Tell me about final fantasy iv, v, and vi
Tell me about final fantasy iv, v, and vi
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stupid meme game for nostalgia hipster manchildren
FUCK i hate nu males
good classic jrpgs
IV is really good
V is okay but has a good job system
VI is also okay but suffers from that annoying kind of fanbase who hates it when the franchise takes off (thanks to FFVII)
10/10 made my ass clenching in disgust, i fucking hate reddit Sup Forums
ya fuk neo-Sup Forums amirite desufam
Great games when I played ten years ago.
Can't see myself playing them ever again.
From an era when Square was pushing out gold with everything they made
>Chrono Trigger
We will never see a company pull off something like that again. Especially not Square, they're shit now.
>I hate FF8, but like every other Final Fantasy
It's a huge example of mob mentality.
>People on the internet don't like 8
>Therefore I don't like 8
5 > 6 > 4
IV is massively overrated. The gameplay is really shallow even compared to 1-3 but it gets credit for a attempting a story, too bad it's awful.
V has the best gameplay, a fun lighthearted story and some great characters
VI feels the most like an adventure, just an all round great game. The cast feels a little bloated though.
its like if you went to a Sup Forums themed sentence randomizer
or maybe just mash together the most popular words
like holy fuck
FFX was a good game, but it was the beginning of the decline. It was also the last FF game I bought.
autists won't shut up to tell you 4 is 2 and 6 is 3 in America and 5 never came to America like we're living in 1995
a fat asshole told me this and i just wanted to punch him in his face like that's a fun fact anyone could care about when the number is fixed in all rereleases and in everyone's heads
5 did eventually make it to the US, albeit on the PlayStation and not the SNES.
did u kno aeris is a mistranslarion of aerithppth user
Only VI is good.
>completely forgetting Dragon Quest, the far more superior series
Cunt alert
>I play Dragon Quest
>Secret FF fan hyping and saying how much superior Dragon Quest is to make people dislike it, and think it's the Undertale of JRPGs
Go ahead.
Pretty much this. FF VI remains one of the best games I've ever played.
I'll tell you that FFIV got two remakes while FFV and FFVI got crappy mobile versions
They were both re-released on the gameboy advance with updated translations and new monsters.
I want to play iv, v and vi.
After I finish X, I also wait for next year e3, because there was a rumor on neogaf about a nintendo exclusive se-remake.
So that´s why I will play at first iv and v.
which versions should I play?
IV pc or snes?
V Snes or gba with sound and graphics restauration?
Until now I only played FF13 series. For VII I wait until the remakes are out.
IV is cringey soap opera trash
V is one of the best, the job system is great
VI is considered the best FF by most for a reason, it's really good.
FFV was the only truly great one.
Dat party customization.
>plot that makes fuck all sense
I comprehend it, and yet it's retarded.
>fighting battles and leveling up makes you weaker because enemies scale better than you do
This is fucking gay.
>Draw draw draw draw
Or morph morph morph morph, either way it's shit.
>completely worthless main cast, none of whom are worth giving half a fuck about
And I actually sort of liked Hope and Vanille, so my standards are fucking low.
FF8 wasn't the worst game ever but it was a pretty bad entry in the franchise. Also for a game that's supposed to be a love story, it does a terrible job of conveying it. LOOK THEY'RE HUGGING IN SPACE, THAT MEANS THEY CARE. Fuck off. God. FFX had a better love story and that's not saying much.
FF2 is a shit game but at least the story is decent. FF8 is just bad all around.
JP Fujin and Seifer are the only redeeming qualities. Oh, and the soundtrack. It's pretty good. Not the best but it's decent.
ehh future games did it's party system better
I disagree.
>FFX had a better love story
Overall I enjoyed 4 the most. 5 has more fun gameplay but the story is almost nonexistent, the game feels hollow and meaningless as a result. 6 is kind of just mediocre in all departments. I got to the end of it and still didn't feel like I knew any of the characters, and the gameplay is just as shallow as 4's was.
I wish they would do a real re-release of 6, with the original graphics and sound intact and with a good translation. The GBA version is shit.
>Enemies scale better than you do
No they don't
>Draw draw draw draw
Don't draw or morph. Once you get going in the game, you do it less and less.
>completely worthless main cast, none of whom are worth giving half a fuck about
How is that any different from FFVI?
>plot that makes fuck all sense
Welcome to Final Fantasy. VIII made just as much sense as VII or X
>which versions should I play?
PSP version of 4. The art style of the graphics feels very slightly sub-par, but overall it's pretty good.
