A lot of people have been talking about how powerful the Switch is. There is speculation...

A lot of people have been talking about how powerful the Switch is. There is speculation, but there has not been a good comparison game to make to get a sense of what it could be. Square released this earlier:


I think this is a perfect comparison due to both games being cartoony, as well as being in a similar setting. It is worth noting Zelda is 1st party, and DQ is 3rd party. Looking at the two is night and day. Its clear Switch is way less powerful than PS4. People will be quick to jump in and say Square said DQ11 might be on switch depending on sales of the system, but its clear it will be a port of the 3DS version most likely allowing you to switch between artsyles since Switch could not run the PS4 version.

This will be bad for nintendo and switch owners because again they will not want to remake their game just for switch. Most 3rd party saying they love the switch and putting games on will be easy are probably indie devs. The same thing occurred with WiiU before indie devs dropped that as well.

Let's discuss this.

Other urls found in this thread:


We already knew it was significantly less powerful than PS4. The real question is by how much. The core capabilities of the Tegra X1 and the Tegra Parker are well known. Obviously Nintendo will be using a customized version of whichever one they choose, but I don't think it will stray too far from the core capabilities.

who cares, Switch is portable and im not going to play it on a tv, a full-fledged new Zelda on portable is the biggest selling point for me

>Its clear Switch is way less powerful than PS4.

Well, no shit, Sherlock. There's nothing to discuss. The last time they tried to directly compete on specs, that was the Gamecube, and they got clobbered.

It doesn't matter because the PS4 isn't a portable and yes tablets are portables. You clearly don't get out much if you disagree (and most of Sup Forums does not get out much).

Switch is a portable that may be nearly or on par with xbone and that's amazing. Zelda btw is a Wii U port

GB, GBA, DS, 3DS had them as well.

Either way don't expect 3rd parties to make games for it.

>may be nearly or on par with xbone
Look at the OP picture, its clearly not.

>Playing games portably on anything other than a phone

Enjoy getting judged

Oh yeah, it's gonna be real amazing to play your "portable" game system for 2 hours before it runs out of power.

Zelda art style should be like DQ XI.
The way it is seems very lazy and an upgraded WW style.
Meanwhile DQ XI might be the best art style I've seen, just like DQ VII. They actually improved a lot. But Nintendo never learns.

>Either way don't expect 3rd parties to make games for it.
I don't disagree with you much here. I think the best case scenario for Nintendo would be to absorb the kind of third party stuff that made its way to the Vita and 3DS. There may be some downgraded ports early on of mainline stuff, but I expect that to dry up when they don't sell just like Wii U.

Eh, fine by me. I've got a PS4, a PC, and a 3DS if I want to play third-party games.

DQ is a rigid turn based rpg
Zelda is an action game with lots of interactions

DQ is made for ps4 hardware
Zelda is made for Wii U hardware

They both look pretty shitty in those screenshots and they both look way better in the trailers. Though the DQ game probably does look a bit better.

I'm really not a fan of the Zelda art style, looks very blurry and hazy. I'd rather them go with the clean lines like in the DQ game you posted.

Did you even see the video?

>GB, GBA, DS, 3DS had them as well.
not as good as BOTW

>its clearly not
I guess PS4 isn't even on par with 360 then when games run at 4 frames per second

Its funny how this meme goes from 30, to 25, to 24, to 18, to now single digits.

It's not a meme, TLG really chugs at that speed

You guys do know that DQ XI is coming to Switch, right?


This. I've seen it happen.

I'm not a console warring faggot, so I'm going to be generous and assume it's a massive glitch that'll be ironed out soon via patch.

Yes? All they show is a Xenoblade-like overworld with monsters standing here like chess pieces.

Honestly it looks like something the Wii U could run and I feel pretty confident that the Switch will be more powerful that the Wii U though probably not as powerful as the PS4.

>People will be quick to jump in and say Square said DQ11 might be on switch depending on sales of the system, but its clear it will be a port of the 3DS version most likely allowing you to switch between artsyles since Switch could not run the PS4 version.

>Either way don't expect 3rd parties to make games for it.
Define "3rd parties" because if you mean the big publishers why the fuck would you want to play them on consoles anyway

You didn't see the video, or were unaware of the combat in 3D DQ games.

See, this is why I see the Switch as a beautiful thing.

He wants to play a console game portably? This system means we both can buy the same game and play it wherever we want. He can only play it outside of the house, for whatever reason, and I can play it only within my house, and we both get to play the same game.

