Nostalrius Queue Waiting Thread

>10k+ wait for PvE
>PvP will be even worse

Other urls found in this thread:

>11k+ on one server

what was the population cap in vanilla? like 2k per server?

Will it? I'd assume people will distribute across the servers.

Lots of people who want to play PvP and don't want to actually go the whole distance on a PvE realm online right now just because nothing else to do.

There aint any offical numbers out there sadly.
But probably around 3500

what spec should my femtroll shaman be?

ni hao??

the levelling spec you idiot

8k of those are Chinese gold farmers.

Prove me wrong.

protip:you can't

>Blizzard sells out for $$$$ and caters to casuals for like 8 years now
>but arrogantly shoot down the idea of a vanilla server where they could literally print money and save the game

It'll happen it's just gonna take another year for them to do it.

Blizzard is slow

Post mods, I want to be a girl too.
On my male tauren.

desu as much as I hate how they've handled the legacy shit so far I can understand why they'd rather focus on legion


somewhere between 4k and 2k afaik BUT they did upgrade that capacity from release to 1.12 I think and I have no idea as to the final capacity of servers around the time 1.12 hit

It 5k

They could be working on a proper vanilla build behind the scenes? Who knows at this point last thing blizzard said on the matter during blizzcon was "the issue is not resolved for us there's still internal talks about it"

It;s typical of blizzard not to properly communicate these matters though

To be completely blunt, I don't blame them.
How many of their team members were around when Vanilla came out? Do any of them even understand most of Vanillas core methods and shit?

The game has switched developers and plans so many times that it was obvious it would stop being funny at a certain point.

>tfw still didnt find a healslut


Where can I create an account, the old one isn't going to work anymore, I assume?

>We will update you again at 21:30 GMT+1.

Still no ETA as of now for the PvP realm. We will update you again in one hour at 22:30 GMT+1.

>finally got down to 2000
>Back up to 12000
fuck you. I hate this server.

Thanks, ok jesus the site is being hammered..



im rolling a priest if that helps

every healslut is a priest
but not every priest is a healslut!

I'm instantly d/ced from the server. Normal?

Im gonna roll a rogue and sap everyone I see lol

help my nostalgia is being broken by ERPing homolords and trannies


>Position in queue: 300

>every mob is camped, might as well take 3 hours to come up with a good char name

This is happening to me too

Are you trying to connect to the PvP server. If you are it's insta-disconnecting you because it's not online yet.

call 1800-333-MODS


How are you even getting in the queue? As soon as I put in my log in info it does the usual handshaking,success etc but instantly disconnects me. I don't even get to the character screen.

meant for

Yeah this is my problem too. Tells me info is invalid.

>tfw been watching all vanilla threads but never played vanilla
>not even posting just lurking to see if its really worth playing it
i think i know enough to roll a nice character and have some "fun" but i dont know if its worth it lads

should i try playing vanilla?

How do I change the server list from wow servers to nost servers?

yes later when you can connect and/or find mobs to kill

perhaps on the fresh server

>info is invalid
>why wont it let me in
get help

Your config file is probably pointing directly at the PvP server. Delete the file in the WTF directory and log in again.

Ok, well... how can I change that now?

Did you create an Elysium account and recover your nost characters? Old Nost accounts don't work

Delete WTF and WDB folders.

>literally no one in Loch Modan to do the trogg quests with me

dead server

I had to setup a new account, the one I used for the stress tests were deleted

Yes, now

>ETA of an ETA of an ETA

Jesus Christ make it stop

No I've already taken your accidental (you) you cant take away

forum and login accounts are different.
both have to be email verified to be able to use them.
i doubt you will be able to verify your email at this point, but maybe you'll get lucky

I've never been on the forum but I did manage to setup a new account and verify email just after 5pm today

nvm I just edited the config file

Why isn't pvp up? Spoonfeed me


>database is corrupted

if you're able to login with the credentials on the main site, then you should be able to login to the game.
i assume you aren't trying to use your email to login.

im not into that erp stuff I just want to play the game

I'm fine. I was just passing on the info that someone else told me. That accounts during the stress test were wiped and you would have to setup new accounts for today.