GBA version of 5. Don't bother with the sound patch, it just replaces one set of shitty inaccurate sounds with another.
Play the ds version of IV if you want a bit more of a challenge.
IV is extremely dated as shit and so slow and I struggle playing the snes version
V still has one of the best battle systems in the series
I think the gba version of V was one of those odd cases where the new music was actually better. I think it's just because the snes music was so simple by comparison.
Square didn't produce DQ back then retard. Can you be more new?
The DS version also features the most faithful translation
Posts like this make me pride myself a bit in having no idea what the hell a nu-male is supposed to be.
Hate these flavor of the month buzzwords you shitposters keep coming up with and want to retroactively apply to everything.
They're all good games. IV is rather linear in structure and character growth, V and VI are way more freeform and with more side content. Especially V, I'd say. Also one of the best implementations of the Job system, if not THE best.
One is shit, the other is shitter and the other is shit as well.
Take your pick, they all fall into that category.
Don't forget tactics and secret of Mana and secret of evermore among others
ok thanks then I will stick with the gba version.
isn´t the ds version the same as the steam version?
>i go into threads about games I don't like and whine about how I don't like those games
V > VI > IV
they suck dick and in 4 there aren't even any item or attack descriptions even though the names are too big to show on the screen
it is all literal guesswork
They are video game that you can play
I want to play as much of the FF series as I can. I have a GBA, SNES, DS and PS1 emulator. What are the best versions available for each game and which one is recommended most? I'm already playing VI on snes.
Operating from the assumption that you have no other way to play the games than a PC:
I and II - Either the PS1 Origins version if you want authenticity, or the Dawn of Souls [or better yet, the PSP versions] if you don't mind gameplay differences, like I being stripped of its Vancian Magic system in favor of a normal MP system.
III - There's no other recent version I can recall apart from the DS one, which the PC version is based on.
IV - There's a PSP version that follows the updated 2D sprite treatment of I and II, and a DS version remade in full low-poly 3D. Personally I like the former better, but the latter is said to have more challenging gameplay, and I'm also led to believe it also has quite a few gameplay differences
V and VI - The GBA version patched with the SNES soundtrack, so you can make use of the extra content the GBA ports add without being saddled with the lower quality audio. Avoid the Android/PSP remakes of them like the plague, it ruins the artstyle completely.
VII, VIII, IX - Easily emulated, there are also Steam versions that actually sell you the game bundled with cheats to skip progression because Square likes to remind us of how far the mighty have fallen
X - It can be emulated on PC, with a little bit of slowdown here and there but nothing that quite kills it.
XI - I mean, it is a PC game
XII - Same as X, not perfect emulation but perfectly functional.
The XIII line - They all have PC versions on Steam. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
1 & 2 - The PS1 Origins versions. Retains the original magic system of FF1 before all versions from GBA onwards replaced it with a casual-friendly MP sytsm. Also provides a nice and tastefully done visual upgrade over the NES originals.
3 - Have never played it, would guess that the DS version is solid though.
4 - PSP or DS versions. Both are very different for obvious reasons. PSP version is closer to the original game, with an improved translation and nicer visuals, DS is a complete remake, and also has a higher difficulty level. Would recommend playing the PSP version first then the DS version if you are still interested.
5 & 6 - There is no clear "best" choice for these, or even a good choice, all versions are heavily flawed. Original SNES version of FF6 is acceptable, just bare in mind that the translation is horrible. GBA version has better translation but fucks up the game in so many ways (shitty sound, horribly brightened the color pallet to look good on the non-backlit screen of the original GBA, smaller screen space, added slowdown). 5 is basically the same deal except you're choosing between the PS1 and GBA versions, which are genuinely both shit.
7, 8 and 9 - Just emulate the original versions. The PC versions of 7 and 8 have drawbacks over the originals (mostly music and performance issues, plus the steam version of 7 requires an online login to play) but no real improvements. Hven't tried the new PC version of 9, but I think it's an iOS port which usually isn't a good sign.
10 - Emulate PS2, avoid HD edition like the plague.
its hard to believe these were gold standards of excellence, really pushing the envelope of visuals, narrative, interaction, I remember clearly how incredible they were at the time
now they are bland, suspended only by a good soundtrack, in all other ways they have been surpassed and replaced
5 is the only one you should consider playing NOW, as its the only one with lots of player choice. 4+6 are just 'level your characters up and see the plot'
Good to know I have access to a large chunk of the mainline series but I'm a mobilefag and plan to play these on my android during the slower hours of work so no PC ports for me. Which one would you anons recommend if I want story>music>gameplay>graphics?
