Now that the dust has settled, would you play Omikron?

Now that the dust has settled, would you play Omikron?

If it meant getting rid of Matt, yes.

Someone summarize what's been going on for me.

this wont last and you know that

but obligatory

but the game looks fucking atrocious and cryptic as fuck. the guide for it doesn't help either

Ze best friends finish ze bad game.

>e-celeb thread


>Change to the format

Fucking channel is DEAD. All because this fat fuck can't balance having a wife and playing video games for a living and needs to drag the rest of them down with him. I bet his wife threatened divorce if he didn't take time off.

its just an excuse to give him the spotlight and put on some form of tumblr blog for sympathy and a reinforce hugbox.

hes going to come back worst than before

Can't believe it took them until the end of the game to have a decent control setup.

Not that the controls were very good to begin with.

Omikron killed Matt

>Matt is leaving
>Pat has created his own solo Twitch channel

Is this this it? Is the Youtube channel finally dead.

>No Matt in videos
>No Matt on the podcast

I think I'm about to resub to them.

>the channel is actually dying


By the time the backlog of videos has rolled past (I think they have a two week buffer?) it'll be the new year, and he'll most likely return before February considering the amount of asslicking he retweeted. Only the podcast will be a significant change for the better.

of course

Get ready for them to smash that emergency DS1 case, complete with woolie on controls AGAIN

Omikron saved the channel

exactly this

it is kind of fuckin pathetic, no one would have noticed his absents since he still LOVES STREAMING somehow thats not as anxiety ridden as recording videos

Is DaS really an emergency game? It feels like a given they would play it eventually as they're played every other Souls game.

>not even 100k visits per episode

Omikron killed them.

Wait. he's still streaming? I thought he was going on a total internet blackout?

first sentence of the 3rd paragraph. its blatant
>waaaah poor me guys pls send nice things about me



nope, he's literally just not recording vids/podcasts. he's still going to be on social media and streaming.

For the anecdote healing items get used automatically during shooting sequences. They didn't benefit from it because somehow they hadn't brought any medikit.

I don't dislike Matt like most people but this whole situation makes him seem so pathetic.

Hopefully the "change in format" means better editing, and vetting games to make sure they're fun to watch a full LP of rather than just going in blind. I was surprised by how much I liked the recent Machinima videos after pretty much giving up on the channel months ago.

punisher game is going to come out

Why do you Redditors post this shit on Sup Forums? Go away, children.

no longer welcome in Omikron

They've gone record as it being one of their multiple fallback games in case subs/views start dipping to low in order to give the channel a boost.
Why they don't just not do the stupid shit like the xmas blazblue video instead is beyond me.
Also the fucking playlist for half their running lps still aren't fucking updated, something they did for every release back when it was just mat and pat

lol no

He says he wants to decrease the work they have to do, they won't be editing shit all. They'll be cutting the videos down to 15 minutes each.

>Omikron over
>suffering is over
I never thought this day would come, I genuinely thought from the game's progression that it was going to go on for 10 more episodes at least





hes going to be in umvi silly gotcha


When they were making the game the original plan was to have Lahoreh (the part with waterways) have a lot more quests and have an entire fifth district (Nagataneh) with the palace zone that you only see in the ending sequence, where you'd have led the attack firsthand before going to meet Cuchulain and Astaroth. They had to cut it because there wasn't enough time but all the relevant dialogue is still in the game files.

As much as Game Grumps is just fart jokes and dumb voices, they have the good sense to drop series when their views die off, where as (And this is a quote Pat told me himself when I played FFXIV in his FC) they only do "let's plays" and that means they have to finish a game. And he went on to explain that you can't call it an LP if you don't finish a game, which led into a more bizarre rant and discussion about why games like gone home or the Stanley parable are not video games and you can't call them video games.

Basically they're stubborn and weird about how they do things.

What other way is there for them to cut down on the effort they have to put in?

what about the koopy koopy and pizza pasta force items?

