Name a better tactical game

Name a better tactical game

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As much as I love the game, most of the classes and skills were useless and more or less copies of each other.

And most of the maps boiled down to building up TP and then spamming special moves on the leader to end the map

That or archers and ninjas everywhere

This game has a lot of default, but goddamn if I didn't spend hours on it. Not a single regret, it was awesome.

Everything except the gameplay is wonderful about LUCT. Art is phenomenal (not the sprites, the actual art), music is probably one of the best vidya OSTs of all time, story is legit, characters and dialogue are all great

But the game is a drag to play. I only play because I want all that other stuff, not because the game itself is fun.

Leveling is retarded, spells suck, the slot system is lazy as fuck, chaos frame is too annoying to keep track of, etc

That's jsut your playing style.

I focus on enemies by their distance to my fighters. Closest first and advance.

I also don't use TP attacks.

Fuck that, Tactics Ogre thread.

I've been playing March of the Black Queen lately. It's cool. Apparently alignment is important, but I'm pretty much ignoring it. I probably won't do another playthrough for other endings.

I also still need to finish CODA in LUCT. I went through Palace of the Dead and it kinda worn me out.

Actually yes, that is true.
The TP mechanic and the sheer amount of grinding was a problem.
What bothered me most was most of the magic was just more or less the same too.

Then you're handicapping yourself. Which is fine, BTW. But the game seems to revolve around either being OP or else giving yourself handicapps that just prolong the battles without really making them more difficult.

However, to be fair, I'm talking from when I started the game from fresh. I might try and do some of the post game stuff fully, actually.

Yesht there's not much difference in magic besides name and color. Their damage and basic attack remained the same.

That's what bothered me a lot about the game in terms of physical damage too.
Most of the physical classes seemed to be the same to the point I just used magic to go through most of the game.

I mean I like the idea of terror knights and regular knights but at the end of the day I ended up possibly misusing them. Or maybe they're just terribly weak until endgame?

>Catiua loves her brother
>oh boy, this game might be interesting
>adopted daughter

Throw the devs in boiling oil.

>tartaros gets away

Instead of a sequel, or even an FFT2, square would rather spend 10 years developing completely mediocre garbage.

Fuck Squeenix. No wonder Matsuno, Yoshida and Sakimoto bounced

>thinking there was gonna be incest plotlines

she clung to him because everyone else in their family was dead she didn't want the d

Alignment is super important mostly because it is a requirement for advancing in classes

Only things that matter are Lord's alignment (for certain quests and the endings), and for liberating cities (doing it with low ALI units tanks your reputation)

>she didn't want the d
she absolutely 100% wanted the d

Still entertaining though., It requires self handicapping to make the game interesting, sadly. But depending how far you wanna handicap yourself, you can make some itneresting battles.

that crafting system though... Holy fuck what a shit pile

>you will never play multiplayer Knight of Lodis because nobody knows it exists and you have no friends

Give an example of handicapps you'd use yourself or would consider fun.
I'm looking for ideas. I tend to either get bored around chapter 2 or else just wtfpwn everything with magic and monster classes.

well, avoid using TP based magic. Stick to using weapons and restrict your mages and clerics to healing or stunning enemies.

I also focus on eleminating all drones before attacking the main target in each map to lengthen the battle.

I also play the game in bursts when I have small downtimes at work, so it makes it interesting for me to follow this playstyle

Knights are actually only useful early game and I guess it has some situational usage on Denam for the 1v1 fights

The problem with TO is that the damage characters, notably archers and ninja, scale positively through the game, but defensive characters do not to nearly the same degree. That dual wielding ninja will melt the knight easily no matter how strong his defence is, and unlike the ninja that knight isn't contributing shit anyway because his damage is poor and utility is not nearly as useful as raw damage (why valkyries are also bad)

The 'meta' of TO is just go full glass cannon and most physical classes don't fit that

Well, maybe I should pay more attention then. Right now I'm only using 6-7 units per map, so some get kinda overleveled, like my MC and Lans, both of which have 0 alignment. Should I be aiming to balance out uses among my entire army, or can I just use a select few like any other SRPG?

I assume reputation affects the ending? I don't care much about that.

There's really nothing setting the physical classes apart other than whether or not they can use magic thanks to weapon skills. TP was a decent idea but the costs are too high and the special attacks are disproportionately powerful to ever use the shit that is supposed to actually set each class apart. Why waste TP setting up obstacles and disables when you can just instantgib enemies when you hit 100?