I will never buy anything for the DS or 3DS (nor the PSP or Vita for that matter), because they are proprietary handheld systems. I could at least contemplate getting a Switch.

yeah they can just iron that out. a game that's been developed for a decade. a few more months will do it.

>Anonymous 12/17/16(Sat)14:29:59 No.36097
I agree.

I think you're forgetting one thing:

You're using Zelda BotW, a game that was developed primarily for Wii U's hardware. Aunoma is keeping the visuals the same on both consoles because he doesn't want to discourage and give a worse version of the game to Wii U users.

So, you're comparing a Wii U game to a PS4 game, and even if they have the same artstyle, with same setting, it's an unfair comparison you're doing, for Switch. If you want to see at how powerful Switch is capable to render, use this footage instead.


We still have no idea about Switch's specs., and anything we say about it is useless and speculation, including what you're doing, exactly.

Saying it's a meme implies that it's a joke, user. It's bug-related performance issues, but still.


I read through that whole article and don't see that quote anywhere in there.


>upgraded WW style

it looks worse than wind waker. wind waker has less detail in its environments but it still looks visually superior.

In addition to what people are pointing out that the game was originally developed for the Wii U's hardware, you're also using a screenshot comparison where the Switch is a photograph of an onscreen display and the PS4 is a direct capture shot. BotW is also a vast open world game with tons of interactible objects which is much more taxing on hardware.

Give me a link then because OP's video shows nothing.

I won't comment on Zelda, but as a DQ fan, I genuinely don't like the way DQ XI looks

It looks like they took DQ styled character models and stuck them in a generic UE4 pre made asset environment

When I think of what a modern DQ would look like, I see something more along the lines of Ni No Kuni

Do you really think Switch can run the game on the bottom when the top one is what nintendo is using to sell the system?

Yes. That pic is absolute dogshit the trailer looks much better.


This looks like xbox/ps4 level, if this fotage is real the switch will really be something to fear.

This looks way better than DQXI.

Well, we know it can run this game: We probably shouldn't be using a literal Wii U port as a metric of how powerful the Switch is.

This is unreal engine 4 right? The same shit KH3 is using yet this looks miles better, why Japan can only do shit anime graphics like DQXI nowdays, at least Zelda try to get close to Miyazaki style wich is objectively good.



But that's not Switch's power, it's Wii U's. Was already said that the BOTW would be the same on both consoles

>its clear it will be a port of the 3DS version most likely allowing you to switch between artsyles since Switch could not run the PS4 version.

It's not out yet you fucking retard.

There no way the Switch is runing this, it looks better than the Last Guardian.

the two guys in the switch one have way better graphics than the ps4 game.

wasn't BotW axed for WiiU?

>giving a shit about what random people (he'll never see again) think of him
fucking normals lol



>we know
>based on nintendo bullshots

This is how you identify low level sonynigger trolls.

At least the OP had the idea of same fagging the first 10 replys.

Here's actual gameplay footage.

Looks like the top image.

Yep, that trailer from a 3rd-party dev certainly is just a bunch of Nintendo bullshots, user.

If this is real and the switch is priced at 250$ it could potentially become the new king this generation.

>this footage of a Wii U game running on a Wii U illustrates the power of the Switch


none of the 2D games will ever compare though

Not all developers are Sony user.

In two days we'll see its a point and click which requires the smallest amount of processing power, or a massive downgrade.

The only difference between the Switch and Wii U versions is framerate.

Well clearly those graphics aren't pre-rendered because there's some massive pop-in at one point lel, so I don't know how it being a point and click game would change anything.

>source: my ass

No shit, it's a port of the Wii U game.

True, Sony's games at launch look like their reveal trailer, while nintendo's look like a completely different budget game.

Did I imply anything else?

Its amazing how close this is to WiiU's launch.
>here are some trailers of games
>omg that looks amazing nintendo made a dream
>game comes out and looks nothing like what people expected
>well graphics don't matter
>no third parties touch the system

>Aunoma is keeping the visuals the same on both consoles because he doesn't want to discourage and give a worse version of the game to Wii U users


You know, just wait a month and you can compare DQ PS4 with DQ Switch

There's only three differences between them: the framerate (which is something Zelda 3D is not good at handling it), the draw distance, and the supposed "better visuals", said by Aunoma. For the rest, everything is the same.

Oh, and don't forget Wii U users have the ability to get the game for free. :^)

>Its clear Switch is way less powerful than PS4
This should be a given considering it's a tablet
Only the delusional expected otherwise. The Switch will be lucky to be more powerful than the Wii U

Never heard the definition of tech demo, friend?


