How can you be a legendary operative with 180 IQ, years of solo black op experience...

How can you be a legendary operative with 180 IQ, years of solo black op experience, and be so fucking surprised by everything?

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Surprised, huh?


Oh boy

You can be incredibly smart and NOT know what the future tells?
>I.e. Kojima is going re-write the 2 Metal Gear game now with 3d so people can play the game and not have to pull the ol' famicom.
>>Each game later he/big boss says, "Kept you waiting, huh?" or some variation of thus.

>You can be incredibly smart and NOT know what the future tells?
That's clearly not what OP implied, dumbass.

Shitty localization that just translated what was given to them. The Japanese have some retarded cultural thing where they have to make sure everyone's talking about the same thing constantly, which is why Snake repeats everything back as a question.

In Japanese it makes him look professional. In English it makes him look retarded.

that's because you, the player, are dumb and need a tutorial

>In Japanese it makes him look professional. In English it makes him look retarded.
That's funny.

Because he's not an operative, he's an actor playing an operative for all the dumb kids who couldn't comprehend what's going. That's the problem with all those moviesque games - the writing is only decent for the target demographic and everyone else finds it shit. There's no room for immersion, there's no room for your own thoughts.

It's so funny to find all the inconstitencies and plot holes in the MGS games after Phantom Pain came out


Mantis channeled the most passionately resentful person nearby, he wasn't willingly helping anyone.

affirmative action for a poc, even if hes only half jap

>Because he's not an operative, he's an actor playing an operative
He by definition was an operative regardless of the overhead, plus he has a legit history, not a simulated one like Raiden.


He wasn't willing?

user is trying to be meta, because they didn't get an actual operative to voice snake instead of an actor

>caring about MGS story past 3
Kojima didn't so why should anyone else.

just listen to Ocelot's chat with Big Boss about him in one of the hidden tapes

He did save Liquid though. Pretty sure he did that on his own.

Or else that means that Liquids burning white hot resentment manifested itself in teleporting disease goo out of his throat. Where it was previously along the lines of making giant robots go mad and try to smash fake dad.

i forgot. did snake train in VR? when was it developed?

he feasted on volgin's hate (can't remember how that works since he was pretty much donezo) and was drawn to the just woken up snake and his phantom pain/hate. later Eli is such an edgelord that upon coming close to psycho mantis, psycho mantis forsakes the burning man for Eli

no idea why the fuck would they bring Eli on board the helicopter

It's just Japanese anime-style writing.

A mgs 1 thread?!

How can you be smart if you dont ask questions?

>Or else that means that Liquids burning white hot resentment manifested itself in teleporting disease goo out of his throat. Where it was previously along the lines of making giant robots go mad and try to smash fake dad.
was that actually in the game, or was it in the cut content? I can't remember.
Maybe he means that he helped Snake and Meryl for selfless reasons, while sparing Liquid was pragmatic.


The Japanese like to make every character in their stories retarded for some odd reason.

i'd do anything to get that burger now

I mean, it was cut, but not because it wasn't narratively-fitting, they just didn't finish it for release as I understand it. So it may as well be canon I reckon. Otherwise Liquid fucking off with a giant robot and then ??? and then Metal Gear Solid 1 doesn't make all that much sense.

cut content. Eli had reached puberty so the vocal chord parasite had begun infesting him so he had to either suffer a napalm death or shoot himself. but our magic lil guy could extract the disease from him, thus wiping out the strain (or the whole parasite species, can't remember)

That burger, huh?


>learning japanese
>finding out that a shitload of these words are unspecific as fuck.

Man, they must really have a lot of misunderstandings happen daily
I hope I eventually learn to master this.

>what is context