You might be underselling it a bit user, I'm not sure if a game where you ride a whale-shaped spaceship to go to the moon and fight an alien that wants to destroy the world with a giant robot made from the Tower of Babel quite constitutes blandness.
Nor the game where the villain is a literal tree that has an insanely goofy samurai as a minion.
Nor the game where the world actually is almost completely destroyed 3/4ths of the way through.
FFXI is the best Final Fantasy. If you didn't play it, you missed out on the greatest gaming adventure of all time
Too subjective a metric, I fear no one will be able to tell you which one has the best story, and it's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. They all have something to offer, with the possible exception of I, whose story is literally "the world crystals are somehow waning in power, go fix them".
thats a bad order of preference, because they all have average stories and above average music
if you want the NES ones, play 1
if you want the SNES ones, play 5
if you want the PS ones, play 7
these are the ones that give you the meaningful moments, the others are also good but don't have that iconic FF feeling
many people claim FF4 was the best FF overall, but that's only true if you see it as a direct upgrade from FF1. It's not an 'upgrade' anymore, and thus will feel antiquated
a sad song for FF4's passing
Babby's first 2D FF.
The mobile versions of Final Fantasy games are all terrible, especially 5 and 6 with their pointlessly butchered visuals. If you must pick one then go with 7.
Well one must also remember that Retroarch exists and has an Android version, which can be used to emulate all games from I to VI for the earlier systems.
Ok, in that case I'll play V on snes and IV on DS, thanks anons.
They are all fantastic games, anyone who says otherwise is a troll who should be filtered.
>I'll play V on snes
Hope you can speak Japanese.
Why are people shitting on IV? What the fuck.
How do you fix the emulator slowdown on V with the music patch on?
Come to think of it, IV and V are very good entry points. One has fairly linear character progression and a story that attempts to be more serious and grave [not that it quite succeeds 100% of the time], while the other has a lot more lighthearted, adventurous tone and a very open character leveling system that allows you to freely assign and swap classes to your party, and mix and match them as you choose.
VI has the best music and story of the three, but the gameplay is pretty easy. One of the directors of this went on to direct Chrono Trigger, VII, and VIII. The other one went on to direct IX and took over XII midway into development.
V has decent music and story, and decent, customizable gameplay. This is the last game Sakaguchi directed until The Last Story.
IV is like VI, but slightly worse in all aspects except maybe gameplay, but still very good.
The GBA versions all naturally have slowdown, that's just the emulator being accurate. Also, the music patch is terrible, don't use it.
then what do I do
What's the best remaster of 6's OST?
I dunno brah. Switch to the SNES version of 5 with fan-translation patch? Or just play the PS1 version and deal with the loading times.
One way or another, if you want to play FF5 you will have to eat some variety of shit.
There's an English patch for the SNES version if it bothers you that much.
All great games.
They are easily the best behind ff9 and ff7.
4 is fun and I liked it
5 is kind of shit and broken in a lot of dumb ways
6 is amazing if you grab a patch that actually makes it hard
What emulator are you using? also, there's no reason not to use the music patch, I would recommend it.
You could always play the iOS/Android/Steam version if you don't mind the absolute ugliness of it.
4 is the worse. 5 is heavily underrated. 6 is good.
>there's no reason not to use the music patch
Except that it actually sounds worse than the GBA audio in many situations.
You forgot
>Secret of Mana
>Secret of Evermore
>Super Mario RPG
I think I'm the only one who prefers the DS version of IV, I tried playing the GBA one originally but it felt like the defense stat didn't work at all. You'd get into battle with some group and just get mostly wiped out in a single aoe hit.
visual boy advanced. I can show you what I mean in a sec
Only DQVIII and DQIX are good
is there anyway to play in english besides a mobile port?
GBA version
the best ones
It's not flavor of the month though, stop pretending to be an oldfag
here it is without the patch playing perfectly fine
and here it is with patch playing slow as fuck
I know the patch disclaimer says this can happen, but I want a solution instead of me importing the rom to an actual fucking gba cart and playing it on that.
You are actually correct, my apologies. It's more like flavor of the semester.
First there was beta a couple years ago, but at least that wasn't TOO bad.
Then someone came up with cuck, and oh, wouldn't you look at it, it just so happens that EVERYTHING constitutes cucking, we just didn't knew it before, isn't that convenient.
Now nu-male is starting to crop up, whatever it is supposed to be.
>stop pretending to be an oldfag
>implying implications
They were all worse than their Dragon Quest counterparts.
>It's not flavor of the month though
Surely you're jesting