I have. We can agree the actual version of that bullshot video won't look any good.

Unlike most developers Nintendo does not like to fuck over his customers.

They were the first to make Pro versions of consoles.

You have to be kidding

Region lock, amiibo, $60 hd ports, censorship, no DVD player, THE WII

Why is Link right handed in this trailer?

Nintendo is basically standardizing the idea of having to buy a secondary, traditional controller for every console they release. Back in the 90s they were sued over price fixing. They tied digital purchases to the physical machine instead of a server-based account system. Nintendo is probably the most anti-consumer of the three major console companies.

Everyone watch this video right now.


>far cry 3: zelda edition
this is hilarious, its just going to be an open world where you take down rando packs of enemies and forts and it will probably have absolutely shit dungeons, since no open world game can get anything right.

Also its being developed by the xenoblade guys, at least the open world aspects, so you would think it would be decent, but it looks like they are just phoning it the fuck in lmao

Are you trying to bait us? Why sonynigger love to act retarded as a way to bait, there better ways to bait without sacrificing your intellectual presence user.

Everibodty knows that sony is the king of bullshots since the ps3 gen.

To tell you how bad it was, every single ps3 game had bullshots, every single one but God of War 3 somehow.

If we could get a rate, Sony bullshots are around 90% while Nintendo is 10% at worst, hell sometimes the end product ends up looking better than what was shown half the time, Metroid Prime, Punch Out Wii, Mario Galaxy, and Bayonetta 2 come to mind.

Why is nintendo allowed to do bullshots? How is this not illegal?
>all the dislikes on this video

Wow bad timing, BTFO.

All companies are corrupt, Sony and Microsoft are no stranger to these tactics.

Yet who keeps on propegating and encouraging these companies to do this. You and the weak-minded consumer base.

If you aren't willing to smear yourself in tar and feathers and march around the outside of NoA HQ, then all you're doing right now is mindless bitching

Literally no one cares.
I play my 3DS on the subway every day and no one cares.
I often see others with their 3DS as well.

> The Switch will be lucky to be more powerful than the Wii U
Now this is delusional

Its completely reasonable. Both verions of zelda look alike, and the wiiu version is possibly cancelled.

Exactly. It's only as powerful as a 360

This portable gimmick is going to ruin the power of this handheld

>Nintendo downgraded one game and we should sue them
>but it's okay when literally everyone else does it

I hope you can read, because I say 10%.

I do realise Nintendo bullshots too from time to time, Xenoblade is the biggest one Nintendo pulled besides Twilight Princess and Wonderful 101.

there is literally nothing wrong with half-generation consoles
it's just about shitty feelings that console owners have
>I want what's best, even if it's shit
>release something new, but what you still have is still the same level of quality it was before
>wtf why are people owning something better than me I don't want to have to spend more money!!!

you people are sincerely retarded

>>but it's okay when literally everyone else does it
Who the fuck are you quoting? This board is beyond intolerant of bullshots.

Fucking retard.

How powerful Switch is doesn't matter to me at all.
I have a PC I can play any multiplats on, and a PS4 for Dragon Quest XI, if that happens to be the best version.
Even if Switch had every game ever, I still would only get its exclusives

BLACKB0ND stop shilling your shit videos here.

>Sony and Microsoft are no stranger to these tactics.
A large part of the reason why Sony and Microsoft waltzed right in and took over Nintendo's market share was that they had far more favorable terms to publishers and developers. Both of them were charging half the rate of platform royalties that Nintendo was until several years into the Gamecube's lifespan. It was only a few cents each to buy CDs from Sony, whereas Nintendo was charging ~$10 for a cartridge on the N64. Even going back to Sega, when the Genesis got a foothold in the US and started taking off, publishers jumped at the opportunity to get away from Nintendo.

>Even if Switch had every game ever, I still would only get its exclusives
Wouldn't you rather play those exclusives on your PC?
If you stop supporting Nintendo, they'll go 3rd party

It's absolutely not reasonable, there's a ton of ports on the PS4 and Xbox One, does that suggest that they are only as powerful as a PS3 and a 360? No, why should a port suggest what a system can do? Nintendo would never cancel a Zelda game for the Wii U, it's all some made up rumor to stir up console wars bullshit
> It's only as powerful as a 360
That simply cannot be true, if it was then we would be seeing Zelda running about the same as the Wii U version and it clearly isn't. There are games coming to that system that cannot be played on those systems anyway like the Skyrim remaster, the new Sonic game and even Dragon Quest