LoZ Races


why is ganon always a nigger?

They live underground where mostly nothing happens.

Kill yourself

>live near rocks
>eat rocks
>stay like rocks

>live near different things
>have habitat change a lot
>eat a lot of different things
>change into different looking things

Nature has to adapt to survive. Gorons are retards so they don't. They live in caves. The image is misleading though because there are so few gorons left in comparison to the other races.

But how did the Kikwi/Minish/Kokiri transition happen? The Minish are unbelievably tiny, and don't even get me started on the Zora/Rito transition.


There's a reason why it's called a THEORY instead of a LAW

The only ones that hold any sustainible evidence is Kokiri into Koroks and Zora (OoT onward) into Rito

i knew kokiri to korok.
but kiwiks evolved into minish and then into kokiri?

were there gorons in Wind Waker or did they go extinct?

There were like three if I remember right.

>piscine humanoid to avian humanoid in one evolutionary step
That's like thinking Tiktaalik gave rise to modern birds in one step

>its another idiot that doesn't know the definition of a scientific theory episode

"A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed, preferably using a written, pre-defined, protocol of observations and experiments."

What is the purpose of a beak nose? It doesn't help you eat things!

yup they're just fucking around selling stuff on random islands

There's like 4 merchants in unusual places. One at least was on a rock outside Forsaken Fortress.

well river zora and lake zora are two different cousin species for one

next we have no proof that these are supposed to be lines of evolution besides windwaker races from OOT races

>race of fish people
>live pretty much under water
>game about the entire world being flooded
>turn into bird people

He's a dark arab

desu its probably several thousand years to the evolution step we see.

>ALttP Zora before OoT Zora

Well they're freshwater creatures so they couldn't exactly live stay in the ocean. Couple that with magic sky spirit dragon feathers and it should accelerate change quite a bit.

Goddesses changed the zora people to bird people at the same time they flooded the world. Didn't want anybody going near old Hyrule.

they were fresh water fish, sea is salt water

Valoo helped.

having so much land to go around really made them feel like a fish out of water

Gorons are able to survive basically anything and live a long time to reproduce, so it makes sense they'd stay the same as a species much longer than the other races. They eat rocks, which are fucking everywhere, they're able to withstand intense heat like magma, and they can survive underwater since they don't breathe according to Twilight Princess.

Fish + magic dragon scale = bird

Makes perfect sense.

ganondorf is literally one single individual across all the games he appears in. nigger's old as fuck.

Evolution via magic exists in the Zelda universe.
Evolution via science exists in Pokemon universe.
Pokemon are magical actually.

Do you expect his race to randomly change between games? Its the same Ganon in each game.

Every thread theres an idiot like you
the entire point of the game is that nothing lives in that ocean

I think it's more of the fact that Gorons are pretty much rocks.

You can do very little in terms of environments to evolve a rock.

>They can breathe underwater
Then why did going underwater as a goron in majoras mask kill you?


you can go back to tumblr though

Ganon actually points out that the seas are pretty barren. No (regular) fish to eat.

but there are several kinds of fish you interact with which never leave the ocean

Gameplay and story segregation.

They stand underwater in Twilight Princess and are just fine.

Plenty of stuff lives in the water.
No humanoids though


The Goddesses have a sense of humor and gave the Rito beak noses on purpose.

That was just him describing Zelda's dream. There's fishing equipment all over Outset.

There are Gorons in WW. You talk to one

Good job, now it's even more useless.


list of things in ocean
>servants of ganon
>affiliates of gods


I didn't know angry sharks and octopi were servants of ganon or hungry cartographer fish were affiliates of gods

They don't "breathe" underwater because Gorons don't have to breathe. You find a goron kid sitting with his head underwater in a hot spring in TP, and he tells you he's been doing that for hours without feeling like he needs to take a breath. In MM, the reason was "gorons sink like rocks" so you'd get stuck in the water. Think of it more like falling in a bottomless pit than drowning.

Gotta make sure people realize they are meant to be birds. But you know, can't be too birdlike either or they are unrelatable enemy race.

>you're wrong nothing lives in the ocean
>now here are some things that live in ocean


You made it worse

Were there any gorons that were fully submerged? I always thought they breathe out of little hole on their heads, and all of them at the hot spring had their volcano tips sticking out of the water

Pretty early on the treasure diver guy explicitly says there are no fish

>Who wanders around on a fishless sea? I'll tell you who, bub: Only pirates, monsters, and treasure-hunters like ourselves!