My biggest gripe with the PSP version is how biased it is to the law route. The main notable trait of the game is that all the perks of the chaos/neutral routes are now available for the law route, and all the new characters bar one are on lawful and also CODA follows on from lawful only. To my knowledge neutral gets literally nothing except that characters aren't GUARANTEED to leave when you go on it, and chaos gets one fairly irrelevant necromancer NPC and a 'climb 100 floors' dungeon

fire emblem ..............4 and 5................


Its not just the defensive ones, utility characters like the cleric are fucking garbage too thanks to how much they nerfed healing magic, which is half of knight's niche too. After a certain point you're just better off buying 99 scrolls of the scroll to banish undead and having a rogue throw potions at everyone instead.

Jagged Alliance 2
Battle Brothers
Close Combat series

Worst crafting system I've ever seen in a video game.

Neutral / Chaos are the only routes where you can recruit all four Phoraena sisters.

I am genuinely stunned it got to release like that

Did ANYONE even test that shit?

I think valkyries are pretty good. They have that 0 TP use skill, allowing them to use level 2 summons for free.

Anything works really. I can only remember a few battles in the early-midgame that had any sort of difficulty. The real problem with knights is how slow they are.

Jagged Alliance 2 with v1.13 is quite possibly the best tactical turn based game ever made. It's fucking criminal how overlooked it is.

Isn't that only chaos?

Silent Storm and SS Sentinels are best games in the genre, debate me. You can. But it's futile

Are there any similar games to this story/tone wise? I really liked the gritty atmosphere it had while also not falling into edgy territory where all moralfags get massively shit on and the narrative is really unsympathetic to them, which is a common flaw in those kinds of settings for me.

Only one I can really think of is FFT and maybe Front Mission, and has a linear story, with Ramza being basically Chaos Denam again

I think it was probably the favorite route of the devs. Chaos isn't bad but after playing FFT it just kind of feels like a prototype for it. Neutral absolutely irredeemably blows. Law sets Denam up as a redeemed villain, something I can't say a lot of other games ever do.

It's not really overlooked for strategy/RPG fans it's a cult classic.

It's missing the strategy element from JA2. The building destruction is god tier though.

while tactics ogre is (most likely) my favorite tactics game, i still prefer the ogre battles to the actual "tactics" one.
i dont know, it just feels like the alignments and jobs work better in group skirmishes, rather than individual (more boring) units

that being said, theres a short fucking list of unit based tactics games, and they're pretty much at the top

Well, that was easy.

Have you played OB64? How similar/different is it from MofBQ?

I preferred FF Tactics, mainly due to the smaller scale battles and the fact that you could mix classes. In Ogre most of the classes felt like complete shit and then there's that awful crafting system

i heard the game has some sort of time limit build in, true ?

Jagged Alliance 2.

Ogre Battle 64 was superior in every way

at its core its the same mechanically. units you kinda gear up, thrown in groups of 6ish, running around as little chibi sprites on a large map. the art probably is the most drastic change. they went from cool simplified units, to somewhat cute 3d rendered versions of them

other than that though, your units are now placed on a 3x3 grid instead of just in a group, and each column prefers to attack the one in front of it if it can, preferring the closest row. the row they are placed in though determines what kind of attack they use (blademasters doing 3 normal attacks in the front row, but 2 wind based ranged ones in the back, shit like that)

its basically more of the same, and if you liked the story of black queen, or get into the protags story in this one, its a slightly to massively improved sequel. either way, it is better than black queen though, if you get around its new cutesy look

Sounds cool. I'll definitely play it at some point.

i forgot to mention, one complaint.
while there are many more unique units, and named versions of standard units. they arnt all good, and some are actually better when you say "fuck your unique job, you're using this shit one", which gets rid of their special model. its mostly early game ones (EX named girl cleric, being better as generic priest) but its still pretty annoying

still, overall improvement in every way

Here's a better one.

Name a SRPG that isn't just about numbers. Where you actually need a good strategy to win.

Mahniggas. OB64 top fucking percentage.

Only thing that's a real pain in the dick is the Chaos Frame system but the game is 100% worth it. I'm still upset the Ogre series is dead.

Baby come back.

Jagged Alliance 2

FE Conquest on lunatic has some moments like that. I know, it's FE, but still. Chapter 10 I think it was, where you have to defend the port town for some amount of turns was absolutely brutal. It took a lot of tries to beat, and each time I got slightly further. I liked that I had to gradually evolve my strategy.

Anyway, maybe difficulty is key in making strategy actually important.

Nigga please.


You can have top of the line soldiers with max stats or arbitrarily high stats and they will still drop like flies if you're shit at the game.

I know its tactics ogre, but what version is that?

>ugly boring military man game with generic story
>beautifully crafted game with an original and interesting setting

>drop like flies if you're the RNG fucks with you

>no mention of mechanics whatsoever
rly makes you think....

