet hell elements and force you to dodge a lot while taking advantage of any opening you can.

It's been a lot of fun, though I have not finished it yet. 17 hours in so far and I don't seem to be that close to the end from what I can tell. Very much worth it in my opinion.

>CAVE shmups are shit
Stopped reading there, have a pity (You)

Pretty much this. Weeb games are pretty dull, weebs buy them and rate them so high because it has anime looking characters in it, it don't matter what kind of a plot it has, if it's got anime girls, then it's instantly becomes a hit and weebs eat that shit right up. But I can't complain, since it's nice when you sell some disgusting weeaboo an overpriced wallpaper with an animu girl at 5 or 10 bucks and buy yourself a whole fucking game for that money.

MaZe. Touhou world record.

Aww are we lying now?
Good thing I can easily blow you the fuck out with a simple search on youtube.

Very first LP to show up

that's over 100 minutes into the game according to his video length, and that's being generous.

Rabi Ribi has decent gameplay buy the story is straight gutter trash

Wouldve been better if they took the Dark souls route with minimal story

>No one will ever make a picture docking picture of these two fine examples of bunny breeding material

I like Rita.

You may as well have stopped playing SotN before you meet with Death the first time then started bitching about how the game is just straight hallways with no enemy variety.

How hard would this game be to play if I actively can't stand looking at it?

If there's one thing in this world you can count on, it's Steam reviews!

It's GOTY by far. Even on normal difficulties, it's far harder than every hard game released this year. Not to mention it's a really good Metroidvania, and the idea that you can challenge any boss at any time is revolutionary (considering Megaman is DEAD).

Maybe you didn't read it correctly the first time so I'll post it again
>Right after you show me something worthy of praise first.

Besides, you already told everyone how shit you are at Ys lol

Not impressive. Get good.


>Aww are we lying now?
No, not in the slightest. You already unironically admitted to playing 2hu though, so you're objectively a little slow in the head.

Sorry to burst your bubble you weeb nigger, but anime is crossing over into the realm of normie trash.

>Rabi Ribi players players shitting the bed this much because their casual game got called out.
Oh I like it here.
I think I'm starting to get motivated to play through the game just so I can say without a shadow of a doubt just how easy it is, as per usual.
Nothing brings me more joy than breezing through easy games that the rest of you casuals find hard.

Considering that most of the people who bought, and thus reviewed, the game are fanboys? It had a much lower score while it was still in development, even.

Meanwhile Terraria and Rabi Ribi came out of nowhere and gained a cult following because of their quality.

I mean, it's always been there to some extent. Who didn't watch DBZ as a kid?

Go right ahead, it wont change the fact that judging a 20+ hour game based entirely on finding/unlocking new skills and upgrades based on the first hour is retarded in any context.

This. I have a hard time believing its good because so many trashy games got overwhelmingly positive ratings on steam just because they had ANIMAY on it. Turned out the games were absolute fucking dogshit.
Might get this from the next sale I guess and refund it if its shit.

>after throwing this autistic tantrum I regret my actions and will finally cave in play the game rather then make retarded assumptions
Good job. I hope you have a good time.

>muh difficulty
You are pretty much a living meme at this point, but go ahead play and the game more.

The game isn't very hard though. You're just some sort of idiot with complete shit taste in games as proven by the fact you play 2hu. Have fun with Rabi-Ribi though, based on your taste it's probably the best game you've ever played regardless of how you feel about it.

If this game had edgy Sup Forums-tier deviantart design it would have sold much more and actual get some form of exposure and ads or even get super hyped like most indies

Are the anime girls worth killing the potential profits and fame?

>The game isn't very hard though
Spoken like someone whose never played on Bunny Extinction mode.

Except it isn't. An hour is more than enough to judge any metroidvania. Period.
I'll play through your dog shit game though, and then, when I've seen all that it has to offer I'll rip into the poor design that I know it'll have with more detail.

I've got your damage control posts to look forward to after I've played through the game and still say it's shit, just like the first hour clearly shows.
Of course I'll enjoy it.

>th-the game isn't hard now
because I'm going to actually put time into it.

Can you fuccboi's get any more pathetic?

What games let me impregnate a bunny girl?