> Implying most of these idiots are muh nostalgia fags that will get bored in a day and never come back
This happens with literally every MMORPG that gets nostalgia servers. They're swarmed during the first month or so, until everyone realizes they aren't teenagers anymore and lack the autism to grind a shitty game like a second job and just quit and move on with their lives.
The autistic neet fanbase that actually pays for more than a week have no disposable income and aren't a viable way to "print money"

lol i waited like 2 hours to get in, and then i get kicked for my name after 10 minutes of playing, nazi mods.


>website is offline

I cant download the client from the website - assuming theres too much traffic. Is there an alternate download or??

It's all done via hex edit, I used to do this back in like 2005~2006 and gave my human warrior dual glaives.

too gay

>Tfw want to play PVE but its not fresh


what's that addon called that displays vendor sell price on mouseover?

Do you enjoy tedious leveling? (Like really awful quest item drop rates and having to constantly drink / eat for 30 seconds)

Do you enjoy auto-attack tier leveling or mashing one button at best?

Do you enjoy having half the specs be completely unviable later on?

Do you enjoy awful gear grind / PvP rank grind?

If you say no to any of this, then no.

But do you enjoy exploration and cooperation, overcoming challenges and really carving out a place for yourself in the world?

informant I think

Yeah, I take it that a game that just stops at a specific patch and costs 13 dollars a month to play + account would literally rake in money, just like this completely free to play version does.

> Do any of them even understand most of Vanillas core methods and shit?
Everything is unrefined and completely out of balance - not much to get, really.

What do we set the realmlist to? The website refuses to load

>waited two hours in queue
>immediately put in another queue
Seriously fuck this. I don't know why I was retarded and thought I'd be able to play this weekend.

There are some really shitty parts, and I made fun of my friends for playing Nost for those exact reasons.

But after I quit WoD I decided to give it a try and what said is absolutely correct. It really does feel like a living breathing world. Since everything takes more effort, I found myself planning in advance exactly where I will level, leveling professions correctly since I didn't out level them so fast, etc.

do you enjoy having to talk to people to complete the game more easily

why don't you just play warcraft 3 or DOTA, WoW is too minimalistic to be fun

barrens chat


Oh man barrens chat was fucking poppin with spicy Trump memes before the shutdown I can only imagine it now.

I played WoW in high school college. I'm now normlfag. I also play Nost a reasonable amount of time, about 10 hours a week with my friends, and had a lot of fun.

You really need to stop projecting your insecurities and falling prey to confirmation bias.

The market is obviously there for anybody paying attention. It's just a matter of how to capture it in the most profitable/stable way.

It's just a business analysis at this point. Does the potential revenue from vanilla servers warrant diverting resources? If projected costs are low enough and the independently generated gross revenue high enough, it will happen.

I expect that they're worried about longevity rather than immediate profitability, and how legacy servers would effect overlapping player markets (i.e., take away from other blizzard products, which does not offset development costs)

Those things apply to all MMOs, though.

At the point you have done walljumping under SW, gone to old IF and visited Hyjal you're done with the exploration.

Yeah, it sure is fun that the quest item drops are shared so instead of farming 300 bears for 3 asses you're farming 600 bears for 6 asses.





i have been in queue for roughly 2 hours now

i hope people will fuck off to the pvp server once it goes up because i seriously cant be assed with long queues when i want to play

old school runescape does it better

Ok then don't play

>12k+ queue

what did they mean by this?

What do you expect. 5K limit when about triple that amount wants to play.



authentical 5k player experience

>in queue for pve
Why? Who cares about pve server?

>not naming yourself "meh", "smetana" or "blini"
Why user?

Undead for me. All those juicy animations, man.

I donated money to bake cookies for Blizzard and they still haven't shut down you disgusting nostbulls! How dare you, how dare you steal and abuse Blizzard's precious gift to the world and call it your own.

You monster! You'll all pay when I donate more money to give Blizzard more cookies and purchase World of Warcraft™ Legion™ for my wife's son!

>Disconnected from server.
Most fun I have had