What I don't get is having a beak nose, but not a beak mouth.

>get called out on retarded racist shit
>get out of my safe space reeeeeee

every time.

>the entire point of the game is that nothing lives in that ocean

Did you pay attention at all
Dude. No.

what is that second one

Yeah, after you unfreeze Zora's Domain you can use a water bomb on the volcanic rock in the throne room to find a Goron inside. He mentions that cold water feels pretty nice and then gives you an extra bomb bag.

I guess everyone talking about the lifeless ocean went over your head?

>random sharks and fish are one of those two

Kill yourself, there's plenty of shit in that ocean.

The Zora were changed by the goddesses/valoo over a very short period of time. It's 100 years for each Zelda cycle.

There's one stuck inside the giant rock you use to melt Zora's Domain. You can blow up the rock to get him out, but he stays stuck down in the bottom of that deep pool in the throne room.

> green skin
> nigger
what did user mean?

It's a figure of speech you mongoloid. Did you think they meant that literally?

>Did you pay attention at all
as a matter of fact I did, you mind telling me where it says how they're connected to ganon or the gods?

Yup. Remember that part where you drop a hot rock into Zora's domain to melt the ice?

Theres a Goron in the now livable water way down on the ground (which is like, several feet below the surface). He gives you the Bomb Bag. He stays there the whole game, his only problem being that he's too heavy to swim out.

No. Every single person talks about there being fucking NOTHING GOOD IN THE OCEAN
the only thing is the weird fishmen and they're mysterious as fuck
everything else was a servant of ganon
>ganon curses everything to be night
>you are now pursued by sharks at a higher encounter rate
>many many NPCS say there is nothing in the sea

once you go black


Ok then, thought they needed some divine help. Good to know I was sonewhat right.

crack open coconuts

And there's that island of them in PH.

Octoroks, Gyorgs, Seahats, and the Big Octo are servants of Ganon, you fuckwit. Why else do you think they explode into the same stuff that Darknuts and Moblins and the like explode into?


Gorons are pretty much indestructible.

Lava apparently can't kill them. They don't need to breathe air either. In TP after you thaw out the Zoras with the hot rock you can go down there and use bombs to blow it up revealing a Goron that was inside. He is perfectly fine despite being submerged underwater for so long.

>many many NPCS say there is nothing in the sea
the only mention I can recall of there ever being a "lifeless sea" is when Ganondorf reads Zelda's mind near the end. what other NPCs say this?

Do I have to post the fish picture again

Oh right, I forgot about him

>get triggered by "racist shit"
>suggest a more suitable website

i'm just trying to make you more comfortable you dumb nigger lover

I bet the Goddesses didn't want the fish race to cheese the Great Flood so they turned them into the bird race because they are dicks.

so wild slimes, bats, and centipedes are servants of ganon too, huh?

He's a dark Jew, or possibly Bedouin


The treasure hunters.


>Calling a fictional game character a nigger is racist
>Thus killing a fictional game character is committing murder
You have to go back. Either to 2004 or to Tumblr.

just because the book is called "theory" doesn't mean the subject hasn't been proved real long ago.

Kikwis into Minish and Minish into Kokiris are retarded. Heck, the Minish can't be evolved from anything else since they came from another world through a magical portal.

Parellas into (river) Zoras is also not supported by anything in canon.

This is some LOL thread tier shit.
Probably made by some Game Theorist who didn't even play the GBC games.

Yes. Ganon is absolutely obsessed with flooding the world with his weird minions.

you just told the guy to kill himself for saying a word

and now you're complaining he told you to leave?

no wonder you lost the culture war


Sup Forums has always been nigger free so
Fuck off you kike faggot nigger loving spic dick sucking cuck fag shit eating shitskin

And build wall

The goddesses wanted to make sure nothing goes back in the ocean.

>giving a shit about how someone makes use of his first amendment rights

literally why

Him and his ancestors took up refuge in the desert.

It's because they didn't want them accessing old Hyrule.

Using the word nigger is inherently racist when used as a descriptor. None of what you're saying about fictional characters has anything to do with anything.

>the way enemies explode determine they serve ganon

but armos and armos knights, robots specifically designed by the gods to protect sunken hyrule. also explode in the same way as everything else??

Just because you have the right to say something doesn't make it right. Other people are free to criticize you and tell you to kill yourself when you express an opinion they don't like.

Are you autistic as fucK?