>watching Heavy Rain Woolie Edition
>he shoots the guy the second the prompt comes up and then says "Shouldn't have pulled a gun on a cop"
>after they broke into the guy's house
>and violently beat him

I bet the cutting room floor page for this game is gigantic.

God, can you imagine if Sony backed a remaster of this and they got to keep the last chapter in the game?

Yeah, it seems like a comfy game.

I appreciate that they don't drop lps, that's part of the reason I can still put up with them and not grumps.
Thats not to say they don't have their share of issues; like putting someone who can't tell right from left on controls of a soulsborne game, or a total retard on controls of FFX with a fucking guide to assist they ignore, and god knows how many other retarded fuckups like that.
Like they all clearly know what the fuck they are and aren't good at, theres no reason to keep doing this shit with mat on controls of a game he doesn't know how to play or woolie in anything that isn't the podcast or fightan.
Also fuck woolie for killing off brawls, just fucking cycle someone out every now and again you nigger

>"I thought R1 was to steady my hand."


>Prompt at the bottom of the screen to look around the car.

I've never been so mad.

You can say what you want about any game, but when the person playing is the reason everything is getting fucked up, you lose that right.

Came out back in 2005, its really wasn't that good. these fucks are just ironically circlejerking over it.

He tried to run from the Woolie hole

>By the time the backlog of videos has rolled past (I think they have a two week buffer?) it'll be the new year
Not sure about that, Unleashed was coming out rather regularly and it was put on hiatus explicitly because Matt is taking a break.

You'd think when planning to have a fucking story to end in a big fucking war as a memorable ending you'd cut the BORING shit out so you could spend time and keep the War scene, but no, it's like they made it as far as they could go and said ''lol Astaroth time''

Thanks David Cage

>the realisation not even five seconds later that he's defending trigger happy cops while being black

Why did you guys scare Matt away with the memes?

He was a very funny and considerate boss to us all and he does so much for their channel through connections and mingling with the other youtubers plus featuring on a lot of their stuff.

The amount of work he does is bananas and you all should be a little more considerate

It's a decent game. If you're a fan of punisher there's no reason why you wouldn't like it.

If you don't give a shit then yeah it's just a generic edgy game


so what the fuck is the story of omikron


If they do 15 minute videos they're going to lose every viewer they have. The only reason it works for the fat autist and the jew is because of how much pull fat autist once had.

Spookycookies, please do an Omikron compilation.

It's OK Liam, you can finally ride your rising super star above Matt and become the boss of SBF


punisher himself just seems so fucking bland though
hes just a guy with guns

nah their fans are so far up their ass it doesn't matter at this point. people are literally subbing to them on twitch to watch podcasts live

>Matt takes a "break" from his job
>even though his "job" is just recording and editing videogames with 3 other people
>even though he only works 1 or 2 days a week anyways
>even though he regularly goes on vacation to attend cons

What will he do if the channel explodes in popularity while he's gone?

a terrible version of deus ex

>Persona 3 Part 1

the madmen

Oh yeah, Heavy Rain otherwise is a fantastic game
David Cage games threads on Sup Forums is like a contest of how hipster can Sup Forums get. That and FFXIII threads

>its really wasn't that good
t. kingpin
You mean all those videos with that one meme wrestler and tfs?

>small minority
Can't even do self-deprecating right.

Although that's probably more for Unseen64 than TCRF, there's also an entire playstation version that was developed and canned by Eidos, who felt the Dreamcast had more commercial potential.

Shooting phases also originally were 3rd person and changed to first at Eidos' behest, and there was a heist mission to get one of the jewels, with the relevant museum environment also still being partially in the game files

Also that hasn't got anything to do with any of this but several of the red light district buildings are shaped like giant women's butts. Most LPers don't look up so no one usually notices.