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Singing Force

im pretty sure you ment Shining force

That sounds awful

I can't seem to get into Tactics/Ogre Battle for some reason, I've downloaded the snes version of LUCT a while ago and so far battles are slow and boring, just like in Knight of Lodis (I finished this one, but I shamelessly spammed summons with 2 or 3 mages on everything and recharged their mana with a warlock since it takes ages to kill enemies).

I'm pretty much at the start of the game, and right after I finished a 30+ minutes Skirmish I got thrown into another.

>It's just 4 enemies
>it should be quick
>they take no damage at all
>mfw they procced to 2 shot every single one of my units.
>forgot to save

You can do every Coda thing on Chaos even looting Ambicion, getting the extra ending with the Xenobians and have the dead characters dialogue (Vyce and Ozma).

Neutral is the only route doomed because Guildas dies.

The only real choice between Law and Chaos is what you want to farm after Episode 4 is over, Necroprentice or KC marks.

I would go for Necro because it is a generic job and there other sources for KC marks.

They are supposed to represent different types of combat and at different abstraction levels, hard to compare, but the tactical aspects of JA2 isn't all that its said to be by Sup Forums even though it has an impressive level of detail.

Mobas sound awful to me. To each his own

Sounds like you just don't like SRPGs. They're always slow.



Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together

jagged alliance, ez

While i love TO storyline and and the limited brancing you have FFT and Disgaea 2 DHD have better mechanics.

Posted my savefile before someone say im a FFTfag (i like both).

The only tactical maneuver you need in JA2 is line up your team like you are in a shooting range and kill all the enemies running into you.



Sorry for the caps

Jesus Christ. I thought I had a lot of playtime with 300 hours.

>not minimizing risk at all times

before anyone mentions ffta


There is no SRPG slower than Knight of Lodis, not only the pace is bad but the game have even framerate issues...

And to top things the same training mode cheese you can do to destroy LUCT SNES works on this game and this time you will need it to get the A+ ending.

Btw if you don't know the exploit if you use two characters and have them constantly to kill each other on Training Mode you will be able to finish the game on 100% on 20 hours.

Fallout Tactics. Why? Because I like it the most.

It's really about the same. The main difference is that it checks the accuracy roll to determine whether you crit or not.

cop out answer
JA2 blows most so called strategy RPGs out of the water in both the strategic and tactical aspect. Combat may be abstracted but it's far more complex with simulated ballistics, cover, morale, suppression, and interrupts which keep it fresh even today. The only comparable series is classic X-COM.

I love jrpgs and have a godly patience for them however im confused somewhat as to the job skill system in LUCT.

Like in FFT every class has their unique skills however in LUCT after a few battles I noticed strange skills that seemed like tiny attribute bonuses and things were more race/class bound it seems. Like some winged archer guy I had after maybe 2nd/3rd mission came in and become very useful compared to some other units.

Its not so much winning the battles that troubles me but is there something im missing? what makes units useful and what do I need to look out for in developing?

Shining Force 2

how easy was that

Advance Wars

I want my PS1 LUCT gameplay system back.

The only excuse they had for them is that is possible to get profit crafting end game gems.

But lol dude there are better ways to balance something without making it an awful experience.

>tfw NIS tried to bring a bit of the soul of Ogre back with Soul Nomad
>tfw it didn't even sell well enough to get a re-release, reprint, or PSP port

Well and truly dead.

I hated it. FFT had much more different mechanics and more tactical applications for those mechanics. It was just a bit convoluted in some ways.

Anyone here who enjoyed the story of KoL?

I can't be the only one.

Can we have a set of Nuztlock rule for Ogre Battle?


A better question is who the fuck calls Knight of Lodis 'KoL'. KoL is both Kingdom of Loathing and Kings of Leon already.

OB N64 game.

Jagged alliance 2 1.13.

That'll just get you killed in most situations.

That is what we called it back in the heydays of the internet on gamesfaq. These were the days.

Fucking hell. It's been what? Ten years?


Go for Archers, equip Bow weapon skill and every time a Strenghthen skill is available learn it.

Use 4 classes and you will never need to grind.

Unit utility is measured on base WT (different from all SRPGs like that Uniques are actually better than generic), stats, range and speed, Archer may be slow but their range is absurd and they can even fire outside the reported range with precision and insane damage.

I instinctively know Wizard, Archer, Ninja, and cleric are all the classes I need, but man I feel an urge to try out the new and fancy classes. My PS1 LUCT instincts are telling me to diversify.

Front Mission
You're horrifyingly outnumbered in pretty much every mission, and outgunned half the time to boot.