>meta changes
wah wah
>4/5 tanks played
>0/13 dps played
yep great meta m80 no thing to complain about here
Tanks were a mistake in design.
The amount of damage they take isn't proportional to their damage, even if there's all relatively short range.
Give me one reason why this isn't very simple to counter with a bunch of DPS.
They don't deal enough damage compared to the tanks
Because D.va, Roadhog and Zarya deal just as much damage as dps characters.
youll complain about anything, even if there isnt anything to complain about
quake player here, do any of u guys know what rapha's mouse settings are like in ow? im just curious because he plays like a freak in quake and has totally insane settings
Lucio and Ana basically have a mini transcendence together on 10 second cooldown by combining amp it up with biotic grenade.
All of the extra healing is wasted on characters with less than 400 hp.
The beef meta will only go away by nerfing the shit out of Ana's healing grenade.
not an argument
Rein and DVA can soak thousands of damage combined and can dish massive amounts very close range.
Hog and Zarya are literally DPS with more health. Zarya even has a small hitbox like attack heroes too.
Ana has the best healing per second in the game, can boost the healing of Lucio, AND can dish out some insane damage, AND has one of the best ults in the game.
Lucio is Lucio.
Combined it's just impossible to stop these giants. Reaper is the counter to tanks, but you can only fucking select one per team.
D.va is basically a dps too, if you get enough Ana support.
Yesterday I broke my record and got almost 40k damage on a 5-round koth game, playing only D.va. Pretty sure I would not manage to do that on any dps character.
>500+ Hp characters
>Rein shield
>Zarya bubbles
>D.va defense matrix
>Roadhog one hit kill with his hook most DPS
>Ana's grenade
>Lucio's heal boosted by Ana's grenade.
The DPS characters simply can't do enough damage.
Pharah theoretically would do really well against this line up because only Ana is going to hit her, BUT Ana also only has to hit twice and most teams tech 76 instead of Lucio for that exact reason.
The worst thing is that this doesn't have a simple solution.
Simply buffing dps characters would make the game even more retarded.
You can't just remove Ana.
Only thing they can really do is rework D.va and Roadhog (at least). And I mean change them completely. Roadhog is not a tank, he can't tank for shit.
I would just trim some HP and rework shields to regen faster but have lower totals.
>the comp meta is 4 tanks and 2 healers
>fuck winston, fuck mercy, fuck zen, and fuck everyone else
How much Ana grenade's heal boost depends on the targets total hp (HP + ARMOR + SHIELD). So a Tracer would get 100% heal boost while tanks would only get 25%.
A similiar thing for Zenyatta's discord, Tracer would receive the usual +30% damage while tanks would receive +50% damage.
Nerf D.va's HP to what it was before and maybe the tank meta will finally fucking die.
Why are defense heroes utterly worthless in this game?
Because they're character designed around static defenses in a very mobile game
>Lets allow hog to one-shot characters until forever
>Thats surely not going to harm the game
Bastion and Torb are sitting ducks in a game where constant movement is key for success.
Hanzo and Widow can't pull off picks in a meta where they can't oneshot anyone but Ana
Junkrat doesn't have the damage to penetrate any defense, nor the range.
Actually Junkrat is legit on some points. His damage output is insane and he can melt Rein shields.
Of course he still gets shat on by a D.va that knows she should help Rein by eating the nades. Plus he's basically Zarya's charger.
>unironically watching e-sports
Thanks for being a part of the problem.
Pharah also cant do enough damage on her own to even break Rein's barrier, let alone do anything else.
DVA actually single-handedly shuts down all of the defense heroes besides Mei.
The best counter for Dva? Zarya, another fucking tank.
Remind me why they made defense matrix a fucking toggle?
Because she was literal trash before that change.
But then again Ana hadn't been added yet at that point...
Because she wasn't being used enough. So they kept throwing buffs at her so to keep the meta "fresh"
Maybe, MAYBE I'd be fine with the toggle if they didn't give her 100 more fucking HP.
>Because she was literal trash before that change
Before that change, she moved slower when shooting.
Before that change, she had 500 HP.
Bliz is just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, but now that the shit is on the wall, they need to scrape it off.
And despite all this I bet Soldier is the one who gets nerfed becuase he actually is somewhat able to kill the almighty tanks which makes the tank mains cry foul
Sombra should have been the counter to the tank meta but instead they made her complete shit at everything except her ultimate. Blizzard thinks stealth is so anti fun they made her yell after exiting stealth
>8k per round
>impossible with dps characters
learn to aim
Didn't say it was impossible you illiterate
>make a class of dps heroes
>make another class of dps heroes with 3x the health and no real downside
Really makes you.....think...
DPS is defined more by mobility than raw damage.
it's balanced because they only do 80% of the damage a dps hero does
At this point they need to bring back tank bust mcreeee this shit is out of control
I guess I was just dismayed that you could not manage to do that yourself
it was complete trash before then. It was too easy to just bait it out then you have no way to counter the reaper/soldier ult.
Mobility means shit unless it is like tracer's.
T. Genji main
It's all about uptime really, not aim. With D.va you can just stay and shoot all the time even if you get focused (assuming you get healed), with dps characters you can't pressure 100% of the time unless your entire team is pocketing you.
I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying that's how it is.
>ONLY 80%
>but they are the triple durable
really makes me think huh
>what should we do for our dps heroes ultimate skill?
>uhh just some skill that kills everyone
>and what about our tanks sir?
>same thing I guess
10/10 design bluzzurd
The toggle should have a longer cooldown to be honest
see perfectly balanced
honestly, the meta is only like htis because of one person. Ana changed the whole fucking game she's so strong and she's strong enough to make healable damage impossible to heal.