Woolie Lives Matter

They could vet games before playing them to make sure they don't turn into 80 episode shitfests and drop the ones that clearly not worth finishing.

That tends to happen when surrounded by bleach.

Get fatter and fatter off the TBFP money, feature here and there then grow large again.

Eventually becomes ThreeBFP until Matt decides to sell the channel once it hits the two mil sub explotion

heh, dont celebrate too soon with some champagne

i refuse to believe that. from what ive seen its all about body snatching and a mix of ancient shit and technology

Thats the best part amigo, they do, woolie even confirms as much in omnikron the general gist is
Pat: What could be worse than this shit
Woolie: The games that don't make it to the channel

I honestly have no idea what the story of Omikron is.
Does it make more sense if you actually play it and pay attention?

the lp started alright but in the end it just ended up being "MUH SUFFERING"

They have a whole ending podcast segment called "What's coming up on the channel?" where they open a tab, look at the queue, and just read it out. Usually the podcast is on Mon/Tue and they always read through to next Sunday, so they have at least that much buffer. But I suspect its a little bit more as they sometimes have 4-5 long running LPs simultaneously with quick looks and one-offs sprinkled in, recording for multiple hours and chopping it into half hours and putting the LPs day-on day-off must make it stretch further.

But that would require effort.

>spend 8 fucking minutes running around on a 27 minute episode finding a fucking door that they found 30 seconds in

god damn son

>footage of David Bowie sandbagging Omikron's only good thing
This LP is amazing.


I paid attention to the game during the LP and I didn't understand a damn thing. I'm sure there's something in the books they picked up but after the awakened base was compromised by namtar I couldn't understand anything afterwards aside from you're the chosen one, kill ass to mouth.

>Does it make more sense if you actually play it and pay attention?
I won't defend cages garbage, but there is a level of internal logic that makes some sense. You do have to pay some fucking attention though and not act like a pissbaby the second you hit a minor roadblock

They have a whole ending podcast segment called "What's coming up on the channel?" where they open a tab, look at the queue, and then don't say anything because "spoilers".

>the Garb-age killed Matt

Who is next?

Yeah, I mean it kind of made sense back when you were Sci-Fi detective procedural with demons, but then things stopped making sense once it became actual fantasy world.

Whats that one fucking website they shilled to get their office finally up and running?

>now Liam will be in MORE videos

You fools, the flood gates are open

Vessel, and then it fucking died because Verizon bought it or something


now they are putting their twitch vods behind subscribing

Oh no, someone that consistently plays video games and knows his right from his left
What a fucking tragedy that is that we'll no longer get to hear tales of the pizza pasta force
Woe is me

I was under the assumption he was talking about content that featured Matt specifically. I'm well aware they don't record stuff right before uploading it.

It's pretty funny both omikron and morrowind take place on very foreign worlds, but with morrowind I can remember all the great houses, ashlanders, and all the weird books in that game. Omikron has no understanding of world building and how to make weird shit interesting at all.

>now Liam will be in MORE videos

Also doesn't help that you can only barely read any of Omikron's books.

What are the TBFP tiers now that Matt has been TKO'd?

Big war between humans and demons, demon king is locked at the bottom of a lava lake before he can be killed for good by human hero, who goes into exile with the demon-killing sword.

Millenia pass, humans build a big city, accidentally release the demon, who takes over the city's central computer and trusts ("when were those mentioned", a friend asks? Well, in several awakened briefings and on the first tablet you pick up in-game, and you can question passersby about them anyway), makes life hell for everyone and starts his master plan to lure parallel world videogame players to him by sending them dead cops who were on the verge of discovering everything.

The resistance recruits you before the demons can eat you, you do resistance things until the resistance is betrayed, then you go find human hero and his magic sword and take possession of both to kill demon king. The end.

Is Matt off of podcasts too or just the channel?

Matt-less podcasts are the actual best.

the font is so fucking horrible

I can't imagine reading that shit on CRT in 2001