Congratulations, you identified the problem.
Not to mention how armor works compared to raw health.
>he thinks Overwatch has room for balance when it was made to cater to the most casual plebs on the market
>Return my FTH and leave the tank meta to me
Do you do it, Sup Forums?
>ana and widowmaker shit on console because lol controller aim
where were you when an fps was more fun on console than pc?
That's actually a really interesting idea
hell yes I main mccree already.
In another reality.
blizzard has always been absolute ass trash when it comes to balancing.
Sad but true. Why they never hired Icefrog is a mystery.
Bastion just needs a buff and the tank meta is over
>give tanks the ability to one shot every non-tank
>be surprised when the game turns into tank battles
mcree isnt fun as a long range loser
more fun getting in there with fth and blowing fools up
That's simply not the case for soldier and tracer, they can keep themselves alive pretty damn well
honestly unless you are playing at the highest levels the meta doesn't matter much
rarely are two good teams stalemating in one spot for over a minute or two.
>I can't aim with a mouse in the most casual shooter ever made: the post
top kek m8
>make a hitscan call of duty man with decent damage
>make a hitscan hookman that insta-gibs more then half of the cast
>also hitscan hookman has 3 times more health then call of duty
when did i say that?
i'm 3400 rating
>making a certain hero mandatory
this is not how you balance a game user
>good players favor 4 tank teams
>shit players favor 4-6 dps teams
Where are the 4+ healer teams?
Soldier maybe, but a good D.va will constantly get in your face.
He would only be mandatory if the other team is playing more than 2 tanks
It also harder to see then a Rein shield and pops out like 20 feet in front of her, blocking/absorbing everything that hits it.
It's fucking garbage, her amount of utility at this point is just obnoxious. She can tank, harass, kill ults, clear cap points, and basically can't die if the Dva player is halfway good with team support. Then the Roadhog pulls you through a wall of his teamates and you get instagibbed by an Ana nade + roadhog.
My only personal counter to this garbage is getting constant direct hits with Pharah while remaining as mobile as fucking possible. Focus the healers backline and hope to christ my team stays alive long enough for me to kill them.
>3400 when people have reached 5000
You're shit m8
>Overwatch launches
>/owg/ filled with people arguing attack Symmetra/D.Va/Junkrat/Mei/Hanzo are both viable and mildly imba and that Lucio is OP
>They all quickly get revealed as THE worst characters and Mercy is the only support worth playing
>Ana is added and Season 2 starts
>/owg/ is confident that she's shit and that three tanks, post-nerf Mercy, and two dps will be the new meta
>3-4 offence + Ana + Lucio becomes the norm
>Sombra is added and Season 3 starts
>/owg/ is furious that she's overpowered and is certain Symmetra is dogshit still, claims the 3 DPS meta will live on and that Sombra will singlehandedly shut down any hero with shields - including Lucio
>Sombra turns out to be shit, 4 tanks is the norm, Symmetra is borderline imba, and Lucio+Ana are still mandatory
You mean like how Rein has been mandatory since release without even a hint of change?
Isn't 3800 the top 1%? anything over 4000 is like top 5000. 4200+ is top 500.
what rank are you?
>buying nĂ¼-blizzard shit
>3-4 offence + Ana + Lucio becomes the norm
Reinhardt has always been a mandatory pick
you're a fucking idiot
>tracer to deal with both healers and zarya
>zarya and mccree combo to take care of d.va and pick at roadhog
>Liquid use 4 tank 2 support composition
>Lose the matchup vs NRG's 2-2-2 composition
Yes, tanks are certainly "broken" at the moment...
Hence the variable '3-4'.
During that meta everyone picked him on offence everytime, but many wouldn't use him on defense.
Hopefully this results in Roadhogs/Rein nerfs
Dumb heroes for bad players.
Pharah has the worst DPS in the game due to her insanely slow rocket fire rate.
Fuck that.
Where's the spy when you need him
And people were complaining about soldier's slight damage increase like it would nuke all tank
On defence, could a Bastion/Mercy/Rein combo not stop this?
The nature of that group requires them to sort of stick together. Providing the other three members of the team can keep intercepting D.Va or I assume when one of them switches to Genji, Bastion should be able to destroy that Shield, chew through Zarya's, and obliterate them all right?
Considering blizzard specifically designed "Tanks" for no aim no skill retards to walk around without dying I doubt they will buff any DPS.
Ana's grenade will get nerfed at the very least.
As someone who loves playing her, what about D.Va and her boosters? That's some of the best mobility in the entire game.
Casual crap like this is better on console because using a controller adds the only skill the game could have.
Why did they fucking ruin mccrees ult dischrage rate? Its bad enough his ult is absolute hot garbage against any half-decent players but making it such a risk of attempt makes him so god damn worthless fuck i hate how retarded Blizzshit is
Nothing Roadhog has is Hitscan. End this meme.
3500 is now like top 15% because blizzard fucked up this season
Rein/Bastion/Mercy is a gimmick that works in soloq against unorganized people. A team like in OP could use Dva to block shots with her shield, then have Zarya shield her again, giving everyone enough time to bum-rush your position with Lucio's bonus speed.
wow who could have seen this coming
this is what happens when you make a shooter without any good dps classes
god forbid you make a hero who can fucking frag
B-But that one PS4 Lucio player that did good on PC as well!
>Fucking Kotaku made an entire article about that shit
It used to be what helped her stand out. Now she shits damage and is tanky as shit AND is mobile.
The only non-tanks or healers that aren't ass atm are Soldier, McCree, Reaper and Mei. Maybe Symmetra, too.
WM needs to be buffed back to how she was before the nerfs.
buttblasted PC nigger detected